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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Tendershoot Dryad
Creature — Dryad
Ascend (If you control ten or more permanents, you get the city's blessing for the rest of the game.)
At the beginning of each upkeep, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.
Saprolings you control have +2/+2 as long as you have the city's blessing.

Flarhoon13 on
Blim's Blumpkins
2 months ago
Finally!!! Lost one, won one yesterday evening! Let's talk about the win. I attacked turn 4 with Blim, Comedic Genius, gifting Francois, on Gyrus, Waker of Corpses, an Oni Possession. Blim, Comedic Genius never attacked again, even though I cast him for 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mana. Later in the game, I cast a Sorcerous Spyglass and found an infinite combo in Aubrey's large grip... Exquisite Blood and Enduring Tenacity. Seeing that, I decided not to name Francois' Chainsaw nor his Lightning Greaves. Instead, I named Blighted Fen, which never seemed to matter.
Francois used Gyrus, Waker of Corpses to kill Aubrey, sending exactly enough to get 5 damage through, past his only creature, Athreos, God of Passage. I had a Tormod's Crypt out but never used it.
On my penultimate turn, at 6 life, I cast a Nefarious Lich and a Chain Reaction, taking out Tendershoot Dryad and The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride. I had about 9 cards in the yard, including AEther Flash, which had killed a Blood Artist and did a lot of work this game. A Demonic Collusion had found me a Blasphemous Act, which eventually took out Aubrey's Valgavoth, Terror Eater and several other blockers to allow Francois' kill shot on him. Auren was able to kill Francois. Auren passed turn to me while he was tapped out at 1 life with 5 tapped food, Night of the Sweets' Revenge in his graveyard, and his commander, Ygra, Eater of All making all creatures into delicious morsels. I made the ultimate top deck: Greed's Gambit. This allowed me to draw 9 cards with Nefarious Lich out. Among those nine was a Dark Petition which found me an Earthquake for the win. Finally!! Earthquake for 3 finally was enough to win the game.
Tsukimi on Eda, Mother of the Lost
8 months ago
Crow_Umbra This is the fun of token copy shenanigans! So many cards that get fun with lifegain, Ocelot Pride, Crested Sunmare, or even things like Attended Healer with Bennie Bracks, Zoologist or Wolverine Riders, Tendershoot Dryad etc. if your goal is to go real wide. And that's before we talk about other fun Myriad, Embalm, or copy cards.
I am realizing I need to wait to the official rules release but if I am reading this right then I should be able to cast clone cards with offspring, allowing to me to be really versatile in my copy token targets. This has always been my favorite part of the deck, it always feels new to play because its versatile and will always be different based on what friends are at the table are running.
I do like the populate I am just hoping it doesn't seem too OP or overly customized to the table so I figured before I deep dive deck building I'd see if anyone else had any ideas (:
-- Seeing your second comment Faerie Artisans are the OG powerhouse of the populate deck because they stick around when they're made with populate! I love the card and ability, but it is definitely one my table has learned to groan at on sight so if my commander had a similar ability I think I'd get some sideye haha.
I definitely like the timing/restriction idea for either ability. I kind of saw populate as the kids sticking around and helping her around the house/with the younger kids. Any thoughts on restrictions for offspring? Only on my turn seems kind of uninspired but it was my first thought
Ritz385 on
I'm Nemata and I Kill For the Trees
10 months ago
The first card I thought of that you may want to include is Tendershoot Dryad, although it's pretty pricy. Since this is a deck that makes tokens and wants to kill opponents' creatures, I also think Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos would be good includes, although extremely annoying for others to deal with. If you want any win-condition cards, something like Overrun, Beastmaster Ascension, or even the overplayed Craterhoof Behemoth could cut it.
UnleashedHavok on
1 year ago
I like the cards you have here! Great stuff so far. I have several questions and suggestions:
- I know these are the cards you have on hand, but is money a factor so far as buying additional cards? If not, I would highly recommend a Tendershoot Dryad. It will pair well with your Sporecrown Thallid, Verdeloth the Ancient, Nemata, Grove Guardian and Verdant Force. These cards are a pretty solid core for the deck. Now start looking for ways to tutor them. Worldly Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Grim Tutor..... we are in fantastic colors for tutoring the cards you need.
- After building the core of your deck and what you want it to do, I like to add support and utility cards. I love Viconia, Drow Apostle, Shadowheart, Dark Justiciar, Rankle, Master of Pranks, and Loyal Guardian for this purpose! Might I recommend a Thunderfoot Baloth to pair with your Guardian?
- Cut your land count down to 37 - 40, then playtest and see how it feels
- Play to your commander's strength. I am working on a budget version (less than $80) of The Mycotyrant myself, and will be playing Cemetery Tampering, Crawling Infestation, and Crawling Sensation. One of the things I try to do is build a deck that functions well without the commander on the board so I am not completely hosed when they are removed. I like all 3 of these enchantments because I am not in danger of decking myself, and if the commander is not on the field I do not have to mill. I talk about milling, because it plays to The Mycotyrant's strength as a commander. We will see if I still want all 3 enchantments in the deck after I build it and see it in action, hopefully soon.
- If you decide to lean into milling yourself and sacrificing creatures like I have for my deck, I would recommend stepping away from non-creature spells and do your removal in creature form. I currently only have a total of 7 sorceries and instants in my deck, so as I mill myself I am more guaranteed to hit permanent cards. Remember that The Mycotyrant cares about permanent cards in your graveyard, so sacrificing your tokens will not contribute to its descend mechanic.
- To follow along the vein of previous suggestion, invest in some free sac outlets: Greater Good, Altar of Dementia (target yourself to capitalize on commander ability at your end step)
I think that's all I have for the moment...... let me know if you have any questions! Here is my work in progress Budget Mycotyrant
DreadKhan on
Vileroot army (fungus token)
1 year ago
If you want to be able to cast an 8 drop, you probably want over 30 lands iirc? 16 lands is actually less than people run in Burn decks, and Burn decks in Legacy are built around casting Lightning Bolt variants over and over (most of the time), your deck has lots of 4 and 5 drops, (which would require a land count of ~24-26), and it has those 2 8 drops. For example, at 16 lands you can 'expect' to see ~4 lands after drawing 15 cards (which is when you'd generally cast an 8 drop), if you have 32 lands in 60 cards you'll see ~8. You can also run some ramp, but I wouldn't run less than 22 lands with that many 4 and 5 drops.
An alternative to just running lands is ramp, and ramp can also serve as mana fixing (Green ramp sources can often produce other colours of mana as desired), your deck uses 3 colours of mana technically, you probably want something like Undercellar Myconid and Utopia Mycon.
Not sure it's better than Fungal Plots, but Night Soil can remove creatures from your opponent's graveyard or yours, but both have to come from the same one.
If you have some extra budget space there are options like Tendershoot Dryad or Blossoming Bogbeast, Bogbeast is a much better buff while Tendershoot offers tokens and a worse buff, not sure which is really better here. Bogbeast will synergize with any additional life gain, so you could throw a Primal Command to play before your Bogbeast swings/tutor for a creature/remove a permanent/deal with a graveyard, it's a really, really versatile card.
It looks like you're at 62 cards, most Legacy decks are pretty strict about 60 cards, it's a pretty cutthroat format (some people categorize decks that use Legacy cards as Casual, more decks can 'compete' at a Casual table) and you need to draw key cards.
Final point, you probably want more 1 drops, if it's not too much of a hassle you run 1 mana dorks like Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic or Fyndhorn Elves, any of these can speed your deck up a bit while offering you a card to play turn 1. Legacy isn't really the best place to have unspent mana!
thesilentpyro on
Chatterfang's Nuthouse of Cards
1 year ago
- Fae Offering
++ Introduces a fun little minigame. ++ Exciting with Academy Manufactor
-- Unable to trigger on opponents' turns without flash creatures, but that's minor - Victimize
++ Pet reanimation spell, fantastic with with tokens - Invasion of Ikoria
Flip (+ maybe Vampire Hexmage)
-- Can't fetch amazing humans (Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, Species Specialist, Eternal Witness, Pitiless Plunderer, Jaheira, Friend of the Forest)
++ Less salt-inducing wincon than Natural Order->Craterhoof Behemoth or a giant Finale of Devastation
++ Battles are a fun minigame when not fetching Hexmage
-- Hexmage is lackluster on its own
-- Not as guaranteed of a win condition as a big Finale
-- The Invasion being a permanent opens it up to removal before it flips - Llanowar Elves et al
++ Get Chatterfang out on turn 2 to start going ham sooner - Nested Shambler back in
++ BB to double your squirrel count still seems good - Force of Vigor
++ Creature spot removal is shored up by Chatterfang and all other removal spells hit creatures, so might be reasonable to have this not
++ Probably better in-slot than Binding the Old Gods
Potential cuts:
- Craterhoof Behemoth
== If Invasion of Ikoria Flip goes in
++ Cutting makes Natural Order worse, but also no longer as groan-inducing - Finale of Devastation
== If Invasion of Ikoria Flip goes in - Witch's Oven
++ Cheap sac outlet that works with Academy Manufactor and Gilded Goose -- Slow and food otherwise sucks.
-- The bonus only really happens if Chitterspitter has gone up several times
++ Is fetchable with Urza's Saga, but it's the worst option of the current three. Always fetch Skullclamp over this. - Tireless Tracker
-- Second-worst token maker behind Witch's Oven
-- Only eight fetchlands + Binding the Old Gods and Growing Rites of Itlimoc Flip to double-trigger
++ Does qualify as a (slow) draw engine
++ Works with Academy Manufactor - Binding the Old Gods
-- Worst ramp and worst removal
++ Removal count is still moderately low, though. Can't rely on Chatterfang's ability for everything.
-- Probably worse in slot than Force of Vigor - Saw in Half
++ Does function as bad protection against spot removal -- Not a lot of nonlegendary creatures worth copying that don't already win the game, so often dead
Eternal Witness
Tireless Provisioner
Tireless Tracker
Species Specialist
Grim Hireling
Academy Manufactor
Tendershoot Dryad
Nadier's Nightblade
Deep Forest Hermit
-- Even when there is a target, often win-more
RangerOfPower on
2 years ago
thefiresoflurve Thanks for the suggestions!
I think Verdant Embrace is a little underpowered, especially compared to the other 5 drops in the deck (Mycoloth, Terror of the Peaks, Tendershoot Dryad, etc.)
Night Soil, on the other hand, is a great addition. For now I think I'll replace Necrogenesis with it but may end up running both.
lhetrick13 on
Druids of maskwood
2 years ago
Pinkfluffyant - I apologize about the white removal spells. For some reason I thought you were running ! Might be better to run some spells to pump your tokens as instant speed to surprise an opponent with a defensive stand or offensive swing than run the "fight target creature" removal spells...Green specializes in those types of effects.
Glad you like the idea of running Fungal Plots. Tendershoot Dryad would have some synergy with your dryad tribe and create/pump your saps...a little expensive in terms of mana for Modern but as this is a casual deck, you could likely justify it. other that maybe would have potential would be Mycoloth or Old-Growth Dryads.
Cool concept! Good luck with the brewing!