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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Olivia's Dragoon
Creature — Vampire Beserker
Discard a card: This gains flying until end of turn. (This can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.)
Lup3rcal on A blight on the land - The Gitrog Monster
1 year ago
Things I might consider cutting:
Oblivion Crown - discard is nice but this one breaks as soon as the creature on it does - too flimsy.
Elvish Spirit Guide and Dark Ritual - let you do some pop off things if you draw the nuts, but unless you're winning with them I think they're not worth the card slot. Sure you can potentially turn two Gitrog, but unless you're set on that bucket list item, these wouldn't make the cut for me.
Putrid Imp - of your creature discard pieces, this one is the worst: no inherent upside for discard and can't even chump after you hit threshold. (I'm also squinting at Olivia's Dragoon; it's never going to contest anything important in the air so same concerns)
Riftsweeper - a glorified grizzly bear. It assuages the fear of losing a cool card to exile, but that card goes back to the library so you dont gain any card advantage from it. Unless your deck simply cannot function without one of the 99, riftsweeper doesnt help you win
Diabolic Intent and Ashnod's Altar - I don't see much in the way of token generation / reanimation, so these sac effects don't get great value IMO. yes, you can recycle a mana dork, but you may need those dorks to chump, and both cards are dead if your board has been damaged.
Triumph of the Hordes - similar to above, I don't see enough creatures/power in here for the payoff. You could pump the shit out of a Noose Constrictor, but Tainted Strike does the same at cheaper and instant speed. Arguably it lets the eldrazi titans one shot people but trust me, if you're swinging with those you're already winning.
Aetherflux Reservoir - doesn't seem useful outside of the citadel. Maybe you have more infinite combos turning this into a wincon, but I dont see them. But, I would be curious to see this playtested. Expect it to draw some aggro even if you're playing it "fairly".
Treasured Find - actually not awful, just curious why this over Eternal Witness or a similar dork
And suggested additions:
Abundance - let's you do the sick play of putting ALL LANDS IN YOUR DECK into your graveyard with the frog and a discard outlet then you have pure gas, and can reanimate the lands in any number of ways
World Shaper - no love for the land reanimator?
DMFF on This is Madness! MH2
3 years ago
I do have a good answer for your question GrimlockVIII.
Ravenous Bloodseeker can activate the effect at instant speed, which effectively can cast our Madness Creatures at instant speed. Olivia's Dragoon can fill the same role, but I prefer Bloodseeker's ability to pump as it is useful attacking and blocking.
GrimlockVIII on This is Madness! MH2
3 years ago
Is there a reason for running Ravenous Bloodseeker as opposed to something like Olivia's Dragoon , Rakdos Headliner , Bloodrage Brawler , or Pale Rider of Trostad ?
VampRamped on Edgar Aggro
3 years ago
This is a decent Edgar Markov list I just had a few questions and comments about choices
- You are playing swords to plowshares and path to exile in your deck what creatures are you worried about dealing with.
2.I know you have in maybe board but for 1 mana more than Vampire Aristocrat you get a much better card in Falkenrath Aristocrat as it has much better stats, evasion, and protection in addition the new Immersturm Predator is also a very good vampire sac outlet that is targeted graveyard hate.
3.What is your goal with this deck you say it's more and more a combo deck but it still has vampire aggro elements of it. While I think having multiple strategies within Edgar Markov is actually a good strategy with Edgar Markov. For example not only is Oathsworn Vampire a component of a decent combo but is actually pretty decent for the aggro beatdown Worldgorger Dragon while technically part of a more efficient combo is actually terrible for your vampire aggro deck. My suggestion would be to remove Worldgorger Dragon from your deck. doing so also allows to remove Heir of Falkenrath Flip and Olivia's Dragoon which are not very good cards and are only really in for worldgorger in the first place.
Things I like about your deck
Living Death : I think it is arguable the best card in an Edgar Markov deck not only an immediate board reset after a wipe but with a sac outlet you get a one-sided board wipe with all the effects of the sac + death triggers
Multiple win cons: I did sort of mention this before but you also seem to recognize that Edgar Markov is a deck that can benefit exceedingly from a multitude of win conditions. This I think is because Edgar Markov identity is a momentum-based strategy, and thus is at its worst when your ground to a halt, or when you divert attention away from building momentum, which is also why I asked about your choice of strictly creature removal.
If you wanted to get some insight into how I personally balance multiple strategies in my personal deck, in addition to some very interesting vampire combo's I will put a link here.
Goblin_Guide on Black Deck Wins
4 years ago
First suggestion: Fuck you. Play red.
Second: Alms of the Vein, Olivia's Dragoon, Dark Withering, and Brain Gorgers.
Again: Fuck you. Play red.
StopShot on What is the best commander …
4 years ago
2.) Combo-kill.
3.) The Gitrog Monster has a lot of casual variations, but it gets busted in competitive EDH if you plan to go infinite with Dakmor Salvage and any of the various free repeatable discard outlets such as: Earsplitting Rats, Grotesque Hybrid, Noose Constrictor, Oblivion Crown, Olivia's Dragoon, Oona's Prowler, Patchwork Gnomes, Putrid Imp, Skirge Familiar, Trespasser il-Vec, Tunneler Wurm or Wild Mongrel.
Upon discarding the Dakmor Salvage, The Gitrog Monster allows you to draw a card which you can use to dredge the Dakmor Salvage back. As you can see you have an infinite mill loop, BUT for every land you mill, you also get a draw trigger from The Gitrog Monster. Not only that, but in your deck you have one or more of these grave-shuffle effects: Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre or Gaea's Blessing. Milling any of those cards puts all milled cards back into your library, so you can keep racking up draw triggers until you have your entire deck in your hand.
At this point you can free cast Lotus Petal and/or Dark Ritual and then shuffle them back into your library to draw again by discarding a grave shuffler followed by any number of lands in your hand to draw them back and repeat. You now have infinite mana of any color in your hand along with every card in your library in your hand and the ability to recast any card in your hand as many times as you want. Simplest method of winning is just to cast Walking Ballista for a million mana but really any card that causes a loss of life that can easily be put back in the grave upon use so you can cycle it back will work. Also if your opponents have something like Leyline of Sanctity or any other protection card you can freely cast and recast your Assassin's Trophy and/or Maelstrom Pulse as many times as you want to bypass the issue.
But what if they exile your Dakmor Salvage? Use Riftsweeper to get it back and if that fails use your back-up Mirror of Fate to recur it after you've milled your library thoroughly with some value engine like Mesmeric Orb. You basically have to also exile their recursion cards to remove the land for good or use Praetor's Grasp as a silver bullet.
Why not just use a removal spell or graveyard hate spell/ability while the first dredge trigger is on the stack to interrupt the combo? Well, that could work, but keep in mind if they discard a another land card while its on the stack they can dredge off of that and run through their combo all while removal is on the stack effectively bypassing any number of removal spells equal to the extra lands in their hand. By the time the removal spell as has resolved they will have infinite black mana from Dark Ritual and a Lotus Petal to cast afterward allowing them to just recast whatever was removed or just win by hard-casting the aforementioned Walking Ballista.
If Tormod's Crypt won't work you could use Rest in Peace or Planar Void to stop it, but these decks run so many Naturalize effects because they know that's the only real effective answer you have to stop it.
Oh, and get this. If you can't find a discard outlet you can use your discard step to discard down to hand size to go infinite and win the game that way as the discard step repeats if an ability is triggered due to discarding down to hand size. Which means all you really need is the land which you can find with all the black tutors and green provides its own land tutor effects as well. Given you're also in green playing a turn 2 or 3 The Gitrog Monster is fairly possible which can be the same turn you win on.
The deck is too consistent at winning. People don't play it though, because certain interactions get very complex in rules interactions which means you need a solid understanding of how to pilot it, and those who do know how to pilot it find it boring as winning can be so fast and consistent it doesn't even feel like you're playing Magic anymore. Also the deck can get pretty pricey to acquire all the cards you need. That combination of factors is why it doesn't see much play otherwise it would be banned straight out of existence if sanctioned competitive EDH tournaments were more common in my opinion.
tkjanacek on Edgar Markov
4 years ago
You play a lot of expensive creatures, i would suggest including a reanimator package: Animate Dead, Reanimate, Victimize, Living Death, Elspeth Conquers Death, Whip of Erebos, Entomb, Buried Alive, Olivia's Dragoon, Stromkirk Condemned. I caution you against cutting Door of Destinies, it's very strong. Instead I would cut Brave the Sands, Stensia Masquerade and maybe a couple of rocks. Check out my list: Edgar Aggro
OtherWorldlyShadow on Combo Feature Not Working
4 years ago
The combo is for an EDH Dredge deck. Golgari Grave-Troll, Underworld Breach, Gitaxian Probe, and Olivia's Dragoon. Play Underworld Breach, cast Gitaxian Probe, dredge Grave Troll, discard troll, repeat for as much life/library that you can.
I originally had the 3 without the Dragoon for a combo, and it was working, but after checking the combo page, I decided that I needed to at least make sure the discard outlet was considered.
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