Vigor Mortis

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vigor Mortis


Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. If was spent to cast this spell, that creature enters with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.

dichia on How to ramp fast

4 years ago

Funkydiscogod: I tried Dramatic Entrance, but I still prefer Early Harvest because they both grants me a turn 3 Avenger of Zendikar with 5 lands, but the second one can also help to cast a bigger Genesis Hydra, which needs a lot of mana if I want to find the avenger. Dramatic Entrance wouldn't help with the hydra at all.

The black addition you suggested is really interesting, Vigor Mortis is great! It fits perfectly in the deck. Also, I found some good black or green-black plants creatures that could work.

Also, I was thinking of using abilities like Scavenge, Populate and Proliferate. Sundering Growth will probably go in the sideboard.

triproberts12 on Hogaak Persist Combo

5 years ago

Isn't this backwards of how these leagues normally work? I thought the winner is the only one that doesn't get the budget bump, so the most powerful deck doesn't snowball.

Anyway, Mindwrack Harpy is the most pushed intro deck card I've ever seen. That's my first add.

I also like putting in more creatures with ETB effects. It's kind of awkward that you'll want to tap mana dorks for Hogaak. Glowspore Shaman, Golgari Thug, Crow of Dark Tidings, Gamekeeper, and Mire Triton can all help get Hogaak out by turn 3 if you have a good turn 1 play.

There are a lot of good gold cards in BG graeyard stuff, too: If you have anyone that's relying on indestructibility, Drown in Filth is a good budget option to feed your graveyard. If you're built around Hogaak, I'd think it should regularly be a hard removal spell with upside. Nyx Weaver is just a great card in any graveyard deck, and cheap, too. Jarad's Orders is a good double-tutor. Underrealm Lich is worth the $2, in my opinion. I would also ask yourself whether Eternal Witness is $3.50 better than Acolyte of Affliction/Golgari Findbroker/Treasured Find. Storrev, Devkarin Lich didn't get much fanfare, but the power and price tag are there.

Animist's Awakening is good value at just over $1. World Shaper and Splendid Reclamation are a little more expensive, but higher impact than other $4-5 cards I see in the list. Lower on the ramp ladder, note that Harrow and Springbloom Druid put a land in the yard. Funeral Rites isn't a bad draw spell for this deck. Same for Winding Way, Gather the Pack and Relentless Pursuit. Syphon Mind doesn't have much to do with the theme, but I start with it in most of my black value decks. Dark Deal could be very good, especially if your draw power is maximized and you can use your yard as a second hand. Greenwarden of Murasa is just a powerful card. Same for Phyrexian Delver.

Some other general budget cards for considering: Ransack the Lab, Corpse Churn, Dead Reckoning, Grapple with the Past, Hatchery Spider, Millikin, Mindwrack Demon, Once and Future, Splinterfright, The Mending of Dominaria, Skullwinder, Blood for Bones, and Vigor Mortis.

LadyZ on Savra, Queen of the Golgari Aristocrats

5 years ago

There are some more reanimation options you can look at. Victimize and Dread Return both support the aristocrats theme, and Vigor Mortis brings the creature back stronger.

I'd think about cutting Grave-Shell Scarab , it's main purpose is to fill your grave from the deck. Drakestown Forgotten similarly cares more about how fat your grave is than actually using it. And as for Gifted Aetherborn ... I would just cut it, but if you like the deathtouch-lifelink vampire that much, I'd pay the one extra for Vampire Nighthawk

ZendikariWol on Commander 2019...

5 years ago

Meren of Clan Nel Toth , Journey to Eternity  Flip, Vigor Mortis - yeah you’re right, green doesn’t have as much as I remember.

abbatromebone on Janky graveyard

5 years ago
  • Darth_Savage thank you for the comment. Fauna shaman should be a target for removal because its a good card. It works to well in the deck not to include it. Id rather trade her than the more threatening spells that come after her.
  • Vigor Mortis seems like a card that could be added.
  • I would agree that its slow for modern however the meta i play in is mostly group play and that favors slower decks. Being everything hinges around LEGENDARY cards i will get more value than collected company. The down side is that it takes longer to get there.
  • Most of the decks I play against have little to no graveyard hate. I was temped to make this so that they would learn.

Darth_Savage on Janky graveyard

5 years ago

Fauna Shaman is a magnet for removal since it simply isn't used in "fair" decks, I've tried it myself in casual play Casual Reanimator so please believe me. Add to this that using a reanimator spell like Vigor Mortis is considered too slow for modern, given a card like Collected Company Primevals' Glorious Rebirth is on the edge, without a lot more support, something like Semblance Anvil for example.

Depending on how casual you want to stay I could make other suggestions, but certainly a factor to consider is that in a playgroup which is Modern aware graveyard hate is going to be a factor.

multimedia on Walks-The-Counters

5 years ago

Hey, nice budget deck. Rome921 gave you some good advice, but I don't think you want to be aggro. I think you want to be midrange and use your graveyard with Skullbriar :)

Sit back let the counters accumulate on Skullbriar until your ready to strike. I say midrange because there's some setup here that needs to happen before you can seriously start attacking and doing Commander damage with Skullbriar. The setup is not aggressive cards they're midrange cards.

Never cut one drop mana dorks. In fact consider adding more: Llanowar Elves , Elvish Mystic , Fyndhorn Elves , Arbor Elf ? They're a huge reason to want to play green in Commander. Maybe they don't interact the best with Skullbriar since he's only two mana to start, but they create ramp for other cards that you want to play which are just as important than Skullbriar.

Greater Good is too good of repeatable draw with Skullbrair's ability to keep his counters and it's a sac outlet. Sac outlets help to get value, able to sac Skullbrair in response so he isn't constantly going back to the Command Zone just choose to instead put him into your graveyard. Carrion Feeder , Yahenni, Undying Partisan , Ashnod's Altar and Evolutionary Leap are other sac outlets to consider. Skullbriar doesn't loose counters when he's put into your graveyard this makes him a good target for sac outlets and reanimation to bypass Commander tax. Just don't recur him, have to reanimate him, skipping your hand and putting him right onto the battlefield.

Journey to Eternity  Flip has been suggested and it's good with sac outlets to sac the creature enchanted to flip it to then have a repeatable way for five mana to reanimate Skullbriar. Animate Dead , Unearth and Vigor Mortis are more ways to reanimate Skullbriar. Don't be afraid to put Skullbrair in your graveyard; if your graveyard gets exiled when he's in it, he doesn't get exiled, you can choose to put him back into the Command Zone.

Ring of Kalonia , Evolutionary Escalation , Kalonian Hydra and Reyhan, Last of the Abzan ($5) are no mana cost repeatable counter engines with Skullbriar. Increasing Savagery and Solidarity of Heroes can put a lot of counters on Skullbriar for the mana costs. Deathrite Shaman and Scavenging Ooze are Golgari staples, especially good in multiplayer Commander where there's four graveyards to choose from.

Swiftfoot Boots and Canopy Cover can help to protect Skullbrair. Boots also has haste good with reanimated Skullbrair and Cover gives evasion. Regrowth , Treasured Find and Eternal Witness can recur any one card from your graveyard good to get back reanimation spells or anything else.

If you like some of these suggestions I offer more advice. Good luck with your deck.

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