Feldon's Cane

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Feldon's Cane


, Exile this: Shuffle your graveyard into your library.

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

5 months ago

halanvaina My main suggestion is to stop trying to build a deck around Crumbling Sanctuary... 5 mana is far too high for a card that only lets you begin to enact a plan. It also undoes any work you've done towards defeating your opponent before its cast.

Good red cards i'm seeing in the meta include:

^ all of the above seem to be fairly frequently used within the meta, as seen from the links already provided in my last post.

From your statement "Mono red is a difficult color to work with outside of aggro" - yes this is true. But one thing worth noting is that your deck isn't doing any of the typical things a non-aggro deck would be doing... so your current build is kindof aggro, just extremely slow. If you're wanting to build towards Midrange or Control, you need a LOT more interaction with the opponent to slow them down. If you're wanting your deck to be more geared towards Combo, then you need to have reliable ways to win the game extremely quickly. In any case you can't decide to be both a slow deck and a non-interactive deck - your deck needs to either be very fast, or very interactive (that is the case for all decks generally speaking).

From your other comments:

  • What specifically do you think Feldon's Cane is helping you with? You keep defending it in a super vague way but I'm seeing absolutely zero reason to be running it (I also just re-read Crumbling Sanctuary and realised Feldon's Cane doesn't even help with that, so I honestly have no idea what value you think this artifact is bringing).

  • The problem with Devastating Dreams is that it costs you and your opponent the same amount of lands and creatures - your deck includes both of these so you're unlikely to make any big advantages in this area (especially as your deck needs a LOT of lands to function). But then, it additionally costs you (and only you) a bunch of cards from your hand. I don't see how that every advantages you.

  • On your comment "It does damage to each creature, and makes the both of us sac ideally all of our lands". What do you gain from losing all your lands? As the opponent almost-assuredly has a lower mana-curve than you, won't they just get back into the game quicker? Especially as they'll still have a hand of cards. Yes it can work with Mogg Maniac but your deck isn't geared around pulling off this combo so it feels unlikely to give you a payoff high enough to warrant this interaction.

My suggestions would be as follows:

  • What archetype are you wanting this deck to slot into? If its aggro, you need to drastically lower the mana-curve (i.e, have nothing over 3 mana. You need to be able to reliably apply enough pressure to deal lethal by turn 4-5). If it's midrange, you still need to lower the mana-curve a bunch, but additionally you need a bunch of cards that interact with your opponents boardstate and slow them down. If it's control, you need to have the vast majority of your deck as interactive pieces and game-controlling effects. If its combo, you need to reliably be able to win the game by turn 4-5.

  • Once you know what archetype you're wanting to build, you need to decide what strategy you're wanting to enact here... so far it feels like there's no clear direction going on - I can assume by the name of the deck you're wanting to base this around Crumbling Sanctuary, which I can't ever see working unless you're building some form of control-shell, which will likely need more than just red as a colour-base. But in any case, you need to ditch all cards that aren't either enacting your plan, or strengthening the archetype you're in.

If you'd like I can try and build you some kind of example list, though i'd need to have a clear indicator to the answers of the above 2 questions on archetype and strategy.

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

5 months ago

halanvaina just to play devils-advocate to your latest comment, I've posted replies to some of the mentioned cards and ideas. I hope this doesn't come across too rude - I just really feel like your deck is lacking some really fundamental deckbuilding guidelines and feels very non-functional because of this.

  • I don't see the point at-all of Feldon's Cane. You have absolutely no way to mill yourself unless you've played Crumbling Sanctuary and then failed to kill your opponent before they've killed you... the entire plan here feels flawed if that's the case. Crumbling Sanctuary itself is already faar too expensive mana-wise, and there's very-good odds you won't even be able to cast it before the game ends.

  • swapping one overcosted card for another doesn't really solve any problems... Kamahl, Pit Fighter is still too high a mana cost to be useful imo. I agree it is a very-strong improvement over Butcher Orgg, but that doesn't mean either should be played.

  • I'm not sure what you're hoping to achieve from Devastating Dreams? This looks like it hurts you much more than your opponent, especially considering your mana curve is so egregiously high.

  • You seem to be relying a lot on Jayemdae Tome but I really can't see how the card is playable. Yes it lets you draw 4 cards but at the expense of effectively doing nothing for two full turns - i'm not sure how any deck doesn't just automatically lose when they're taking two turns off doing nothing impactful.

  • I get that Helm of Awakening is there to try and accelerate your mana curve, and that will help, but even then you've only included 2 of them, and your curve is still massively high. You need a LOT more mana acceleration, or to severely reduce your mana curve - and ideally you would do both.

  • I'm not sure what problem you're trying to solve with Mangara's Tome, presumably card selection, but this really isn't the answer. Your mana resources are too limited already and either triggering or casting this thing likely means doing very little else in your turn. You're better-off drawing blindly from your deck than paying 2 mana to draw sudo-blindly anyway.

My biggest concern is your statement "While I do agree with opponents choosing two different options a terrible idea most of the time, the thing is with damage and fairly low cmc means that eventually your opponent will just have to do what I want."... the problem is that your deck doesn't have low cmc - I've checked other premodern decks and none of them are even remotely this slow. I don't believe the opponent will have to "choose what you want" because firstly if they're switching to the other choice, that means the first option would be hurting them more, so they're still taking the best path for their own survival, and making your life harder. And secondly, because I don't believe your deck is remotely fast enough to apply any pressure... your opponent will win long-before you put them into any kind of a bind.

I had a look at a bunch of competitive premodern decks here and there is a big gap between these decks and what you're currently running - namely that these decks can enact their plans much more quickly, and run a much lower mana-curve. I see premodern has archetypes like burn, which is effectively what you're doing but without all the extra steps and self-induced complications.

halanvaina on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

5 months ago

All right I updated the deck more over the past while.

Added Feldon's Cane to try to keep a grip on the late game. Took out Book Burning since it seemed to have too little impact on the game, at least compared to other things in the list. Took out Mogg Bombers for Lavaborn Muse for repeatable damage. Still going to keep the two beaters in the deck, but Took out Butcher Orgg for Kamahl, Pit Fighter. The fact he can tap to do a lighting bolt is better than the former. Another addition is Devastating Dreams as the finisher. Cards like Jayemdae Tome and (hopefully) Browbeat will draw me enough cards, and might even luck out & shuffle my graveyard into my libary afterward.

While I do agree with opponents choosing two different options a terrible idea most of the time, the thing is with damage and fairly low cmc means that eventually your opponent will just have to do what I want. It's not like Library of Lat-Nam, where its too expensive to play too much, and it's always going to be the far worse option. Least the way I see it. Also I'm going to replace Dwarven Ruins with Balduvian Trading Post when i can. Thing that sucks is I already ordered the cards before these recent revisions. So I guess I'll live with it until I see one. Same goes for the most of the other replacements.

kpres on Commander Deckbuilding Advice - A …

1 year ago

I have some deckbuilding advice. I'll make it concise:

The Three Problems

Your goal is to play a winning combination of cards before your opponent can do the same. To do this, you need to draw the right cards, be able to cast them, and do this faster than your opponent despite their efforts to stop you. These are the Three Problems your deck is trying to solve. It is tempting to fill your deck with only cards that work towards a build-around commander, but if you do, you'll have 4 or 5 mana available on turn 6, you won't be able to stop your opponent's threats, and you won't be drawing the cards you need. Follow the quantity recommendations below to deal with the Three Problems and still get to play your strategy.

Include 28 lands, plus 2 for each color, plus the average mana cost of your deck. So for a typical 3 color deck, you're looking at 39-ish lands.

Include 10 cards that let you deal with threats at instant speed. Every opponent uses artifacts, enchantments, and creatures, and you often need to disrupt a combo that's about to go off when it's not your turn.

Include 10 cards that net you more cards. With a high density of card draw spells, you are more likely to draw into your next draw spell and never run out of things to do.

Include 10 cards with low mana cost (3 or less) that give you more mana. Generally for every 2 mana rocks above this number that cost 0 to 2, you can cut one land.

Include up to 5 "win-more" cards, not more. These are cards like Doubling Season that are only good when your deck is already doing what it's supposed to do.

Include 1-2 spells that serve as a big finisher that works even when you're losing. Examples: Rise of the Dark Realms, Insurrection, Expropriate, Primal Surge, or Overwhelming Splendor.

Include 1 card that hurts decks that use the graveyard, such as Tormod's Crypt.

Include 1 card that recycles your graveyard, especially if it can be played from the graveyard or activates when milled. Gaea's Blessing is a good one. Feldon's Cane is especially good if you are using your graveyard and you would rather have your graveyard be in your library than exiled by someone's Bojuka Bog.

Include 1 board wipe, but it must fit the theme of your deck and break parity. For example, All is Dust when you're playing colorless, Living Death when you're playing reanimator, Hour of Reckoning when you're playing tokens, Cyclonic Rift in blue, etc. The more one-sided, the better.

Include 20 creatures, at least 10 of which can be played by turn 3. Some of these cards can double as your removal, ramp, or draw, or strategy cards. Having creatures prevents you from taking opportunistic early combat damage, and helps you recover quickly after a board wipe. Creatures with ETB effects are more valuable when you can blink or reanimate them.

Include 20-30 cards that work with your deck's strategy. It seems like not enough, but when you include more than this, you're cutting removal, draw, or ramp, which are all necessary for dealing with the Three Problems. Also don't forget that when you have enough card draw, you'll have access to most of these strategy cards.

snido on Syriously?

2 years ago

Look into Feldon's Cane, its nuts in this deck.

bushido_man96 on Feldon of the Third Path - Loran's Smile (v1.4)

2 years ago

If this is a lore-based deck, how do you not have a copy of Feldon's Cane in the deck? It's great defense against a Bojuka Bog or Soul-Guide Lantern.

Otherwise, +1.

Gidgetimer on Sacrifice rule, please help.

2 years ago

It wouldn't be targetable by Disenchant because it was exiled as the cost of activating the ability. There is no point after you announce that you are activating Feldon's Cane but before you pay the costs that anyone ever has priority.

legendofa on Sacrifice rule, please help.

2 years ago

Once the cost for Feldon's Cane has been paid and it's exiled, it is no longer on the battlefield and can't be sacrificed. Even if it's not specifically sacrificed, part of the cost of activating the Cane is making it inaccessible to sacrifice.

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