Rakka Mar
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rakka Mar

Legendary Creature — Human Shaman


{{R}}, Tap: Put a 3/1 red Elemental creature token with haste onto the battlefield.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Pyretic Hunter
Greater Forgeling
Skoa, Embermage
Rebellion of the Flamekin
Flame Elemental
Pardic Firecat

dingusdingo on [[Primer v1.0]]-Omnath, the Angry Wet Jelly Bean!

5 years ago

A lot of my experience is in competitive formats as well as some high-powered EDH, where games last 3-7 turns or so before someone combos out to win. A lot of my advice comes from that perspective, where you need to make a strong impact by turn 3 or risk losing! Casual commander is pretty fun too, but my meta has weaponized itself.

When comparing cards, I find its pretty helpful to list their stats side by side, because they aren't exactly the same but fill similar roles

Pyroclasm vs. Blasphemous Act

  • Always 2 CMC vs somewhere between 1 and 8 CMC (you're not casting it unless there's 1 critter on board lol)
  • Wipes small creatures vs wipes the entire board
  • Same timing restrictions, same color, both deal damage to remove

The reason I prefer Pyroclasm is because the cost is always guaranteed to be 2, which is highly playable for removal. As metas get more competitive, they tend to run lower CMC spells, including creatures. You see a lot of 1 mana drop elves (llanowar, fyndhorn, deepshadow, avacyns pilgrim, birds, deathrite shaman, etc.) that can be wiped by Pyroclasm. You also see a lot of creatures with strong hate abilities that can be killed by pyroclasm too, like Hushwing Gryff Aven Mindcensor Notion Thief Collector Ouphe and more. Pyroclasm is strong at removing all the supporting creatures that lock down the board or accelerate opponents to wins.

Its very easy to trade a pyroclasm for 3 of your opponents creatures in the first couple turns. Getting that 3 for 1 is card advantage for you, because you've removed 3 while only spending 1. Blasphemous Act does the same thing, but against 3 creatures on the board it would cost 6 mana to cast, versus just 2 for pyroclasm. Blasphact certainly scales better with more creatures, and its more likely to kill a whole board, so there's trade offs. Also worth noting that Pyro will snag about 50% of commanders, but that number lowers in casual play (bigger pool of playable commanders in casual, more have higher toughness) I would choose to run Pyroclasm in the majority of cases too.

We can do the same thing with Greenwarden and Ewit too

Eternal Witness vs. Greenwarden of Murasa

  • 3 CMC vs. 6 CMC
  • Non-tribe vs. Tribal (relevant for tutoring, cost reducing, triggered/activated effects)
  • Recurs on ETB vs. Recurs on ETB and exile from GY (niche but relevant)
  • Bad beater vs. Pretty good beater

Again, I personally like Ewit better. There is no denying that Greenwarden is in tribe and has the extra effect, but I think the lower CMC is way more important. It means that you can play it for value during your early turns to recur a powerful spell. It also lets you generate a value engine sooner with Ghostly Flicker or Displace (you bounce ewit and something else, use ewit to get the flicker back), but honestly you could just run both. Recursion is strong enough and they're both pretty good cards! They are also great when you up the tutor density, because it lets you get more mileage from them.

As far as ramp goes, I want to give you a new perspective on how to look at it. Your goal is to play your commander as fast as possible so you can start using its abilities (pretty common for a lot of decks). There are certain pieces of ramp that get you your commander a turn before you would get them with others.

For example, if you play a land on turn 1 2 and 3, and a piece of ramp on turn 1 or 2, you get a turn 3 commander.

Some of them even can tap for mana when they come in, letting you play other stuff too. Its also worth noting that a ramp piece on turn 1 AND 2 means you get a turn 3 commander before you play your land drop, which lets you get a landfall trigger immediately.

That isn't to say that Cultivate etc. are bad cards. But a cultivate turn 3 means a turn 4 commander, which would be possible with simple land drops turns 1-4. On the other hand, they give you a land to hand too, which helps guarantee more landfall triggers and also thins deck for better draws. In fact, I would just run more ramp pieces in general, so keep the ones you have and add in the talismans and rampant growth + variants and I'd say you're set!

Heroic Intervention is great in decks that can't run counterspells, basically decks without blue. In 90% of cases, you're going to use this as a counterspell, but the other 10% are dodging damage from creatures on the board (or abilities) or possibly using it to protect creatures while you're attacking. I think that a counterspell gives greater versatility overall, because you may also want to stop something that doesn't just target creatures, a la Winter Orb or Static Orb .

Release to the Wind has a lot of versatility. It can remove problem permanents for basically a turn, which can help greatly. Spot removal like Pongify outperforms it in terms of CMC and the guaranteed removal. Release to the Wind also lets you reuse ETB abilities of your own permanents, but this is rather expensive as you're paying the cost of the permanent + 3, whereas Ghostly Flicker is guaranteed to get the ETB effect for always 3 CMC. Release also lets you protect your own stuff from removal and exile, but once again, rather expensive. Its better on cheaper permanents for sure. It has an insane amount of flexibility for what it does though, which makes it worth a consider. I wouldn't run it but am not against the card being run.

Oh, also check out Brighthearth Banneret Cosi's Ravager Nova Chaser SKullmuncher Tideforce Elemental Tunnel Ignus Young Pyromancer Budoka Gardener Rakka Mar

Rahvin2015 on Draconic Overlord

5 years ago

Doomsday is in, but the Lab Man pile is out.

Ordering a few more foils. Looking to increase the creature presence, and I need to ensure I still have viable DD piles for the Dramatic Scepter win. Fortunately I only need to draw a total of 3 cards, not 6 like with Lab Man.

I'm getting the Invocation Consecrated Sphinx and The Locust God . The God in particular should give me a lot of nice flying blockers (and attackers if needed). Also, obvious flavor win.

Thief of Sanity is in. Evasive cheap body, and his ability lets me steal a card from hand and cast it myself. Total Nicol Bolas play. Similarly, I'm getting foils of Stolen Strategy , Etali, Primal Storm , Grenzo, Havoc Raiser , and Fiend of the Shadows . Not everything will likely go in, but they're all pretty on-theme.

Rakka Mar is in for the Bolas flavor text and board presence.

I'd also really like to add Tezzeret, Artifice Master . Makes flying blockers and draws cards, and if he gets his Ultimate it's an immediate Omniscience. No real downside, and he is a slave to Bolas, after all.

I'm running a risk of making the average CMC too high. The early game is rough unless I specifically have good defenses in hand.

More suggestions welcome.

carpecanum on Purphoros' Token Forge

5 years ago

for the three cards suggested I would probably take out Rakka Mar , Experimental Frenzy and Mirror March . Also maybe take out Forgotten Cave and put in Mogg Infestation . You can wipe your opponent or turn all of your creatures except your indestructible boss into 2 goblins each.

Rahvin2015 on Draconic Overlord

5 years ago

Again I'm considering removing the Doomsday package. In its place I'm considering:

  • Gwendlyn Di Corci - she provides extra discard, and the card discarded is random. Lack of a foil option is disappointing, but Reserve List should be enough bling.

  • Rakka Mar - as suggested by Deadpoo111, this is flavorful and can help build a board for pressuring life totals or just some defenses.

Jaypay1994 on This is The turn That Never Ends

5 years ago

Have you considered Rakka Mar for for the Breath of Fury combo? Tap to spawn a 3/1 token with haste. Seems like you could just make that go forever. Though, I can it not going due to Sidar's restriction.

Deadpoo111 on Draconic Overlord

5 years ago

I would highly suggest Rakka Mar she provides blockers and board pressure. She was Bolas' minion on the jund shard of alara


5 years ago

Making cuts in mono-red has been the hardest for me out of the decks I play. I personally just couldn't get a lot out of Vedalken Orrery in my group. Since your list has the tools to get attackers through consistently and relies on doing so, maybe creatures like Rakka Mar and Stigma Lasher are good fits as well? Your list has reminded me of many useful cards for my Etali list like Dolmen Gate and Berserkers' Onslaught so I'm super excited to revisit it. Thanks for sharing it :D

Keepper on Gorgeous Girls Deck(list)

5 years ago

@ Jaypay1994

added Rakka Mar and Vicious Shadows , good catches

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