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#omgallthedragons v1.3 (DracDom Precon MegaMod)

Commander / EDH*


This is an adaptation of the Draconic Domination PreCon deck. This was my first step into commander; I played it once stock and got my arse kicked so bad I knew it needed to be upgraded.

I started with trashing the mana base and swapping in dual lands/fetch lands (shocklands as a budget option) and some utility lands/artifacts for 5-color access, while keeping a stock of basic lands to keep things simple.

Then I swapped in some generic accelerants to get access to mana more quickly and then some more accelerants reduce casting cost of the sledgehammer of dragons that I had planned in the arsenal of this precon.

Once I was happy with that, I looked for ways to upgrade the dragons themselves to reduce average converted mana cost (CMC), increase disruption, etc.

The last thing I have done is swap in a few tweaks to increase card draw. I found that 10-12 rounds into a game I will have flooded the battlefield with dragons and if I hadnt sealed the deal on the game by then I will have an empty hand and be left in a rough spot.

Still some tweaking to be done on the upper layer of accelerants, enchantments, and instants but I feel happy with this as a first draft. Feedback always welcome!

v1.2 update: dragon swaps!-Territorial Hellkite is too uncontrollable, Serra Ascendant is way faster. Wow.
-Scourge of Kher Ridges for Balefire Dragon: Cheaper CMC for a 6/6; I never have leftover mana to pump Scourge anyways since every round I'm trying to flood the battlefield with more dragons drawn/tutored/etc.

v1.3 update: tweaking the mid-layer.-Door to Nothingness felt too dirty. I want my dragons to win the game for me! Swapped back in Utter End instead.
-Swapped out a Planes for a Forest since white is less and less of this deck; might do the same with an Island for v1.4.-Swapped out Savage Beating for Aggravated Assault-Basic mana ramp instead of...randomness: ditched Curse of Opulence, Curse of Verbosity, and Dragonlord's Servant to make room for Skyshroud Claim, Cultivate, and Hour of Promise.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.23
Tokens Dragon 4/4 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Zombie 2/2 B
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