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Reckless Assault
(1), Pay 2 life: Reckless Assault deals 1 damage to target creature or player.
DemonDragonJ on Fireblood Invocation
1 month ago
I think that Reckless Assault is an excellent and under-appreciated card, but it is rather expensive for what its effect, so I have created a new version that is slightly less expensive, as seen, here:
Fireblood Invocation Show
I reduced the casting cost by 1 mana and the cost of the activated ability by 1 life, which I hope has not made this new enchantment too powerful.
I also have created a creature version of the original enchantment, as seen, here:
Fireblood Invoker Show
I made a creature version of reckelss assault, as I am very fond of creatures, and also feel that the original enchantment simply did not do enough, on its own; I contemplated giving the creature lifelink, to provide life for its ability, but I decided that that likely would have made it too powerful.
What does everyone else say, about these cards? Do you believe that I did a good job, with them? I would certainly appreciate any feedback that anyone here has to offer.
DemonDragonJ on Fire Covenant or Reckless Assault?
4 months ago
Caerwyn, yes, that makes sense, and I even asked several of my friends about this, and they all agreed that Fire Covenant was the preferable card, so I shall keep it, in this deck, and hope that WotC eventually prints a strictly better version of Reckless Assault, since I like that card's concept.
DemonDragonJ on Fire Covenant or Reckless Assault?
4 months ago
Caerwyn, plakjekaas, Fire Covenant is a one-time effect, while Reckless Assault can be used over many turns; what if I use the instant, and then an opponent later summons a creature that I wish to destroy? Also, I certainly do not intend to defeat my opponents with the enchantment, but one never knows when even a single point of damage shall make a difference, and it also would be useful for dealing with annoying planeswalkers, as well.
RiotRunner789, I previously had a Pestilence Demon in this deck, but I removed it, because of how expansive it is.
plakjekaas on Fire Covenant or Reckless Assault?
4 months ago
It's worse, you need to pay for the enchantment too.
If all three opponents have a 3/3 you'd like to get rid of, Fire Covenant will cost you 3 mana and 9 life to get rid of them all, at instant speed.
Reckless Assault would cost you 4 mana at sorcery speed, and then 9 mana and 18 life at instant speed for the exact same result of killing three 3/3s.
433% more mana, 200% more life, gets worse in scaling the more you want to target. And you think it's superior, because it can target players? Would you play Pestilence over Toxic Deluge as well, for the sole purpose of wiping the board? Or does the deck need a wincon so badly you'd want to pay 240 life and 120 mana to kill your opponents?
Reckless Assault is the opposite of efficient, keep the Fire Covenant, that might be one of the best cards in the deck.
Caerwyn on Fire Covenant or Reckless Assault?
4 months ago
I would firmly put Reckless Assault in the "bad card" category. To kill a 3/3, you have to pay 3 mana and 6 life--and the price only gets worse the larger the creature is. Consider this, would you play a spell that cost 3 mana and 6 life, but had a "only target creatures with less than 3 toughness" rider? Of course not - three mana is already expensive for removal, and the only time you really should be paying three mana for a removal spell is something like Anguished Unmaking or Void Rend, which give you huge degrees of flexibility in what you can target.
As a note, your deck is missing both Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile, both of which are great cards your deck could benefit from.
DemonDragonJ on Fire Covenant or Reckless Assault?
4 months ago
I have a copy of Fire Covenant in my Tariel, Reckoner of Souls EDH deck, as that deck can afford to pay the life that that spells requires, but I am considering replacing that card with Reckless Assault, since I feel that the enchantment is overall a superior card; it does require a greater investment of both life and mana, but that fact that it can target anything and can be used repeatedly makes it worth that higher cost, in my mind.
What does everyone else say about this subject? Should I replace Fire Covenant with Reckless Assault? I certainly am eager to receive your responses.
Prima on Akroma Rograkh
3 years ago
Swiftblade Vindicator Healer's Hawk Danitha Capashen, Paragon Archetype of Aggression Archetype of Courage Aerial Responder Brave the Sands Angelic Skirmisher Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar angelic field marshall Moraug, Fury of Akoum Segovian Angel Master Warcraft Response / Resurgence Reckless Assault Fury of the Horde World at War True Conviction Bonders' Enclave Bond of Discipline Seize the Day Magus of the Wheel Sandstone Oracle Dragon Mage Generator Servant Hellkite Charger
Jack-Frost on Who You Calling A Fossil?
5 years ago
Actually, I will give a few thoughts.
The Immortal Sun - What does this do for your deck or game plan? It tries to do a lot but instead only does a little of a bunch of things for too high of a cost.
Lifecrafter's Bestiary - Doesn't do enough and costs extra every time you want to activate it. Instead run Elemental Bond or Guardian Project .
Rishkar's Expertise - Most of your creatures are going to cost more than it can provide, so it's honestly not worth it. Look into Sylvan Library and Colossal Majesty instead.
Harmonize - I'm not a fan of paying mana to draw cards as it tends to kill most of what you were going to do on your turn. Instead look into cards like Defense of the Heart or Descendants' Path .
Decimate - Zacama, Primal Calamity should take care of most of your artifact and enchantment destruction on his own, making this redundant, but this card also comes with the unfortunate problem that you can ONLY cast it if you have viable creature, artifact, enchantment, AND land targets. If you are missing any one of the 4 it's a dead card, and if one of those 4 is your own then you're forced to destroy that. Now, if you find that you really need more artifact and enchantment hate look into cards like Krosan Grip or Force of Vigor .
Savage Stomp - Why would you risk your creatures with this? If you are able to target them then you already have removal in the form of Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares , not to mention Zacama, Primal Calamity ability to deal damage to creatures. If your opponent has a combat trick then you just lost your creature. It's a gimmicky card and I think there are better things you can do with the card slot in your deck. For example, Aggravated Assault or Reckless Assault will give you multiple combats which will really let you bring the full power of your dinosaurs to bear without giving your opponents time to recover.
Commune with Dinosaurs - A waste. Run Sylvan Library or Sensei's Divining Top for much better and more consistent effects.
Priest of the Wakening Sun - Why? If you need a fetch then run cards like Worldly Tutor , Finale of Devastation or Chord of Calling . If you need lifegain there are plenty of better sources. This just reveals cards in your hand to your opponents, gains a tiny bit of life, and kills an entire turn with your expensive fetch.
Atzocan Seer - Skip the returning Dinosaurs. You're a creature deck, and a big one at that. Just focus on constantly dropping big creatures and hitting your opponent, putting so much pressure on them that they don't have time to worry about strategy. Aggro decks don't really worry about their graveyard. As for the mana, you'd be far better served with Birds of Paradise or Sylvan Caryatid , or if you go non-budget then Bloom Tender .
Drover of the Mighty - Why do you care how big your mana dork is? You shouldn't be swinging with him anyway. Grab a Birds of Paradise or a Sylvan Caryatid instead.
Gigantosaurus - I'm honestly really not a fan of anything that costs 5 of the same color. This pretty much kills anything else you were planning on doing on your turn, which is absolutely not what you want to have happen. Sure it's a 10/10, but it's really not worth that downside, especially without trample. Look at Carnage Tyrant for a fantastic alternative.
Kinjalli's Sunwing - This draws unnecessary hate and really doesn't help your game out that much. You have a deck of giant dinosaurs. This shouldn't be an issue. If you really feel you need it then look into Authority of the Consuls or Urabrask the Hidden instead.
Runic Armasaur - Too specific and unreliable. There are better uses for the card slot.
Sakura-Tribe Elder - While a good card, your deck can't take full advantage of this and would be better off running land fetches like Tempt with Discovery , Nature's Lore , or Skyshroud Claim , all of which are better and come out untapped.
Samut, Voice of Dissent - Why in heaven's name are you running this? This card is awful? If it's for the haste then there are tons of better cards. Look at Fervor , Rhythm of the Wild , or Fires of Yavimaya . Even Urabrask the Hidden would be a better way to spend 5 mana. Is it for the untap effect? There are still much better options such as Seedborn Muse . This card burns 5 mana for no good reason. No. Just no.
Shalai, Voice of Plenty - Meh. I'd run Leyline of Sanctity or Privileged Position instead. Asceticism , Archetype of Endurance , and Sterling Grove are other good options. All are harder to hit and kill. It's nice but overall i'd run the alternatives instead.
Shifting Ceratops - Doesn't do enough. It's nice but not good enough overall.
Territorial Hammerskull - While not inherently bad, it's also just "meh". It's okay. I'd rather have cards that give your creatures trample and just march your dinosaurs through your opponents, and/or bigger and better creatures.
Thrashing Brontodon - This is redundant with Zacama, Primal Calamity and you'd be better served with instants like Krosan Grip or Force of Vigor .
Hull Breach - Force of Vigor is a better alternative to this that also has instant speed.
Jaya, Venerated Firemage - Why? This is a waste of a good slot. Run Warstorm Surge and get a far better effect than her. If you want more damage then run Dictate of the Twin Gods . She's really not worth it.
Samut, Tyrant Smasher - This card is awful. Run any, and I mean any haste enabler instead. Her negative is awful and her passive is better on any other card. Honestly, run Xenagos, God of Revels . He's amazing, gives haste, doubles a creature's power, and add's their power to their toughness.
Temple of the False God - I've taken this out of most, if not all, of my decks by now. It's not great honestly. It seems really good, but if you get it early game then it's a dead land that stares up into you and slowly seeps the joy out of your soul, and if you get it late game then it's just an extra mana that really doesn't matter to you.
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