Cerebral Eruption

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cerebral Eruption


Target opponent reveals the top card of his or her library. Cerebral Eruption deals damage equal to the revealed card's converted mana cost to that player and each creature he or she controls. If a land card is revealed this way, return Cerebral Eruption to its owner's hand.

JANKYARD_DOG on Ability challenge

5 years ago
Hubris: excessive pride or self confidence. Or in ancient Greece,(hybris) is the intentional use of violence to humiliate or degrade.

Don't judge the judge to harshly, jussayin.

I was hoping for a non-divine spin on it, my own vision was something like Hubris - you gain X benefit but if ~ 'action' do Y. Makes for some leader types but if they get too cocky something bad happens.

Grixis was a good play, I was thinking Mardu myself because of whites religious sort of aspect, but blue makes sense.

Common - close to what I had imagined, still good though. It's a Volcanic Hammer with a body basically, which is pretty standard these days. Pun intended.

Uncommon - You forgot the stats. A majority of gorgons though are bigger in the butt though so I can use my imagination. Nicely flavored though for a gorgon.

Rare - if my rules knowledge is correct the 3rd ability is state based so you can't react to an increase of their board state by sacrificing, etc? Correct me if wrong here. So much advantage though: ahead of curve, draw on any deaths, threaten board states, can swing out of the gate. Gold.

Mythic - This is an interesting design. It says 'kill me now so I can have an extra turn, or wait awhile and I get an extra turn. Either way...'. I'd love to add prowess to this... jussayen.

Overall I think this is something that could actually be seen in packs if ever we were to return to Theros...again. Great concept.

1st card - All other 'one sided wipes' I could find are all 8-9 mana so the cost of this one is worrisome. Wrath of God for or full price for one player. Over powered maybe?

2nd - This feels more black than blue, but anything's possible I suppose.

3rd - it's interesting, but I think it could end up leading to some confusion. Also high probability of being broken lol. Imagine everyone taking an extra turn, every turn?

It's an interesting concept, I can see it in a place where 'cmc matters' with cards like Cerebral Eruption or Blast of Genius . Also probably spell reduction stuff. Also featured in this set... the Scornful Egotist .

I'm just going to lump everything in one here. I like it, it's almost like Monsterous but better because it's not limited to a one time use. And the flavor of the God check is nice, gives the opponent opportunity to 2 for 1 if they take down the God. The ascension is nice too, I think overall these are all creatures that would have to be dealt with quickly before they get out of hand.

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P47Healey on Norin's in the Woodshed

7 years ago

Holy cow, Illicit Auction is badass.

Just to check, Norin is the Commander just for the lulz, right? As far as I can tell he doesn't combo well with any of the other cards.

I think that my main feedback is that it appears that the "fun" of this deck comes from three different things:

I would recommend moving away from the first group in favor of the latter two. Having creatures change ownership is more interesting if there are a lot of them. Perhaps consider going into RG or RGU? Green would allow more "everyone gets creature effects" and U would allow more coin flip/chaos effects.

Just an idea. This would be a good opportunity to use Prophet of Kruphix, though note she's officially banned for Commander.

LoneCrusader on By Any Means Necessary

7 years ago

Skullclamp, Cathars' Crusade, and Reconnaissance feel like must haves in this deck. They all synergize with your main strategy and/or help to enable it.

Recruiter of the Guard, Karmic Guide, Viashino Heretic, Anarchist, Selfless Spirit and Iroas, God of Victory are creatures that would fit in quite well with your general strategy.

Instead of Mizzium Mortars and Cerebral Eruption as boardwipes; Wrath of God, Terminus, Toxic Deluge or Blasphemous Act would be better.

I would actually play Sorin, Solemn Visitor over Sorin, Lord of Innistrad as Solemn Visitor's + ability is something you want more than either of Lord of Innistrads abilities.

Enablers like Buried Alive, Victimize, Oversold Cemetery and Viscera Seer will help you to ensure you have things in your graveyard to abuse.

Your also lacking good finishers and Alesha tends to lean towards combos. For example, any sac outlet with Murderous Redcap and Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit will infinitely ping everyone.

dukersassin on Death and destruction, losing friends included

7 years ago

Try Virulent Plague instead of Cerebral Eruption. Anger of the Gods is already a boardwipe and Cerebral Eruption is high cmc for your deck?

Osbert on

8 years ago

Cards I don't see doing much:Disciple of BolasMortivore without trample equipment (Loxodon Warhammer?)Dominus of Fealty the mana cost will make it hard to castCerebral Eruption could wiff and hit a 1 cmc spellRise from the Grave and Breaking//Entering there are better reanimator effectsFeldon's Cane not sure what this is forCrucible of Worlds same hereSoul's Fire One time use, not quite good enoughUndermine play Counterspell insteadCountermand play Dissipate or Void Shatter before these

Things I would add:Reanimators:Animate Dead, Diabolic Servitude, Torrent of Souls (for haste), Beacon of Unrest, Reanimate, Cauldron Dance, Coffin Queen, Dawn of the Dead if you have a reliable sac outlet for him, and Corpse Dance.

Next add some draw spells, wheel effects are strong in these colors and let you pitch big fatties to reanimate later. Windfall, Wheel of Fortune, and anything in between.

Other suggestions:

Thornbite StaffInsidious Dreams pitch fatties, top deck reanimator spells.

That's all I can come up with right now

DaringApprentice on Burn Baby Burn

8 years ago

Nice deck, I'm a big fan of Shu Yun, I feel like he exemplifies the balance between creatures and non-creature spells with his abilities, which can definitely be difficult to maintain.

As far as more land suggestions go, I would highly recommend Command Tower for any EDH deck. I also think Skycloud Expanse, Glacial Fortress, Prairie Stream, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Triumph, Needle Spires, and Wandering Fumarole could be good options.

The following are rare burn spells that can return themselves to your hand for multiple times casting, so you can trigger Prowess and Shu Yun's second ability multiple times each: Cerebral Eruption, Hammer of Bogardan, Pulse of the Forge, Rekindled Flame, Titan's Revenge, and Volcanic Vision.

Umbilicus/Blood Clock allows you to return low CMC artifacts and enchantments to your hand on each of your upkeeps, so that you can cast them again to trigger Shu Yun's abilities, while also making your opponents lose life if they don't return permanents to their hands during their upkeeps.

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