Vildin-Pack Outcast


Dronepack Kindred  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vildin-Pack Outcast

Creature — Werewolf


: Vildin-Pack Outcast gets +1/-1 until end of turn.

: Transform Vildin-Pack Outcast.

multimedia on Werewolf Commander

3 years ago

Hey, good work in process on a budget.

There's a few cards here that are not as good as others. Werewolf Horrors who can't transform from Tovolar are quite subpar. Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip, Smoldering Werewolf  Flip, Shrill Howler  Flip, Conduit of Storms  Flip, Ulvenwald Captive  Flip, Kessig Prowler  Flip

Three, four and five drop Human Werewolves who don't have any abilities or just have a single ability like reach or trample, but don't any other abilities on the backside of the card just aren't good enough. Tireless Hauler  Flip, Convicted Killer  Flip

Arlinn, Voice of the Pack for a six drop doesn't do much without other cards which is not what you want with a six drop. Tovolar's Huntmaster  Flip in comparison is so much better than Arlinn at six mana.

Some budget cards to consider adding:

Cinder Glade, Unclaimed Territory, Naya Panorama, Rogue's Passage, Tyrite Sanctum are some budget land upgrades to consider replacing some basic lands. Path of Ancestry could replace Timber Gorge.

Good luck with your deck.

Epicurus on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

A15Life there are a lot of werewolf creatures with transform. In fact, the transform mechanic was created around werewolves. There's a shit-ton of werewolves with the transform mechanic:

And all of this is without mentioning all of the non-werewolf HUMAN creatures with the transform mechanic, and the card I created makes all humans werewolves too. So yeah, there's a bit of use for Autumn Moon's ability to make a werewolf transform.

Sorry. Continue.

TogbusPrime on All Levels Except Physical

5 years ago

Werewolves have always been a favorite horror monster of mine, so I've tinkered with the tribe in EDH and a wolf enthusiast friend of mine actually made a deck for them. As such I've got a few suggestions, but take it with a grain of salt since our meta has an unusually high power level from what I've seen.

Given the description, I'm guessing the following are in to fill out the curve with early drops, but you may want to consider ditching Gatstaf Shepherd, Hanweir Watchkeep, Hinterland Logger, Lambholt Pacifist, Reckless Waif, Village Messenger, and Villagers of Estwald for later value cards or to free up room for some of my suggestions below. Similarly, I'd consider dropping Mass Hysteria as it seems dangerous, though with it's low mana cost I imagine you only cast it the turn you're going to win or as prep the one before that, and Fervor since you have access to better haste bestowers like Fires of Yavimaya , Rhythm of the Wild , Flamekin Village and/or other effects like Dolmen Gate , Angel's Trumpet , Sight of the Scalelords , and Steely Resolve .

As for what to put in, I think running both Radhas would make sense. Grand Warlord Radha allows you to aggress and progress in one fell swoop. In your present case that'd likely mean setting up so you have blockers for the possible crack back, though you could certainly add flash creatures to make the most of that mana during combat. As for the more on theme things there's stuff like Cult of the Waxing Moon , Spirit of the Hunt , Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip, Howlpack Resurgence , Silverfur Partisan , and Hinterland Hermit  Flip to force blocking and potentially free up other shenanigans. There's also the {insert tribe here} supports like Adaptive Automaton , Brass Herald , and Metallic Mimic . Lastly I'd think about protection like Heroic Intervention and Soul of New Phyrexia since the board is key for decks like this and wipes are something any EDH deck worth its salt has at least a few of.

PrismMTG on Werewolf Aggro

5 years ago

Coolio. Sooo, where to start. Just based on how the deck has lots of singles, Im guessing that you own most/all of these cards. Thats fine, it just won't be as smooth as a deck you made then ordered. I would drop Vivien's Invocation . Its really pricy, mana wise, and none of your creatures have a high enough power for the second ability to really come into play. Now your deck is down to 60 cards. Good, keep it there. Due to Immerwolf , Shrill Howler  Flip, Smoldering Werewolf  Flip, Tangleclaw Werewolf  Flip, Ulvenwald Captive  Flip, and Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip cannot transform. You can figure out how to deal with that, if that is a problem you come across. Mayor of Avabruck  Flip is a important card in most Werwolf decks. Howlpack Resurgence is an incredibly important card, so important that i have never seen a werewolf deck that didnt run it. Its somewhat pricy, but Collected Company is a powerful card, especially in a creature based deck like this.

Akromathia on Werewolves Are Back!!

5 years ago

Hello! First, well done up there. I have been running werewolves for a while now, and this proposal is very interesting. In all honesty I thought of this same mechanic myself, but the price on

Collected Company prevented me from pulling that off, and since it is a common archetype in modern, people tend to be ready to counter it sometimes. I recommend paying attention to the new Gruul enchantaments, they help to fight control a lot. Now, I am going to give you my point of view on more of these mechanics, hoping to help you on the long run. Please, do not have it as me pretending to know more than you do or anything, it is just based on my personal experience. Now with this out of the road, let me begin.

All the Eldrazi Werewolves (The likes of Kessig Prowler  Flip, Smoldering Werewolf  Flip, Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip, etc) are just a bad idea with Immerwolf , specially if you are running 4 copies of it. I myself used to have Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip as a finisher and to abuse Kessig Prowler  Flip but ended up removing them due heavy incompatibility. My suggestion is to replace one side of the equation or lower the Immerwolf count to 1-2. Also keep in mind that Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip and Ulrich of the Krallenhorde  Flip suffer heavily with Immerwolf company as well, for they need to keep on changing to really shine. Both are great strategies, just not fully compatible in between.

Hope it helps, and keep up the good job :D

BMHKain on

6 years ago

The slate is almost ready... I just want to know which is good out of the following, & which is bad, as well as whether or not Pristine Angel + Concerted Effort + Empty-Shrine Kannushi/Pledge of Loyalty is a legitamite combo that works, & can even deal with Multicolor, & Creature Types regardless of Color.

List: *Gisela, the Broken Blade/Bruna, the Fading Light

*Conduit of Storms  Flip

*Extricator of Sin  Flip

*Hanweir Battlements/Hanweir Garrison

*Lone Rider  Flip

*Smoldering Werewolf  Flip

*Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip

*Barrage Tyrant

*Consuming Sinkhole

*Crumble to Dust

*Eldrazi Aggressor

*Eldrazi Obligator

*Immobilizer Eldrazi

*Kozilek's Return

*Kozilek's Sentinel

*Maw of Kozilek

*Molten Nursery

*Nettle Drone

*Processor Assault

*Reality Hemorrhage

*Serpentine Spike

*Touch of the Void

*Turn Against

*Vestige of Emrakul

*Vile Aggregate

Which of these do you recommend? I'm adding my last adds before shaving off whole KGs off this deck...

BMHKain on 4 simple favors & I'll …

6 years ago

Here are the cards I found that are in such a color:

*Gisela, the Broken Blade/Bruna, the Fading Light

*Hanweir Battlements/Hanweir Garrison

*Conduit of Storms  Flip

*Extricator of Sin  Flip

*Lone Rider  Flip

*Smoldering Werewolf  Flip

*Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip

*Barrage Tyrant

*Consuming Sinkhole

*Crumble to Dust

*Eldrazi Aggressor

*Eldrazi Obligator

*Immobilizer Eldrazi

*Kozilek's Return

*Kozilek's Sentinel

*Molten Nursery

*Nettle Drone

*Processor Assault

*Reality Hemorrhage (Possible Sunforger Package add?)

*Serpentine Spike

*Touch of the Void

*Turn Against

*Vestige of Emrakul

*Vile Aggregate

Which do you think would be good for my Boros Deck? Also I omitted Eldrazi Displacer as it is a standard for this deck anyway.

Also, one last question, Since my Kozilek Deck is doing nothing but fail the meter, do you think I should run a 5Color Commander, & if so, what?

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