Death's Shadow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Death's Shadow

Creature — Avatar

This gets -X/-X, where X is your life total.

Andramalech on Amped Delirium Shadow (MH3)

1 month ago

Holey crap this is super pushed, and super duper cool! Can't believe it's just come up on my radar. I've only recently put together a Death's Shadow deck and I noticed how you've taken advantage of the Goyfs. Really love not only what you have put together here, but previous iterations of this deck. Splendid stuff, +1.

Crow_Umbra on The Charnel Army

1 month ago

You and I seem to be on such similar wavelengths when it comes to brewing lol. I also started brewing Coram recently, but took a break to make some MH3/M3C updates to existing decks.

I'm digging what you have so far! I def had some slightly different options for beaters, like Death's Shadow, Malignus, & Yargle and Multani. I also play in a meta with plenty of aggro beatdown, so I don't think I'd be short for options.

wallisface on gond gate and black gate …

3 months ago

The Black Gate

Gond Gate

Most gates have a replacement effect on themselves that says they enter the battlefield tapped. On those Gates, you can choose to have them enter the battlefield tapped or untapped, by ordering replacement effects.

In the case of The Black Gate, you can have it enter untapped even if you don't pay the 3 life. You may also pay that 3 life if you still want to (for example, if you're trying to grow a Death's Shadow)

wallisface on Why Do Some Players Keep …

3 months ago

jethstriker i‘m not convinced that legendaries were ever deliberately made to be more powerful because of their inherent drawback - this feels like something that players would intuitively expect to be the case (because it would make sense), but looking through magics history of the strongest cards in formats, we don’t see that to be true - moderns past is littered with staples like Snapcaster Mage, Tarmogoyf, Death's Shadow, Siege Rhino, Arcbound Ravager, Goblin Guide, Bloodbraid Elf, Stinkweed Imp, Fury, Solitude, and Orcish Bowmasters. Yes there’s stuff like Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, but I don’t think there’s enough density/evidence to conclude legendaries are inherently built stronger.

I would also be sceptical of this being the case because it would be weird for Rosewater to be wanting to remove the Legend rule if it served a mechanical purpose

This might be a question for Blogatog?

wallisface on Is WotC Being Inconsistent in …

5 months ago

I don't see any inconsistency here?

The "once per turn" or "activate only as a sorcery" text on cards aren't technically a downside, they're baked-in text to allow Wotc to strengthen the effect of the card itself - without that text they'd presumably be changing how the card functions (i.e. it'd be a completely different card), so the text isn't an upside-or-downside, just a tool for card-execution (I do get that when players read this text, that it's easy to assume its a setback on the card).

So purely on Wotc stance on downsides, I'm not seeing a dichotomy here.

Personally I'd also like to see more cards with downsides and/or restrictions - as these cards require more deckbuilding care and consideration instead of just being "auto-includes" in every goodstuff deck (some examples of cards I think have great downsides are Death's Shadow, Goblin Guide, and Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar, as all of these cards downsides aren't debilitating, but require you to build around them to avoid having a bad-time. And they're actually playable).

IXALAN_Crazy on "Master of Cruelties" - Budget but Strong?

6 months ago

I think Nashi would be a great inclusion as I don't see many ways here to lower your life total for Death's Shadow

Icbrgr on The Timeless Break Out Zoo

7 months ago

Our paths will cross eventually im sure; The deck is pretty good! just like IRL Modern Zoo its a little bit "too fair" but can certainly win games (i love it)... I see a lot of decks similar to mine and those games are fun... Death's Shadow decks are a fun matchup... but i have yet to beat any Oko, Thief of Crowns or other super degenerate builds yet... Dragon's Rage Channeler/Tarmogoyf feels like All-Stars because the grave setup is pretty consistent. Domain is a little more frustrating though because when it works the deck really goes fast but sometimes games just get stuck with 2-3 land types.

wallisface on Is Decend 4/8 active while …

8 months ago

No. Those abilities will only be relevant while it’s on the battlefield - when its in the grave it’s always a 3/3.

It’s for the same reason that Death's Shadow is always a 13/13 in the graveyard.

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