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Let me start by saying this deck is a silly deck. Like most decks, it is designed with winning the game in mind. However, unlike other decks, the sole purpose of this deck is to ascend beyond the commander game, your mortal coil, godhood, and Buddha (in that order) and simply win the game.

Every single piece of the deck falls into one of the following categories: Draw, Stall, Mana / Ramp / Fetch, Tutor, Win-Condition / Win-Con Assist, Reload, and [Type]-Hate. But I of course modified the names a little bit because I think I'm funny.

Playing a Win-Condition deck adds an extra level of metagame to your commander matches. Whether you play 1v1 commander or group/multi-commander games like myself, a deck built around controlling the game, drawing your whole deck or locking down the board can be a refreshing change of pace from the exhausting slog of 6 creature-decks staring each other down. Most of my commander experience comes from playing two creature decks: Boros Multi-Combat and WUBRG Tazri's Heroes so I decided to try something totally different.

A quick note, the above linked commander decks do not have real deck-profiles, as I prefer tappedout's interface for keeping and managing decklists to other applications. Therefore you will find little other than the cards played on those pages.

An exhaustive list of powerful, or even game-winning combos (let me know if I forgot one):

We'll start off with a big, late-game combo in Elite Arcanist + Temporal Mastery

Infinite turns once your mana-base can support it.

Elite Arcanist + Quicken

This is my personal favorite cute little combo because it is so insanely versatile. Tired of Demonic Tutor being a Sorcery? Pocket Quicken is the solution for you! Recast Quicken and drop Enter the Infinite at the end of your opponent's end step (the last opponent before you in a multi-commander) and win the game during your draw step.

Azor's Elocutors + Atraxa, Praetors' Voice and/or Doubling Season pretty much gg if you have all three out.

Illusionist's Stratagem + any of Elite Arcanist , Rune-Scarred Demon , Sidisi, Undead Vizier , Snapcaster Mage

These are the most obvious targets given their powerful entry-effects, but Illusionist's Stratagem can also be used to blink any creatures that are being targeted by a removal spell, as blinking them will cause that spell to have no valid target, and thus fizzle out on the stack.

Speaking of Illusions, how about Illusion of Choice + Plea for Power?

Nothing quite like rigging a vote huh? If you're starved for cards you can draw 3, if you just need one more turn, well, it's yours now.

Laboratory Maniac + Enter the Infinite and Alhammarret's Archive Laboratory Maniac + Phyrexian Etchings + Mind Unbound + Well of Ideas + ... you get the idea.

Everflowing Chalice + Doubling Season and/or Atraxa, Praetors' Voice + Kruphix, God of Horizons hold onto this thought:

Helix Pinnacle all of a sudden 100 mana doesn't seem so unrealistic does it.

Mechanized Production + any artifact. A solid, if slow and extremely predictable win condition

Mechanized Production + a Thopter token from Thopter Spy Network a lot faster than duping a mana rock.

Mechanized prodcution + a clue token from Tamiyo's Journal same pace as the Thopter route, but immune to creature removal.

Doubling Season + Narset Transcendent and/or Tamiyo, the Moon Sage and/or Liliana Vess

A 1 October 2005 ruling on Doubling Season states "Planeswalkers will enter the battlefield with double the normal amount of loyalty counters. However, if you activate an ability whose cost has you put loyalty counters on a planeswalker, the number you put on isn’t doubled. This is because those counters are put on as a cost, not as an effect.", as per the of loyalty (for exact language, search the document for rule 306.5b).

What this means for us is that if Doubling Season is in play before we play the aforementioned Planeswalkers, we can ult them immediately, bringing to bear some eye-watering power and in 2 of those 3 cases leaving the Planeswalker alive and healthy.

Our dearest Atraxa is no so-called "Coaster Commander". As it stands, a 4/4 with Flying, Vigilance, Deathtouch, and Lifelink for is nothing to be scoffed at. While this combination of keywords is fantastic, it is her end step proliferation that makes her so powerful in this deck. Adding charges to Phyrexian Etchings , Everflowing Chalice , Azor's Elocutors and others is a powerful, even vital part of this deck's strategy, and her placement in the command zone means you don't need to worry about finding the Angelic Phyrexian overlord.
The short version is that I simply didn't. There are a great number of Win-Con decks out there featuring one or more of the above combos that are far more competitive and consistent than mine. My inspiration for putting together a deck of this type comes from the person who introduced me to Magic. Many a time when I was learning I would be dazed by combos attaining infinite mana, infinite turns, infinite damage, and others. And so I wanted to build a deck of my own after that style. While there are many decks like it, this one is mine; I like the way it feels and plays, and frankly, Atraxa's art is too stunning for me to leave her unplayed.
Unfortunately, I do not actually have this deck in the flesh (or cardboard, as it were). You'll have to forgive me in advance for my terrible joke, but an almost $600 Commander deck simply is not in the cards for me right now. This deck has met terrific success in rudimentary playtesting that I've done against my creature decks, but it has yet to face another live player, or even a deck of similar competitive caliber. That said, many of the combos in this deck are tried and true, and I'm sure it will function reasonably well in most scenarios as-is.
If you're reading this I assume you've read (or skimmed) everything I wrote. This is my first true, formal deck profile and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to read it, and may you always topdeck your Miracle Cards!


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98% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 years
Exclude colors R
Splash colors WG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.94
Tokens Clue, Copy Clone, Emblem Narset Transcendent, Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Golem 9/9 C, Thopter 1/1 C
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