Three Wishes

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Three Wishes


Exile the top three cards of your library face down. You may look at those cards as long as they remain exiled. Until your next turn, you may play those cards. At the beginning of your next upkeep, put any of those cards you didn't play into your graveyard.

RiotRunner789 on Stop picking lands on a …

1 month ago

You could play spells meant to pull a bunch of lands out of the deck such as Nylea's Intervention or anything similiar.

You could also try tutoring for Abundance but in monogreen, your only option might be Three Wishes which isn't good.

jamesmac42 on Pain-Harm-onicon Wulfar Value

3 years ago

ValiWolf Hey, that’s funny, we almost built the same deck!

If anything, I would recommend more ramp. You’re gonna want it, trust me. Radha, Heir to Keld is a great dork for this deck, with a helpful attack trigger to boot. Three Wishes and Nature's Lore can grab Cinder Glade and Stomping Ground .

Purely my preference, but given the choice, I would slot Lifecrafter's Bestiary over Bow of Nylea . I also kept the Shamanic Revelation from the pre-con – that’s one card that’s never disappointed me.

I’d encourage you to play around and see what works!

Coletrain69 on Grixis Spellslinger EDH

3 years ago

Ponder might not be a bad idea and I have a few of them, Gitaxian Probe is also decent for knowing when to save a counter spell and I think I have one of those as well. Three Wishes is a really interesting card that I think would be a lot more fun in commander; I have a couple. Frantic Search might also be decent if you don't like what's in your hand. Cyclonic Rift is also really good and despite it being expensive I'm pretty sure we own one. Talrand, Sky Summoner is also a classic for this kind of deck, and there's also Murmuring Mystic . One of my favs that I think would work really well is The Locust God . Jace's Archivist is really interesting as well and can help you if you're top decking and hurt everyone else, another great option for the same thing is Whispering Madness . Torrential Gearhulk might be slightly pricey but he matches well with what you're doing. Lim-Dul's Vault is also super handy and can be pretty zaney especially for it being cheap. Disallow is pretty crazy too for blocking activated abilities. Bolas's Citadel is also worth looking at. Cursed Totem is really expensive but would also be CRAZY in this deck. Also check out Propaganda .

As far as removal goes, Go for the Throat is always a good option.There's also Slaughter Pact and Force of Despair . Preemptive removal like Sadistic Sacrament would be a great idea as well. Decree of Pain is good but it's mana cost is kind of high; Life's Finale is an equally viable card. Unsommon is super cheap, Boomerang , Undo , Snap , do more or less the same thing.

pskinn01 on Budget VS $$$$

3 years ago

They are both great in the right decks. But I'd streamline the deck before spending the money for them - IMHO.

By streamlining a deck i mean the following:

  • your deck is focused on what it wants to do. With maybe one sub theme (two if they all overlap). If your deck doesn't have a focus (even if it's a for fun deck), it won't work as intended.

  • have your mana base set up to perform consistently. You need to hit all your color requirements early - by ramp/fixings. This can be done with higher end lands such as shock and fetches, but also low casting cost ramp such as the signet, talismans, Three Wishes, birds of paradise, etc. If you come to turn 4/5 and are missing a color, you're not gonna win. In most decks ramp that cost 3 or more is not gonna work as well. Chromatic Lantern being one of the exceptions for budget reasons.

  • drop your average converted mana cost. Doing this makes your deck run quicker in early game, which means there will be less hands were you don't have a play due to not having enough mana. Below 3.5 without counting lands is a good goal. Now there are decks that run great on higher, but they are going to be running a lot of ramp in order to play them, or have ways of cheating them into play. In those decks the below 3.5 rule won't apply. And depending on your play group, under 3 might be the goal. The lower to the ground the deck is, the easier it is to play multiple spells each turn. Whether they advance your board or slow your opponents down, your odds of winning increase with the more good cost efficient spells you can cast.

I say the above is my opinion based on average decks. Budget decks can win games against non budget decks, they just need interaction such as counter spells, spot removal, and board wipes. And all decks need card draw in abundance, I've see too many decks that don't run enough card draw. 6 or more card advantage cards (cards that will more than just replace the card that you just played). And I prefer repeatable card draw like Greed to most one time burst spells like Stroke of Genius. But burst spells have their place also.

With all rules in magic, there are exceptions to any deck building rules (suggestion).

dingusdingo on [[Primer v1.0]]-Omnath, the Angry Wet Jelly Bean!

5 years ago

A lot of my experience is in competitive formats as well as some high-powered EDH, where games last 3-7 turns or so before someone combos out to win. A lot of my advice comes from that perspective, where you need to make a strong impact by turn 3 or risk losing! Casual commander is pretty fun too, but my meta has weaponized itself.

When comparing cards, I find its pretty helpful to list their stats side by side, because they aren't exactly the same but fill similar roles

Pyroclasm vs. Blasphemous Act

  • Always 2 CMC vs somewhere between 1 and 8 CMC (you're not casting it unless there's 1 critter on board lol)
  • Wipes small creatures vs wipes the entire board
  • Same timing restrictions, same color, both deal damage to remove

The reason I prefer Pyroclasm is because the cost is always guaranteed to be 2, which is highly playable for removal. As metas get more competitive, they tend to run lower CMC spells, including creatures. You see a lot of 1 mana drop elves (llanowar, fyndhorn, deepshadow, avacyns pilgrim, birds, deathrite shaman, etc.) that can be wiped by Pyroclasm. You also see a lot of creatures with strong hate abilities that can be killed by pyroclasm too, like Hushwing Gryff Aven Mindcensor Notion Thief Collector Ouphe and more. Pyroclasm is strong at removing all the supporting creatures that lock down the board or accelerate opponents to wins.

Its very easy to trade a pyroclasm for 3 of your opponents creatures in the first couple turns. Getting that 3 for 1 is card advantage for you, because you've removed 3 while only spending 1. Blasphemous Act does the same thing, but against 3 creatures on the board it would cost 6 mana to cast, versus just 2 for pyroclasm. Blasphact certainly scales better with more creatures, and its more likely to kill a whole board, so there's trade offs. Also worth noting that Pyro will snag about 50% of commanders, but that number lowers in casual play (bigger pool of playable commanders in casual, more have higher toughness) I would choose to run Pyroclasm in the majority of cases too.

We can do the same thing with Greenwarden and Ewit too

Eternal Witness vs. Greenwarden of Murasa

  • 3 CMC vs. 6 CMC
  • Non-tribe vs. Tribal (relevant for tutoring, cost reducing, triggered/activated effects)
  • Recurs on ETB vs. Recurs on ETB and exile from GY (niche but relevant)
  • Bad beater vs. Pretty good beater

Again, I personally like Ewit better. There is no denying that Greenwarden is in tribe and has the extra effect, but I think the lower CMC is way more important. It means that you can play it for value during your early turns to recur a powerful spell. It also lets you generate a value engine sooner with Ghostly Flicker or Displace (you bounce ewit and something else, use ewit to get the flicker back), but honestly you could just run both. Recursion is strong enough and they're both pretty good cards! They are also great when you up the tutor density, because it lets you get more mileage from them.

As far as ramp goes, I want to give you a new perspective on how to look at it. Your goal is to play your commander as fast as possible so you can start using its abilities (pretty common for a lot of decks). There are certain pieces of ramp that get you your commander a turn before you would get them with others.

For example, if you play a land on turn 1 2 and 3, and a piece of ramp on turn 1 or 2, you get a turn 3 commander.

Some of them even can tap for mana when they come in, letting you play other stuff too. Its also worth noting that a ramp piece on turn 1 AND 2 means you get a turn 3 commander before you play your land drop, which lets you get a landfall trigger immediately.

That isn't to say that Cultivate etc. are bad cards. But a cultivate turn 3 means a turn 4 commander, which would be possible with simple land drops turns 1-4. On the other hand, they give you a land to hand too, which helps guarantee more landfall triggers and also thins deck for better draws. In fact, I would just run more ramp pieces in general, so keep the ones you have and add in the talismans and rampant growth + variants and I'd say you're set!

Heroic Intervention is great in decks that can't run counterspells, basically decks without blue. In 90% of cases, you're going to use this as a counterspell, but the other 10% are dodging damage from creatures on the board (or abilities) or possibly using it to protect creatures while you're attacking. I think that a counterspell gives greater versatility overall, because you may also want to stop something that doesn't just target creatures, a la Winter Orb or Static Orb .

Release to the Wind has a lot of versatility. It can remove problem permanents for basically a turn, which can help greatly. Spot removal like Pongify outperforms it in terms of CMC and the guaranteed removal. Release to the Wind also lets you reuse ETB abilities of your own permanents, but this is rather expensive as you're paying the cost of the permanent + 3, whereas Ghostly Flicker is guaranteed to get the ETB effect for always 3 CMC. Release also lets you protect your own stuff from removal and exile, but once again, rather expensive. Its better on cheaper permanents for sure. It has an insane amount of flexibility for what it does though, which makes it worth a consider. I wouldn't run it but am not against the card being run.

Oh, also check out Brighthearth Banneret Cosi's Ravager Nova Chaser SKullmuncher Tideforce Elemental Tunnel Ignus Young Pyromancer Budoka Gardener Rakka Mar

iiTzSeb on Urza Power Scepter

5 years ago

Three Wishes might not be bad since it's relatively low on the curve and offers good value

Ubbo_Sathla on

6 years ago

Braingeyser might be too powerful. It's rarely a quick boost, and it causes massive late game swings.

Inspiration is in for testing. Maybe Dream Cache or Three Wishes?

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