Nefarious Lich

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nefarious Lich


If you would be dealt damage, remove that many cards in your graveyard from the game instead. If you can't, you lose the game.

If you would gain life, draw that many cards instead.

When Nefarious Lich leaves the battlefield, you lose the game.

Flarhoon13 on Blim's Blumpkins

4 weeks ago

Finally!!! Lost one, won one yesterday evening! Let's talk about the win. I attacked turn 4 with Blim, Comedic Genius, gifting Francois, on Gyrus, Waker of Corpsesfoil, an Oni Possession. Blim, Comedic Genius never attacked again, even though I cast him for 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mana. Later in the game, I cast a Sorcerous Spyglass and found an infinite combo in Aubrey's large grip... Exquisite Blood and Enduring Tenacity. Seeing that, I decided not to name Francois' Chainsaw nor his Lightning Greaves. Instead, I named Blighted Fen, which never seemed to matter.

Francois used Gyrus, Waker of Corpsesfoil to kill Aubrey, sending exactly enough to get 5 damage through, past his only creature, Athreos, God of Passage. I had a Tormod's Crypt out but never used it.

On my penultimate turn, at 6 life, I cast a Nefarious Lich and a Chain Reaction, taking out Tendershoot Dryad and The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride. I had about 9 cards in the yard, including AEther Flash, which had killed a Blood Artist and did a lot of work this game. A Demonic Collusion had found me a Blasphemous Act, which eventually took out Aubrey's Valgavoth, Terror Eater and several other blockers to allow Francois' kill shot on him. Auren was able to kill Francois. Auren passed turn to me while he was tapped out at 1 life with 5 tapped food, Night of the Sweets' Revenge in his graveyard, and his commander, Ygra, Eater of All making all creatures into delicious morsels. I made the ultimate top deck: Greed's Gambit. This allowed me to draw 9 cards with Nefarious Lich out. Among those nine was a Dark Petition which found me an Earthquake for the win. Finally!! Earthquake for 3 finally was enough to win the game.

Flarhoon13 on Blim's Blumpkins

2 months ago

Nov 1 Blim's Blumpkins lost its third in a row. I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. I had given Selena--on Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir knights--Nefarious Lich. Selena had Kitnapped Laelia, the Blade Reforged. Selena attacked me with Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir and I should have just taken the damage. Instead, I killed her, using my Despotic Scepter to destroy the Nefarious Lich I had gifted her. Aubrey untapped with his Laelia, the Blade Reforged and used Hidden Volcano to absolutely murk me, exiling about 68 cards of his 87 land deck and attacking me for about 78 trampling commander damage.

Flarhoon13 on Blim's Blumpkins

2 months ago

Oct 11 Blim's Blumpkins lost again Evan on Sarevok, Deathbringer / Clan Crafterfoil) exiled Blim, Comedic Genius with an instant in my main phase after I played Nefarious Lich with Deadly Rollick... I had one card, Night's Whisper, in the graveyard. As the old saying goes, live by the Nefarious Lich, die by the Nefarious Lich. Rob ended me with his Hand of the Praetors

Nebechadnezzar on Aetherlich

3 years ago

MFBOOM Looking at Martyr of Sands again, I will admit that it is pretty good even if you only had two white cards in hand. With a lich effect out, that would be six cards for as little as one mana that turn, which is pretty good. With Tymna the Weaver as a commander, I agree that it is a pretty decent pick for this deck.

Lich and Ad Nauseam do actually combo together. Lich specifically says "you do not lose the game for having less than zero life". That means that you are completely unaffected by the life loss from Ad Nauseam. Lich's downside of sacrificing permanents only happens when you are dealt damage, which is different from losing life. This doesn't work with Lich's Mastery or Nefarious Lich, but it is a solid combo nonetheless, especially since this deck has several ways to find these cards.

Overall, I can understand using Aetherflux Reservoir as a wincon, but I think that focusing on getting off the Ad Nauseam or Peer into the Abyss and assembling your win from there is much more reliable. It's overall much more mana efficient, which is usually the way you want to go.

TeyoSelflessProtector on Commander: Sengir, the Dark Baron

4 years ago

When I first saw the commanders for the deck, I thought the idea would be to incentivize other players to attack each other, while picking off opponents by playing and gifting cards like Demonic Pact, Forbidden Crypt, Immortal Coil, Lich, Lich's Mastery, and Nefarious Lich. I figure you'd gift them with cards like Puca's Mischief and Role Reversal. I'm not gonna tell you how to build your deck, but I figured you'd enjoy considering make a separate one centered around this.

RNR_Gaming on Future card spike speculation thread

4 years ago

These are my current specs. Commander legends is going really spice up the market

Demonic Pact Forbidden Crypt Immortal Coil Lich's Tomb Nefarious Lich Oath of Lim-Dul Phyrexian Negator

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