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Paint the Town Red... or whatever color you like

Commander / EDH Control Enchant Enchantment GWU (Bant) Stax Voltron



Enchantment (3)

Creature (1)


Update I (20.11.2023) Hewston we might have Problem here

I just now realized that some Color Changers only last until end of turn, which is quite a Bummer and Trait Doctoring is rendered pretty much useless as it's only Sorcery Speed. So it is removed and gets replaced by Moonlace for now

Swapped Founding the Third Path and Gadwick's First Duel for Kaho, Minamo Historian and Llawan, Cephalid Empress

Update II (22.11.2023) More Interesting cards

Cut Flickering Ward and Pentarch Ward for Absolute Law and Absolute Grace

Update II (11.12.2023) Exchanged generic Interaction with Defensive Value Cards

Cut: Banishment, Cast Out, Prayer of Binding and Rampant Growth added: Carpet of Flowers, Ghostly Prison, Propaganda and card: Sphere of savety

Paint the Town Red... or whatever color you like

I have pondered on and off for years, trying to put a Deck together that makes use of the old color hate Cards as none of the Decks I found online where satisfying. I love tinkering with Deck lists and playing with cards that don't often find a home and finally I think I found a good brew. I would love to hear suggestions, criticism and your general opinion on this. Im always looking into possible hidden synergies like Tuvasa's Merfolk Creature type and stuff and I hope to get some tips here :)

The deck is very budget, so cards like Isochron Scepter and Painter's Servant would all fit well, but will be excluded due to their price tags. At least for now, until I know how fun this deck is to play.

Deck Idea

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What Colors do we play?

This idea took whole circles from Mono Blue, to five color and everything in between. But now I settled on Bant because the idea turned out to be a bit clunky no matter what and Bant has some good Value in Ramp and Card draw to make up for this.

The old Color hate cards provide a good base for a Staxy control deck and can completely blow out opponents... if you can hit their colors. Luckily there a quite a few cards that let you do this! There are 7 Cards in this deck, and they are all blue. So blue is the most important Color and can't be cut. (I also love to say this Deck is blue but doesn't include any Counterspells... Which is technically true isn't it? haha)

Glamerdye and Whim of Volrath are the best at this job as they are reusable.

When building my previous ideas I realised that most of these effects are on enchantments, and that generally it can be quite clunky and give you card disadvantage to cast a color hate card + change it's color. Thus I needed some way get more VALUE out of this. Also I want to win the game in the end and need to account for that too. What a hustle... But there is an answer: Tuvasa the Sunlit checks both boxes while adding really good support colors!

She comes into play early and gives Value in form of cards to keep you going, while killing opponents with commander damage later. Every Enchantment makes her stronger and cards like Ethereal Armor can surprise kill anyone.

So Bant it is!

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I evaluate these cards based on Meta, as their initial value is very dependent on what is on the table. What decks do they hit when initially cast, and how much are they worth to be color changed.

Chill: Stops red aggro decks by itself if played early.

Color Change: Potentially taxes the whole table for a LOT.

Circle of Protection: Black and Circle of Protection: Red: Included for now because they are fun, fit the theme and I don't want to make another deck of mine run Propaganda and Ghostly Prison. I don't value them very high in terms of power but I will test them nonetheless. I included Red and Black as they are the most aggro colors. Maybe Green is better because they usually have big creatures. Who knows.

Color Change: Protect you from the colors of the biggest threats.

Compost: Does not really do that much early on, but depending on how many aristocrat decks are in your meta this card has real potential.

Color Change: Increase likely hood of triggering by a ton and boy oh boy if someone wants to play mill.

Douse: High initial Cost for nothing, hitting red initially is not the best for this.

Color Change: Can lock a player completely out of the game if necessary. In a late game 1v1 this can potentially counter anything they play while Tuvasa goes in for the damage.

Dream Tides: This slows EVERYONE which is perfect for us. Tuvasa doesn't untap anymore but hey she still provides Card advantage.

Color Change: get rid of green so Tuvasa untaps and as we only really need to untap her this never costs us more than 2 per turn. Also lock out another color from untapping completely. As Tuvasa is 3 Colors we need to be careful as White or Blue are also bad for her.

Glaciers: Not directly a Color Changer, but we have ways to alter land types as well. This is our version of blood moon.

Landtype Change: Mono Color Decks will shiver when they see this.

High Seas: Red and green are good hits, especially if you got some elves and goblins in your playgroup. This deck doesn't play a lot of creatures, so the tax on green is not even bad.

Color Change: Tax the decks that are most represented color wise or want to play a lot of small creatures.

Insight: When this comes early, green is usually a great color to hit as we can benefit from most ramp spells.

Color Change: Tax the deck with the most cantrippy play style to draw a bunch of cards

Justice: Again we hit the red decks with this which is perfect for this kind of card. It triggers not only when we are dealt damage but for anyone! Sadly, this doesn't protect us from getting killed instantly as to how the stack and players leaving the game works, but still a good incentive for player to keep things slow.

Color Change: If we only have one blue mana up, everyone needs to be on their heels for an instant blow out when they deal damage.

Lifeforce: Very green intensive and slow. Hitting black is ok though.

Color Change: A more clunky Douse in my opinion. Will see how it plays.

Light of Day: Helps survive against Creature Decks. Green or red would be better, but black is alright.

Color Change: A complete attack and block lock on the most creature heavy color on the table. Can also help make Tuvasa unblockable.

Nature's Wrath: Expensive but hits two colors. Blue is a bit awkward though.

Color Change: Get rid of the blue taxing and make it the best color instead. This really starts to hurt when a player casts a lot of two colored spells as Nature's Wrath will trigger twice in that case. Also Token Decks hate this, as they essentially can't develop their boards anymore.

card:Reclemation: Another Card to keep us from getting killed. Hitting Black is ok as most black decks don't have plenty of lands in play.

Color Change: The most dangerous Color among Creature based decks at the table will be taxed hard for attacking.

Sphere of Law: Potential Save from red Aggro. There is one for each color, so choose the one that is most likely to deal small instances of damage to you in your playgroup. I don't rate this very Strong but as I mentioned I don't really want to include Propaganda or Ghostly Prison.

Color Change: The wheenie, burn or small token deck please.

Thelon's Curse: Nice Stax piece to slow the game. We can pay blue no problem and don't have lots of creatures anyways. Other than that blue is the worst color to hit initially.

Color Change: What? Your White/Black/Red/Green deck does not have access to blue mana? How sad, looks like you're not untapping for a while.

Tidal Control: This card is Madness. Hits green which is not the best. Cumulative upkeep is a bummer of course but hey, countering a spell for 2 life sounds fun doesn't it?

Color Change: Get rid of green and make it black if the table allows and enjoy the Chaos.

Wrath of Marit Lage: Red doesn't get a break. Shuts them down pretty good. 5 Mana is a lot but this is another potential lock piece.

Color Change: Most Dangerous Color doesn't untap anymore.

Southern Paladin: Red is the most played color in my playgroup. But there is also one that natively hits Black permanents.

Color Change: Gets rid of anything that is not colorless.

Order of the Sacred Torch: Black is ok. A bit slow, but with the investment we can counter spells in later turns, basically for free.

Color Change: Tap to counter any spell is very juicy.

Llawan, Cephalid Empress: Blue is not the best color to hit, but it also doesn't affect us.

Color Change: Most played Color at the Table wont get to cast creatures anymore.

Absolute Law and Absolute Grace: Protect from the Most removal Heavy Colors. Affects All creatures on the board and incentivises to attack as some creatures can't block anymore.

Color Change: Adjust as needed to be unblockable and so on

Carpet of Flowers: Mana for us

Color Change: More Mana for us

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These are Cards that do something with the color theme but are not as direct as the above mentioned Cards

Swirl the Mists: This card has the potential to turn any game to win when taking out the right players. Leave the one with the least colors alive while swinging with Tuvasa to kill the others, then change all our effects to their color and hope thats stops them from doing anything.

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails: Great at getting Tuvasa out of our own lock pieces if we want to keep it at one of her colors and just make her white. Also protects her and makes her unblockable.

Moonlace: This can make Tuvasa not suffer from any of the negative effects our Stax pieces provide.

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With Tuvasa we have card draw available from the command zone which is always nice. This deck doubles down on Enchantment based draw, as it gets triggered very reliably and has some really good and inexpensive engines at it's disposal.

Eidolon of Blossoms, Mesa Enchantress, Satyr Enchanter, Sythis, Harvest's Hand, Enchantress's Presence: All draw on enchantment casts which we got more than 40 of in the deck. Nice!

Enchantment Based Ramp lets us draw Cards. Yay!

card:Abundand Growth: Mana Fixing for easy turn 3 Tuvasa and is essentially a Cantrip

Dawn's Reflection and Fertile Ground and Market Festival and Overgrowth and Utopia Sprawl: Quite Expensive but with the potential to effectively cost less Mana if the enchanted land can be tapped immediately.

Font of Fertility: Expensive but it's an enchantment. Can be a one mana cantrip that buffs tuvasa in the worst case

Khalni Heart Expedition: Good Value when it Cracks.

Omen of the Hunt: Expensive but can trigger Tuvasa on an opponents turn with flash, so we draw an extra card which is neat.

The Weatherseed Treaty: Expensive, but kind of Plays in the Voltron Style.

Starfield Mystic, Herald of the Pantheon, Jukai Naturalist: Cost reduction on Cards that replace themselves most of the time? Yes, please!

Sanctum Weaver: Potentially taps for a lot of Mana.

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We have some interaction in form of color effects, generic interaction is cut completely for now

Cards that support synergies in this deck but don't quite fit in any other categories.

Kaho, Minamo Historian: This gets us to tutor and use our Color Changers multiple times. Defensive Wall of Propaganda, Ghostly Prison and Sphere of Safety

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Each enchantment makes Tuvasa Bigger anyway, but here are some cards to get her through to deal damage and make her surprisingly big really fast.

All That Glitters, Ethereal Armor, Michiko's Reign of Truth  : Nearly doubles Tuvasas Power and makes her hit really hard.

Benevolent Blessing, Cho-Manno's Blessing: Protection as well as Evasion. It also triggers Tuvasa on opponents turns for even more Card draw!


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