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Vintage | Legal |
Solitary Hunter
Creature — Human Werewolf Shaman
At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform Solitary Hunter.

Epicurus on Card creation challenge
4 years ago
A15Life there are a lot of werewolf creatures with transform. In fact, the transform mechanic was created around werewolves. There's a shit-ton of werewolves with the transform mechanic:
And all of this is without mentioning all of the non-werewolf HUMAN creatures with the transform mechanic, and the card I created makes all humans werewolves too. So yeah, there's a bit of use for Autumn Moon's ability to make a werewolf transform.
Sorry. Continue.
Akromathia on
Beleji Sirieten (9.0) - Werewolf
5 years ago
Solitary Hunter Flip is there for the extra punch that gives the deck later in the game. What should I replace it with? Wolfbitten Captive Flip?.
Moonmist is great indeed, however I have found myself needing more the spot removal. While playing the deck, I usually mix 1-3 copies of this for the second or third match depending on the kind of deck I am facing. If I were to put it in the main, what would it replace?
Thank you.
CasualCucumber on
Beleji Sirieten (9.0) - Werewolf
6 years ago
I would personally cut Solitary Hunter Flip.
Wolfbitten Captive Flip is a nice turn one card and Moonmist should be moved from your sideboard to your main deck.
Mandalorian on
The Pack Hungers
7 years ago
I think Silverfur Partisan should def be a 4 of since it synergizes so well with your creatures.
I think some of the enchantment are either unnecessary or can be upgraded to enchantments that synergize with your deck. I would drop the Blood Mist, Gruul War Chant, and Gift of Paradise for stuff like Howlpack Resurgence and Full Moon's Rise.
Naturalize is also probably pretty weak here and could be replaced. Creatures like Solitary Hunter Flip, Brazen Wolves, Smoldering Werewolf Flip, and Thornhide Wolves can be upgraded as well.
Here are some cards that are budget friendly I would find room for:
Breakneck Rider Flip/Neck Breaker Flip
Duskwatch Recruiter/Krallenhorde Howler Flip
Instigator Gang/Wildblood Pack Flip
For options that are above budget:
Huntmaster of the Fells/Ravager of the Fells Flip
AceGambitDragonfly on
7 years ago
The 78 card count is preventing this from being as good as it could be. I'd recommend stripping down as close to 60 as you can get. Some suggestions:
Village Messenger Flip, Vessel of Volatility, and Urza's Incubator are all very aggro cards, but there aren't enough of them to support a super aggro strategy. Either trade some other cards out to focus on a more aggro strategy (like Howlpack Resurgence) or drop these cards.
Defend the Hearth is the wrong card for this deck, swap it out for either another Moonmist or Druid's Deliverance.
Swap Whisperer of the Wilds out for Scorned Villager Flip.
Drop 1x Howlpack Resurgence and Gratuitous Violence.
Drop Lambholt Pacifist Flip.
Drop Solitary Hunter Flip.
Hentaiology on
GRIXUS Control
7 years ago
Looks pretty good but Assembled Alphas and Ulrich of the Krallenhorde Flip are a too expensive in my opinion also you might wanna trade some of your werewolves for others like Solitary Hunter Flip for Lambholt Pacifist Flip, maybe Ulvenwald Captive Flip for Village Messenger Flip because youre already running 24 land I dont think you need the ramp, or if you like running the eldrazi werewolves Geier Reach Bandit Flip flipped is pretty cool. In the end I just think ulrich and alphas are too expensive even though I love alphas maybe it would be good to cut a few of each to put other cards in
keflavich on Card distribution in draft incorrect?
8 years ago
I was wondering if anyone else noticed large discrepancies in the frequency of cards in the Draft Simulation. I can't provide any strong statistics, but in SOI + EMN I think the double-sided cards have been too common by a factor of 2-3. Especially notable were Solitary Hunter in SOI and Ulvenwald Captive Flip in EMN, which I routinely see 3+ copies of in a draft, though I think they should have a lower likelihood. Can anyone verify this, and possibly a tappedout representative address it?
landofMordor on
Pack Attack
8 years ago
Seems like you've got a lot of non-essentials in the deck -- most Standard decks are 60 cards (~24 lands and ~36 spells) so that you've got a higher chance of drawing the good cards. Right off the bat, Convicted Killer Flip is objectively worse than Lambholt Pacifist Flip, so ideally you'd have 4 of the Pacifist and no Killers. Hinterland Logger Flip, Gatstaf Arsonists Flip, Ember-Eye Wolf, Howlpack Wolf, and Solitary Hunter all seem like they clog up your draws and unnecessarily tie up your mana. On the noncreature side, you don't need so many combat tricks, especially Aim High, Might Beyond Reason, Goblin War Paint, Senseless Rage, and Haunted Cloak. The other plus side to thinning out your creatures is that you don't need so many combat tricks and auras, so the ones you do keep can be your best ones.
Also, if you're going for Delirium activation, I'd recommend Vessel of Nascency over Nissa's Renewal (since it's so much faster and gets stuff in your grave). In general, I'd recommend a Spirit of the Hunt or two to replace combat tricks, Prey Upon for Rabid Bite (less mana), a Silverfur Partisan or two to deter control, Howlpack Resurgence as a permanent version of one of your combat tricks, and more Werewolf lords in general -- Geier Reach Bandit Flip especially. Those should mostly be really budget options you should be able to trade for easily.
Good luck, and keep brewing! Let me know if that helps!