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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Limited | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Nullstone Gargoyle
Artifact Creature — Gargoyle
Whenever the first noncreature spell of a turn is played, counter that spell.
carpecanum on Rurics Army - Ruric Thar, the Unbound
1 year ago
Nullstone Gargoyle works well with Ruric. I see you already have a Nikya in there.
carpecanum on Scorched Earth
2 years ago
Nullstone Gargoyle is great for stopping non-creature spells.
11epicnoob on you don't need mana to play magic!!!!
3 years ago
Why not add a Nullstone Gargoyle? Counters the first noncreature spell, and combined with Rhetoric you can force others to play either a creature or do nothing
Oldbear on Ruric TharrrrRRRRRRHHHHHH!
3 years ago
I've never seen Nullstone Gargoyle, that casting cost is high but you're right it would be cool in this deck. Heartless Hidetsugu is a great idea thank you! Dense Foliage could be good, it's kind of like a pared-back Asceticism. I will consider it. Detritivore, man what a wordy card, is another I'd not seen before. It would be really good if I was playing in a more competitive meta we're all kind of newer players so there aren't many lands people are running that really need to be taken care of (except Field of the Dead).
carpecanum on Ruric TharrrrRRRRRRHHHHHH!
3 years ago
Nullstone Gargoyle is fun with Ruric Thar. You need to cast at least 2 noncreature spells to get one spell off.
If you're going to try and put out Lifelink stuff Heartless Hidetsugu is hilarious.
Dense Foliage protects you from spells and prevents opponents from targeting their own creatures with spells.
Dualcaster Mage, Captivating Crew and Detritivore can act like Sorceries / instants
McToters on Mishra, Artificer Prodigy [BUDGET]
3 years ago
Heliogabale thanks for commenting! I should probably add a "how this deck works section"! So on first glance you're right, Mishra seems like an awful choice to pick as a commander, but there's something really neat to be reaped here if you look at the ability really close. The idea is to play a ton of artifacts but only after we get cards like Nullstone Gargoyle, Ice Cave, Planar Chaos, Blood Funnel and Possibility Storm out on the battlefield. These stax-y enchantments and Mishra's ability will trigger simultaneously when a spell is played. Having priority, we can choose to have Mishra's trigger first and then the enchantment. The artifact spell is then countered or sent back into the deck, and then Mishra's ability will trigger and we can play the spell anyway for no additional cost--all while preventing our opponents from playing spells.
That's the idea anyway--hopefully I explained that well enough. It took me a while to get but once I did I loved the idea. If you know of any cards that counter or send spells to the graveyard, hand or deck when hey are played then please let me know! The more types of those spells I have in here the better this will be--of course Nether Void is a card that fits but it is waaaaayyy too expensive.
Doombeard1984 on AnimaDrazi (see what I did there?)
3 years ago
Thanks for the comments and card suggestions. Nullstone Gargoyle seems like my play group would hate it...I love it. As for a Cloudstone Curio I have one in my The Reanimator deck, so I could always bounce it around between the 2 decks.