
My original plan was to build a W/U Gwafa Hazid control deck designed to survive long enough to get a hard lock from some enchantment combo. Somewhere along the way I stumbled upon Angus Mackenzie and realized I could just build W/U/G Enchantress. Generally the deck plays by keeping a soft lock going long enough until I get a Mirari's Wake or Omniscience into play and start drawing ten to fifty cards a turn and stumble into win condition.

The deck decisions -

LAND: Enough basic lands of each type to avoid being screwed by nonbasic land hate. All the necessary fetch/dual/filter lands. Reliquary Tower - No hand size is critical for when enchantress finally pops off. City of Brass - I like this card in Commander, but I really should replace it with a Command Tower. Serra's Sanctum - I need something in the deck to force my opponents to hold off on using land hate until absolutely necessary.

TUTORS/DRAW/RAMP/RECOVERY: Academy Rector, Eladamri's Call, Worldly Tutor, Wargate, Enlightened Tutor, Land Tax, Weathered Wayfarer, Scroll Rack - All staple tutors, plus a scroll rack to the get the most out of Land Tax and Weathered Wayfarer.

Knight of the White Orchid - A strong two-drop ramp for white. I considered originally running green ramp, but the first strike helps enough that I think I'll keep it in until someone convinces me otherwise.

Mirari's Wake, Burgeoning, Exploration, Rites of Flourishing, Omniscience - Land/mana ramp staples.

Enchantresses, Sylvan Library, Standstill, Library of Leng - The bulk of the draw engine, plus a few staples.

Attunement - I haven't seen anyone else running Attunement, but I find the synergy with Library of Leng + Omniscience + 2 or more enchantresses leads to infinite draws AND infinite discards back onto the top of your library. Giving you complete control of your hand and deck order and size.

Replenish, Sun Titan - Strong recovery staples.

Argivian Find - I love this recovery card but I rarely ever see anyone running it, which I think is a shame. I should probably replace it with one of green's more versatile recovery cards, but I generally have more white mana left open at the end of a turn and I like the one mana cost.

Hunting Ground - A wonderful turn 2 drop. People tend to forget it exists because of threshold, then BAM. Unfortunately I find myself often not getting much use of out it and usually just sideboard it out to deal with the meta.

DISRUPTION: Oblivion Ring, Journey to Nowhere, Pacifism, Arrest, Equilibrium - I enjoy finding ways to deal with commanders without giving them a chance to be replayed right away. The local rules I generally play with forbid shuffling an opponent's commander into their deck. To get around this these cards all work wonders.

Swords to Plowshares, Aura of Silence, Disenchant, Wrath of God, Cyclonic Rift - Good staple removal. Not great for dealing with commanders, but great for everything else.

Phyrexian Metamorph - A strong staple.

Ertai, Wizard Adept - A good counter engine, but I find if he comes into play too early he slows me down as much as my opponent. He often just gets sideboarded out to help fix the metagame.

FRUSTRATION ENGINE: Sterling Grove, Privileged Position, Greater Auramancy, Cloud Cover - The shroud engine to keep the targeted destruction at bay.

Energy Field, Wheel of Sun and Moon, Rest In Peace, Samurai of the Pale Curtain - Energy Field plus any of the other three offers a soft lock. Without energy field that act as powerful GYH or recovery. There's also some nice synergy with Library of Leng.

Ground Seal - Strong GYH (especially against my own Adun Oakenshield deck), plus cantrip feature is great.

Windborn Muse, Story Circle, Island Sanctuary, Fatespinner - Good pillow staples. I prefer Windborn muse to Ghostly Prison on the off chance I need a chump blocker. However, I think I might ultimately replace Island Sanctuary and/or Story Circle with GP or Propaganda.

Grand Arbiter - A nice one-sided defense against counterspells that lets you fire off Ertai or Angus.

Land Equilibrium, Armageddon - Land hate. but doubles as a win condition (Armageddon, Land Equilibrium, Omniscience).

WIN CONDITIONS: Stormtide Leviathan, Blazing Archon - Both of these provide a strong one-sided combat lockdown.

Morphling - I love superman and he makes a great defender against any flyers that might make it over an Islandlock.

Avacyn, Angel of Hope - I've yet to lose a game where Avacyn hits the table.

Azor's Elocutors - A great alternate win condition when your opponent it trapped in a soft lock but out of the range of your beaters.

Mirror-Sigil Sergeant - A few turns of a lockdown and the Sergeant leaves you in control of the field.

Sigil of the Empty Throne - The obvious enchantress win, flying right over Stormtide and giving you a strong defense against enemy fliers until then.

SIDEBOARD: City of Solitude, Nature's Wrath, Llawan, Cephalid Empress, Dovescape, Vernal Equinox - Meta-hate aimed at the mono-blue counterspell deck my friend runs.

Guile - I don't know why this is in here other than that I have one and I want to put it somewhere. Works well with ertai as a lock.

Humility, Gwafa Hazid, Runed Halo - In here to stop a Rafiq of the Many my friend runs.

Wall of Shard, Monk Idealist, Frozen Aether, Karmic Justice - For flexibility when I need it.

Mana Vortex - Additional land hate to deal with ramp.

Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur - I really like this card and I really want to keep in the deck, but I'm have doubts as to how effective it really is. It has some great synergy with Omniscience and the Enchantresses, but I'm not sure if it justifies itself.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 6 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

65 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 2.94
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Food, Spirit Cleric */* W
Folders Powerhouse EDH
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