Long Road Home

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Long Road Home


Exile target creature. At the beginning of the next end step, return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control with a +1/+1 counter on it.

Omniscience_is_life on Timing issues

2 years ago

The entirety of a the spell's effect will occur upon resolution, unless explicitly stated otherwise (like Long Road Home).

So in this case, the creatures will be exiled and returned to play all before Doomskar resolves.

It's important to note that no players may cast spells or activate abilities in between the creatures being exiled and returning to the battlefield, since both effects are part of the same spell resolving. It would be like casting a spell before you draw a card form Crash Through, but after trample is granted.

JCTenor10 on The Code Meister

3 years ago

I agree with giving Fractured Identity a chance, as it is an AMAZING followup to a boardwipe like Fell the Mighty or Yahenni's Expertise.

Assault Suit I dislike for many reasons.

1) being a 4cmc artifacts means it's unlikely to get dropped before Codie,meaning we will have to flicker with Long Road Home or one of your other cheats to play it, which means it is competing with your higher impact permanents just to gimmick someone out of playing permanents, which will require removal ASAP.

2) As a Zedruu player I have learned that there is no faster way to make enemies at the table the bad gifts like Codie.

3) if you want to dip into bad gifts route play Zedruu the Greathearted.

People will hate Fractured Identity, but they won't make you the archenemy because of it. As fun as bad gifts are, most of them are just not up to Codies speed. If you are going for additional Codie triggers, I once again suggest Jeskai Ascendancy,it does better than any other at getting multiple triggers for it's price.

ghostmode on Historic Party Bus

3 years ago

I had a lot of fun with Bant Party Bus lol, but this brings up some cool ideas! Hostage Taker seems interesting if you could squeeze the use out of him, and Blood for Bones seems great. I wonder if there's a Scholar of the Ages brew with Blood for Bones.. that combo is awesome lol.

The Battlement is awesome. I was using lots of Elvish Visionarys and Llanowar Visionarys (ramps a bit too!) and the main idea of the deck was Leyline of Anticipation. It's hilarious flashing in Battlement to scoop up blockers and then instant-speed Shatter the Sky to draw a card, sweep the board, and get my entire board back drawing 5 more cards lol. Elite Guardmage seems pretty good here, maybe I'll have to try that!

Yorion, Sky Nomad and Thassa, Deep-Dwelling are really great inclusions that both fit into your Esper colors as well. And Cloudshift can do some stuff! I found less use in Long Road Home but it exists and can also target the opponents creatures last resort if you need to eliminate a certain effect temporarily.. I've had that happen.

Goblin_Guide on Remember to blink

3 years ago

This deck is sweet! I love blink as a mechanic and this is exactly what I would want a blink deck to do in Modern.

If you are hard-pressed for removal, you could add some Containment Priests. If you do this I would add some more blink spells that can target any creature (my favorite is Long Road Home) so you can have some blink spells that do double duty as removal spells; also, since it has flash, you can interrupt your opponent doing some other annoying stuff and mess them up, or just flash it in on an end step to get a vanilla 2/2 worst case scenario. Another of these spells that would work is Turn to Mist.

Serabelle on Avacyn Worldslayer

3 years ago

Hey, nice to see someone else is trying to make Avacyn competitive! Here are some thoughts from my own Avacyn deck, I’m still in the process of building it as well. :)


Card Quality:

Protecting Avacyn:

  • Avacyn is a huge threat and most people will definitely try to stop you from using her by: countering her summoning, exiling her, -x/-x, sacrifice, copying or stealing her.

  • Teferi's Protection is complete board protection. Probably the best defense white has.

  • Effects like Otherworldly Journey or Long Road Home allow you to save her from exile board wipes, Cyclonic Rift and the like.

  • Arcane Lighthouse is useful in circumstances that someone copies or steals your Avacyn.

  • Whispersilk Cloak can also combo well with Worldslayer (just be sure to equip Worldslayer first).

Spot Removal:

  • Oblation (shuffles back into deck)

  • Condemn (puts attacking creature at the bottom of its owner’s library)

Counter Spells: (Not that there are many in white).


Potential Planeswalkers:

Good Luck! I hope the deck building goes well! :)

multimedia on Feathers: The Musical

4 years ago

Hey, nice budget version of Feather. Psychosis Crawler is an interesting finisher.

Cards a $1 or less to consider adding:

Aria is amazing with Feather when you can consistently cast three or four instants a turn which adds up verse counters quick. Instants that you can break up doing damage to Feather to trigger her and then do the rest of the damage to other creatures or other targets are very good with Feather. Fury was when Feather was released a $20 card now it's $1 thanks to less hype and a recent reprint.

Upgrades to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Feather's Token Tantrum (~$200)

4 years ago

Hey, good updates.

Just so you know the instants/sorceries that are copied by Zada or Mirrorwing don't count toward storm of Grapeshot. They don't count because you aren't casting the copies. In my suggestions I suggested to replace Grapeshot with Aria as Aria is also a repeatable source of burn to your opponents. If you don't have Aria then Grapeshot is fine since it can be repeatable burn with Feather.

Psychotic Fury is very powerful with Feather, less than $1 and it draws a card. Double strike in combination with pump spells combine well to take out opponents with Feather Commander damage. Could cut Long Road Home for Psychotic. Home is one of four instants here that can blink a creature, but you don't have a double strike effect.

Titan's Strength is an upgrade for Brute Force. The scy 1 of Strength is more beneficial when casting it multiple times in a game than the additional +2 toughness. Feather doesn't really need to the toughness boost.

jakusbakus on Feather's Token Tantrum (~$200)

4 years ago

Hey, so I've updated the deck a bit to reflect what I have in it right now. After playing with it a bit, I've found that Grapeshot is a game-winner in this deck when I have an engine running with either Zada, Hedron Grinder or Mirrorwing Dragon, so I don't quite want to sub it out just yet. Especially since burn is sometimes the only way for me to get through damage on a friend whose pillow-fort deck has gotten out of control :P. Other than that, I've already subbed out the other cards you mentioned as I realized pretty quickly they don't synergize well.

I don't think I'm going to drop the land count because I've found it crippling to not be able to get out a land each turn in my few games with her. I really like your land suggestions though, and I'll definitely consider getting a copy of each of them going forward to help with mana fixing.

You're right in saying that this deck is definitely lacking some token pump though, and I really like the suggestions of Anax and Cymede and Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin. I remember looking at Anax and Cymede and for some reason I thought you couldn't stack the trigger by casting multiple spells, but I read it correctly when you suggested it.

Aria of Flame is something I'm trying to get my friend to trade me right now, I've realized it's a must-have for a deck like this!

I've also worked on card-draw and scry-cards which really help me dig to the centerpieces of this deck - Zada, Hedron Grinder and Mirrorwing Dragon. I've found that they just make things ten times easier, and ten times faster too!

Some cards that I've added -

Reckless Rage and Fall of the Hammer have been exceedingly useful, especially when combined with Mirrorwing Dragon or Zada, Hedron Grinder, which allows me to aim sometimes upwards of 20, 30, even 40 damage at multiple targets.

Orim's Thunder instead of Heliod's Intervention since it is repeatable.

Aurelia's Fury which save me from powerful creatures or devastating spells

Ephemerate and Long Road Home for protection. It does remove my tokens if I have Mirrorwing Dragon or Zada, Hedron Grinder, but I've found it's not an issue since I can generally wait for an opponent's end step, cast a bunch of spells, and then have a token army ready to go when it comes back to me.

I should mention that my playgroup doesn't have a deck that's heavy on counter spells, so I'm really wondering how it might fare against something like that. Generally I'm free to pop off so long as I can keep up mana for any removal my friends might have.

Thanks so much for the suggestions though, it really has helped me see what parts of the deck I can fine tune, and what cards I can put in to make that happen!

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