Bloodsworn Steward

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bloodsworn Steward

Creature — Vampire Knight


Commander creatures you control get +2/+2 and have haste.

August_Cross on The Coat of Harms [w/ Primer]

1 year ago

Amarthaler, I hope it does give you ideas! The whole point of sharing the list was to put info and ideas out there, because I was frustrated by most Gwyn lists being either underwhelming typal decks or full Voltron when I wanted one for comparison. (Though I did find a couple standouts that I still have some notes on.) If you specifically wanted ideas for a Boros list, I could see a lot of the cards or the distribution of categories transferring well to something like Bruenor Battlehammer.

It plays smoothly, which was precisely the goal I tuned it toward! I played two games with it this past weekend, and in my second game, a player on a strong treasures deck gained lots of momentum and even removed my Gwyn the moment it came down (affording me only 1 free equip). I still contributed enough to the game with a Bloodsworn Steward, Two-Handed Axe, and Plate Armor to attack him for 14 and threaten lethal the turn after, which caused him to burn a second piece of removal stopping me. Even on a rough game, I was able to do my thing.

As for how its balanced... Well, there's a strange dynamic I tried to describe in the Primer that you can see in that story. It's an aggro deck that significantly ramps up in damage, so it puts a lot of pressure on opponents, especially when I'm sitting down with people for the first time and they aren't ready for it (despite any warnings or advice from me). I have multiple stories now of going to a couple game stores in town (one a little competitive and one pretty casual) and bullying a pod with an unanswered Umezawa's Jitte, yet I can also go home and get crushed by my friend playing the Forces of Mordor precon. It's a well-tuned deck, but I don't want to hype anyone into thinking it's high power, and yet I don't want to downplay how much it has scared some tables. Does that illustrate what you wanted to know?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Toughness boost in Red

1 year ago

Do you have a commander you're trying to find these cards for?

Bloodsworn Steward works at least for the commander. Crucible of Fire works for dragons. Glass of the Guildpact exists. There are some more, but those are tribe specific.

Abaques on So what are the Background …

2 years ago

Unlife I'm working on a Tana, the Bloodsower and Tymna the Weaver loaded with backgrounds and other 'commander matters' cards like Fury Storm and Bloodsworn Steward. I don't think it'll be great by any means, but hopefully it'll be fun.

king-saproling on Intet's grand entry

2 years ago

Component Pouch, Worn Powerstone, Palladium Myr, Somberwald Sage, Overgrowth, Coalition Relic, Pentad Prism, Generator Servant, Eye of Ramos, Heart of Ramos, and Horn of Ramos would all ensure that Intent comes out on turn 4 assuming you've drawn your 4th land by then. Your land count is too low to reliably achieve this though. Would need to be at least 39 lands.

Personally I would cut thought vessel, farseek, rampant growth, wood elves, yavimaya dryad, and utopia sprawl in favor of some of the aforementioned cards.

Also these might interest you: Lightning Greaves, Bloodsworn Steward, Blood Mist, Berserkers' Onslaught, Brass Knuckles, Fireshrieker, Embercleave, Lizard Blades

king-saproling on Gold deck

2 years ago

I think dedicating more cards to ramping in and protecting Gisela would make your list a little stronger. You don't need so many pillowfort cards since Gisela prevents half the damage dealt to you. Also you don't need so many beaters since Gisela can take players out pretty quickly on her own, especially if she's dropping in faster. Personally I would make the following swaps:

Parhelion II -> Generator Servant
Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas -> Ur-Golem's Eye
Lyra Dawnbringer -> Sisay's Ring
Angel of Serenity -> Palladium Myr
Drakuseth, Maw of Flames -> Treasonous Ogre
Windborn Muse -> Coalition Relic
Ghostly Prison -> Monologue Tax
Thalia's Lancers -> Flawless Maneuver
Thundersong Trumpeter -> Lightning Greaves
Ilharg, the Raze-Boar -> Ogre Battledriver
Baneslayer Angel -> Bloodsworn Steward
Stalking Leonin -> Bastion Protector
Gisela, the Broken Blade -> Manabarbs
Bruna, the Fading Light -> Burning Earth
Cathartic Reunion -> Tome of Legends
1x Mountain -> Bonders' Enclave
1x Plains -> War Room

multimedia on Strefan Modified (needs help)

2 years ago

Hey, well done with your upgrades to the precon. There's some cards in the precon to consider adding back in.

Cards that could be cut for these:

Some upgrades within the budget to consider:

Cryptolith Fragment  Flip is a mana rock to create Blood since it makes each player lose life. Sanctum of Stone Fangs is repeatable way to create Blood before combat on your turn. Leechridden Swamp is a land that can repeatedly create Blood for one mana.

Florian, Voldaren Scion is a Vamp who can be a lot of card advantage along with plenty of card selection. Florian doesn't care how your opponents lose life during the turn making it excellent with Fragment, Shrine and Leechridden and he doesn't have to attack to trigger.

Cranial Plating is tech to make Strefan huge since Blood tokens are artifacts. Mask of Memory is repeatable draw especially when your Commander has flying and wants to keep attacking.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on

2 years ago

Hey, well done for your first Commander deck and nice start with upgrades of the precon on a budget.

Necropolis Regent, Stromkirk Captain, Stensia Masquerade and Bloodsworn Steward are cards in the precon to consider adding back in because they make Strefan better by making him bigger allowing him to keep attacking. These cards can make Strefan an actual threat to do serious Commander damage. Strefan does have flying which helps, but he's only a 3/2 which are weak stats for a flying creature who you want to keep attacking with. Regent is especially good since it's a big flying Vamp to cheat with Strefan who the first time Strefan does combat damage to a player makes him a 6/5.

Champion of Dusk and Bloodtracker are in the precon and they're Vamps to cheat with Strefan to draw cards and create Blood. Bloodtracker is repeatable way to create Blood by making yourself lose life and it has counters interaction with Regent/Masquerade. Cryptolith Fragment  Flip is a mana rock to create Blood since when tapped for mana it makes all players lose l life.

Some changes to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Dragon riders

3 years ago

Hey, well done, nice update especially the cutting of Knights for more Dragons. Nice upgrades of cards that care about Dragons, but you could expand on this further. You've doubled your budget by adding only three Dragons.

Streamlining is the process of cutting out filler cards leaving you with cards that matter more for your deck. Blood Knight and Silver Knight are vanilla Knights who don't really help gameplay thus my advice is avoid these types of Knights. You're still playing too many Knights that are not helping gameplay.

My advice is don't include a Knight because it's a Knight, being a Knight is a bonus. Instead include it because it has other good abilities that can help Dragons or efficiently make Sylvia better. Taurean Mauler is an exception, it's just a three drop Dragon that's also a Knight. It's both types of creatures as well as can grow big in multiplayer Commander when have many opponents which is good with double strike. Instead of playing many four drop Knights play four drop Dragons?

You also use streamlining to better the mana curve which helps gameplay by reducing the curve which happens when you cut out unnecessary high CMC cards such as Rowan's Stalwarts, Worldgorger Dragon, Ancestor Dragon, Caged Sun. Worldgorger Dragon is only good in decks that want to combo with Animate Dead to make infinite mana and infinite ETB triggers of creatures. You can't combo with Worldgorger, all it's doing here is exiling all your permanents including all your lands until it leaves the battlefield which would hurt gameplay more than help it. Rowan's Stalwarts tutoring for Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage is not worth it since Stalwarts is a really bad card for five mana and Rowan is subpar for five mana too.

Example of a streamlined midrange creature base with Dragons and some Knights (sorted by CMC):

The few Knights in this example give you more than just being a Knight and the emphasis is even more on Dragons not Knights. More four and five drop Dragons to take more advantage of early game ramp and Sylvia's double strike.

In the example the high CMC Dragons have been reduced to the best ones you have. Khorvath is also a high CMC Dragon who you want to cast. Worldgorger Dragon, Ancestor Dragon, Demanding Dragon, Eternal Dragon, Sunscorch Regent, Runehorn Hellkite, Skyline Despot are subpar compared to the other high CMC Dragons here thus you don't need them. In the place of one of these Dragons consider adding Sarkhan's Triumph? It's an instant tutor to search for any Dragon letting you choose the best Dragon at that point of the game.

Shall I continue in another comment about how to streamline other areas of your deck?

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