Feast on the Fallen

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Feast on the Fallen


At the beginning of each upkeep, if an opponent lost life last turn, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.

Peligrad on Tutoring a new edh player

4 years ago

Personally, I think voltron strategies are some of the most cost effective for a beginning budget player.

A commander like Skullbriar, the Walking Grave can be tuned to be competitive at any table and does especially well in duels.

A lot of his best cards like Evolutionary Escalation Feast on the Fallen Hydra's Growth Ordeal of Nylea Biogenic UpgradeSoul's Might Ring of Kalonia FireshriekerWinding Constrictor Corpsejack Menace and many others are cheap.

My deck is not budget, but you could replace the most expensive 30 cards with budget friendly alternatives and still have a deck that stomps most tables. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/15-09-20-skullbriar-the-walking-grave/

Anomanderson on Marchesa, Karate Chop Surprise!

4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions, Khirgan! Last_Laugh was a tremendous help and I implemented many of those suggestions (thanks btw! Greatly appreciated).

Dockside Extortionist, Feast on the Fallen, and more spot removal like Dismember and Snuff Out are definitely the types of cards I’m looking to swap in.

I’m trying to keep this more aggressive flyers bent for the time being, though you’ve given me some great food for thought that I hadn’t considered before!

Khirgan on Marchesa, Karate Chop Surprise!

4 years ago

Definitely need to listen to Last_Laugh. He's helped me a substantial amount with a few of my decks too.

Cards you might wanna consider that I don't think anyone has mentioned yet:

Dockside Extortionist - depending on your playgroup this can ramp you an insane amount.

Feast on the Fallen - allows you to do some truly degenerate things when combined with Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Goblin Bombardment.

K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth - stay off the throne and make your spells cheaper (easy to get +1/+1 counters on it, and can help stem the bleeding if you're losing life too fast)

Deathbringer Thoctar - opponents can never have a creature with 1 toughness again. Give it deathtouch and they can just never have creatures.

Dismember - really good spot removal

Snuff Out - more free removal

Chainer, Nightmare Adept - haste enabler + being able to cast creatures out of the bin is pretty sweet (gives marchesa haste from the command zone).

Soldevi Adnate - fantastic ramp & sac outlet.

Thalakos Deceiver - your creatures are now my creatures

Also, depending on how degenerate you wanna be....


Infernal Darkness

K1ngMars on Need help with new G/B …

5 years ago

Interesting budget cards that interact with +1/+1 counters:

ZypherW on Skullbriar, the Walking Grave

5 years ago

This deck looks pretty good. Similar to my own Vultron-ish Skullbriar deck.

Yahenni, Undying Partisan is another hasty +1 counter creature that has built-in protection.

Suspicious Bookcase , Canopy Cover , and Prowler's Helm are other ways to get Skullbriar and friends through enemy defenses.

Nim Deathmantle , Journey to Eternity  Flip, Supernatural Stamina , Stitch Together and Unearth are great graveyard recursions (especially because Skullbriar keeps counters even in the graveyard).

Eternal Thirst , Feast on the Fallen and Predatory Hunger might be good +1 counter editions depending on your group's meta.

If you can afford it, Doubling Season doesn't help your opponents like Primal Vigor does and it has the same effect.

Vraska, Regal Gorgon might have a bit higher CMC, but I think fits your deck a little more than your current Vraska.

Assassin's Trophy , Windgrace's Judgment and Beast Within are good removal spells in Golgari colors.

Withstand Death , Rush of Vitality , Heroic Intervention and Destined / Lead are good protection cards

Finally, Sword of Vengeance , Pelt Collector , Lightning Greaves , and Alpha Authority are just overall good cards that you might find helpful in your deck.

Strangelove on Marchesa, the Black Rose EDH: Steal Yo Gurl!

5 years ago

Hey Shinwizzles, nice list! +1

Here's a version I made for under $30: Black Rose [Budget]

It's a got a huge pool in the maybeboard, check it out.

No one mentioned Flayer of the Hatebound . Auto-include, imo. With a sac engine, it does at least 9 damage at the end of each turn (36+ damage by your next upkeep)!

Geralf's Mindcrusher similarly mills 10-40.

Brine Shaman is cool.

Feast on the Fallen ?

On theme, I'm seeing neither Molten Primordial nor Mob Rule . There's also Macabre Mockery and Overtaker .

Abyssal Gatekeeper , Fleshbag Marauder (and friends), and Profaner of the Dead are brutal. I would definitely swap out some of the lesser betrayal ( Portent of Betrayal , CMC 4+, etc) for these.

Graft: I feel like Graft + Sac Engine + Marchesa is very strong. The only way your opponents can clear this combo is to waste a ton of removal (3+ to remove Marchesa), or wait for your Graft trigger (if you overextend your combo). Vigean Graftmage protects Marchesa immediately on turn 4. They're also good fodder, like anything with Undying, to feed things like Altar of Dementia once each turn.

Shout out to Demon's Herald ! I've been looking for an excuse to play Prince of Thralls ... Maybe it's on-theme? I love these two.


PopeAwesome on Possessed Roses in Full Bloom

6 years ago

Looking good so far I'll just add a few notes if thats ok. Probably replace one of those Acquire with Bribery. Coalition Relic is strictly better than Obelisk of Grixis. While Dragon Blood isn't the worst I think Unspeakable Symbol is most likely better (6 mana for the first +1 counter is rough) especially since you need kinda low life to trigger dethrone. Feast on the Fallen is a card that seems good but that I don't super like since to get max value out of it relies on your opponents attacking each other instead of you. Finally Fork or Twincast are always better than Doublecast.

I did not know this until today, not only does Marchesa's ability effect herself but it still triggers if she herself isn't on the battlefield so wrath effects like Damnation,Toxic Deluge and Blasphemous Act will basically only effect your opponents.

Soul Channeling is some sweet old school tech but I'd rather get haste so you can get those counters on asap since once they're on your team is safe, Fervor and Lightning Greaves are classics, Bloodsworn Steward, Urabrask the Hidden, and Dragonlord Kolaghan are also fair options.

Control Magic is a powerful effect but if you're only gonna include 1 it might as well be either Treachery or Corrupted Conscience.

On the creature front I won't say too much more other than maybe cosider a few cards that just get +1/+1 counters in other ways like Scourge of the Throne, Markov Blademaster, and Taurean Mauler. Although none of those are compulsory inclusions by any means.

ps. you might like Wild Ricochet

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