Cult of the Waxing Moon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cult of the Waxing Moon

Creature — Human Shaman

Whenever a permanent you control transforms into a non-Human creature, put a 2/2 green Wolf creature token onto the battlefield.

alecks on Therewolf

2 years ago

Hey _Moonie_, thanks for the comments. My paper copy only has 100 cards, kind of using this list as the top cards that I'm deciding between, hoping for some feedback, especially with the creature list. I have a what is now modern deck too, it was standard in the original innistrad block that I had fun playing with. Honestly I think now that we have Tovolar, the tribe is really playable in EDH. With 3 blocks of werewolves, we have a lot of good creatures, and a lot of good support cards. The new daybound ability works better in this format than the old flipping mechanic, but Tovolars ability makes it so that we can reliably flip our werewolves anyway.

Am I missing something about Feed the Pack? It seems like most times I would rather have the creature that I'd be sacrificing, and since it's specifically end step you can't use it to dodge other spells. I've considered it before, it just doesn't feel like it's as good or reliable as Kessig Cagebreakers or Cult of the Waxing Moon.

I'll take a look at your modern deck, I'm curious what you've got. I'd started a list after shadows over innistrad, but I never finished it, and I haven't made one recently either.

Rhadamanthus on What happens if a DFC …

3 years ago

Yes, the copy effect will still apply over the card's printed characteristics. Transforming still counts as "transforming", and for Cult of the Waxing Moon, the effect will depend on what characteristics the copy effect is giving it:

701.28e Some triggered abilities trigger when an object "transforms into" an object with a specified characteristic. Such an ability triggers if the object transforms and has the specified characteristic immediately after it transforms.

Whether the Daybound/Nightbound ability causes the card to transform depends on what face is currently showing. If Olag, Ludevic's Hubris becomes a copy of something with Daybound, it won't transform when day becomes night because it's already back face up.

702.145b Daybound is found on the front faces of some transforming double-faced cards and represents three static abilities. "Daybound" means "If it is night, this permanent enters the battlefield transformed," "As it becomes night, if this permanent is front face up, transform it," and "This permanent can't be transformed except by its daybound ability." See rule 724, "Day and Night."

702.145c Any time a player controls a permanent that is front face up with daybound and it's night, that player transforms that permanent. This happens immediately and isn't a state-based action.

702.145f Any time a player controls a permanent that is back face up with nightbound and it's day, that player transforms that permanent. This happens immediately and isn't a state-based action.

Yesterday on What happens if a DFC …

3 years ago

So, if a Dual-Faced Card like Ludevic, Necrogenius  Flip were to become a copy of another DFC that has the ability to transform, the Ludevic card can still 'transform', but retains all the characteristics it had prior to transforming, due to how becoming a copy of something is usually layered. Is this correct?

If so, does it still count as transforming for the purposes of cards like Cult of the Waxing Moon?

Also if so, what happens if Olag becomes a copy of a Daybound creature, and then it becomes night? I assume the creature tries to transform once as it becomes night, and then sits there still daybound afterwards, but wanted to clarify because that mechanic is whack.

multimedia on Tovolar's Wolfpack

3 years ago

Hey, well done on a budget for your first deck, nice Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip.

Some budget cards to consider adding:

Some cards to consider cutting:

Some budget land upgrades to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

TrashWolf95 on Wolf Army

3 years ago

As a fellow wolf/werewolf player myself I have a few suggestions to make your deck a bit better. First I would remove Meteorite it's a high mana cost for not a lot in return I would suggest replacing it with The Celestus as it's cheaper mana rock and has synergy with your werewolves and the draw/discard ability is super useful. I would also remove Burn the Accursed in favour of maybe Lightning Bolt, Moonlight Hunt or Banefire.

A few other cards off the top of my head that I play in my wolf/werewolf deck that are very useful are Rampant Growth, Warstorm Surge, Atarka's Command, Destructive Revelry, Nightpack Ambusher, Cult of the Waxing Moon, Cultivate, Wolfcaller's Howl, Master of the Hunt, Shamanic Revelation, Elemental Bond, Beast Whisperer, Wild Defiance, Scorned Villager  Flip, Overwhelming Stampede and Rhythm of the Wild.

Overall for your first edh deck you have some good picks and synergies I like the midnight hunt theme

Stardragon on Tovolar's pack

3 years ago

While my deck is far less competitive than yours I have a few suggestions

One sided-Damage Doublers-Fiendish Duo and Gratuitous Violence

Faster creatures-Rhythm of the Wild or Fires of Yavimaya

Makes creatures hit harder-Unnatural Growth, Shared Animosity, Gruul War Chant (I prefer this to Goblin War Drums as it gives creatures both menace only when attacking (the only time it matters) plus a combat boost)

Extra Combat phase cards I don't see you have- Port Razer, Fury of the Horde and Breath of Fury

Draw power-Guardian Project, Lifecrafter's Bestiary or Beast Whisperer

Other wincons-Overrun, Craterhoof Behemoth,Blightsteel Colossus

Protection-Darksteel Plate, Ulrich's Kindred, Whispersilk Cloak, Commander's Plate

Cult of the Waxing Moon-if your transforming enough can crank wolf tokens at a good pace, The Celestus for more night control and bit of mana, Ruric Thar, the Unbowed to discourage other players from playing spells and flipping your werewolves

Wurmspiralmaschine14 on Call of the Wild

5 years ago

Okay. I'm the Reddit dude. Sorry for the wait. Life interfered and I didn’t have a great opportunity to write this, so my b. Here's what I'd try messing around with. I'll do my best to keep suggestions budget

Boardwipes Add Rout , End Hostilities , Cleansing Nova ... Three should be fine. When you need a boardwipe, it pays to have one. You will need a boardwipe at some point.

Removal Naya Charm is a fog, removal spell, mass unblockablility, and a Regrowth all at once. Worth it. Generous Gift and Beast Within are also solid open-ended removal spells. Oblation , Chaos Warp , and Swords to Plowshares should do the rest

Draw Add Beast Whisperer , Guardian Project , and some other spells that draw off creatures. Your deck has so many creatures - might as well turn them into cantrips. Primordial Sage and Lifecrafter's Bestiary also come to mind. Maybe a Vivien Reid as removal and draw all in one, if you feel like splurging a bit?

Ramp Cultivate Kodama's Reach Farseek Rampant Growth Into the North + two of each basic snow land Burnished Hart Farhaven Elf Springbloom Druid

Boardwipes, removal, ramp, draw - That’s the general stuff that each deck needs simply to function

Here’s some more niche stuff I think your deck could use

Protection Kindred Boon and Eight-and-a-Half-Tails are good at protecting your creatures, and what makes them better is that the're activated abilities - to say, your werewolves won't flip but you’ll get to spend your mana

Overrun Beastmaster Ascension , Overwhelming Stampede , and Thunderfoot Baloth all do WORK! Swinging in with the team is your way to win the game. Make it more powerful

The Other Stuff I really like Cult of the Waxing Moon , Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves , Bow of Nylea , Mastery of the Unseen and Boros Charm . Bow synergises particularly well with your commander, making blocking a lose-lose situation. Mastery of the Unseen is a solid mana sink, so you’ll have something to do on the turns where you don’t want to flip your wolves. Boros Charm ’s just insanely more versatile than it appears

Ok. This comment’s long enough as is, so I’ll take my leave. If you want a hand making cuts, though, feel free to comment and I’ll try to get back to you quicker this time :)

TogbusPrime on All Levels Except Physical

5 years ago

Werewolves have always been a favorite horror monster of mine, so I've tinkered with the tribe in EDH and a wolf enthusiast friend of mine actually made a deck for them. As such I've got a few suggestions, but take it with a grain of salt since our meta has an unusually high power level from what I've seen.

Given the description, I'm guessing the following are in to fill out the curve with early drops, but you may want to consider ditching Gatstaf Shepherd, Hanweir Watchkeep, Hinterland Logger, Lambholt Pacifist, Reckless Waif, Village Messenger, and Villagers of Estwald for later value cards or to free up room for some of my suggestions below. Similarly, I'd consider dropping Mass Hysteria as it seems dangerous, though with it's low mana cost I imagine you only cast it the turn you're going to win or as prep the one before that, and Fervor since you have access to better haste bestowers like Fires of Yavimaya , Rhythm of the Wild , Flamekin Village and/or other effects like Dolmen Gate , Angel's Trumpet , Sight of the Scalelords , and Steely Resolve .

As for what to put in, I think running both Radhas would make sense. Grand Warlord Radha allows you to aggress and progress in one fell swoop. In your present case that'd likely mean setting up so you have blockers for the possible crack back, though you could certainly add flash creatures to make the most of that mana during combat. As for the more on theme things there's stuff like Cult of the Waxing Moon , Spirit of the Hunt , Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip, Howlpack Resurgence , Silverfur Partisan , and Hinterland Hermit  Flip to force blocking and potentially free up other shenanigans. There's also the {insert tribe here} supports like Adaptive Automaton , Brass Herald , and Metallic Mimic . Lastly I'd think about protection like Heroic Intervention and Soul of New Phyrexia since the board is key for decks like this and wipes are something any EDH deck worth its salt has at least a few of.

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