Reality Strobe

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Reality Strobe


Return target permanent to its owner's hand. Remove Reality Strobe from the game with three time counters on it.

Suspend 3-(2)(Blue) (Rather than play this card from your hand, you may pay (2)(Blue) and remove it from the game with three time counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When the last is removed, play it without paying its mana cost.)

Whoodini on How do cards returning from …

1 year ago

All right so i have a follow up question: Can i use Reality Strobe to return Out of Time to my hand if both turn to 0 counters at my upkeep? i mean since i resolve Reality Strobe first Out of Time is still a permanent at that moment no? And it just doesnt resolve anymore because it returned to my hand? Now ofcause all creatures are free but atleast i have a new go right?

Polaris on rousing refrain repeat??

2 years ago

Yes, Rousing Refrain is designed to loop every third turn once cast. It's a callback to a cycle from Future Sight of spells that would loop after being cast (Arc Blade, Reality Strobe, etc). As long as a card that has suspend is in exile with time counters on it, it will remove one at the beginning of your upkeep and cast for free when the last is removed.

Normally, though, there's no way to pay to remove time counters earlier. The only cards I can think of that do it are Paradox Haze, which gives you an extra upkeep a turn to trigger abilities including suspend, and cards like Clockspinning, Jhoira's Timebug, and Dust of Moments that are expressly made to adjust suspend counts. A normal card with suspend has no way to get cast faster on its own.

carpecanum on Sen triplets

3 years ago

One REALLY annoying thing you can do with Sen Triplets is steal LANDS. Especially really fancy lands with special abilities. Boomerang, Capsize, Churning Eddy, Reality Strobe, Tradewind Rider and Eye of Nowhere. (I see you already have two of those in the deck)

Vega, the Watcher is decent card draw

Azor's Gateway  Flip once allowed my son to play every card in the hand of a guy playing Slivers.

Is Realmwright only there to fix mana? I thing you could do better with another Manalith clone like Spinning Wheel, Mana Geode etc. Maybe trade out a couple lands for Transguild Promenade and Rupture Spire.

legendofa on Spells that come back

3 years ago

tonylomas What about the self-suspending cards? Arc Blade , Reality Strobe , Inspiring Refrain , and others?

carpecanum on Didn't you know? Sen Triplets bounce!

3 years ago

There are a few cards that bounce LANDS which you can then play. Boomerang , Eye of Nowhere , Reality Strobe , Churning Eddy . Tradewind Rider . Capsize once you get mana. Once you take a land or two and maybe a mana rock the game gets much easier.

I like to use Alexi's Cloak . First it effectively counters whatever was about to zap your boss, then it sticks around as Shroud.

Some of your high CMC cards could be replaced with general protection like Propaganda etc. Your opponents are going to have high CMC cards you can play.

I would loose the three Locket mana rocks for 5 color cards. Spinning Wheel etc. Throw in a Transguild Promenade and Rupture Spire , maybe Mirrodin's Core

ZEMOtheSinner on Jhoira - the suspense is killing you

3 years ago

Considering that you can manipulate the time counters on your suspended cards, what about Inspiring Refrain , Rousing Refrain and Reality Strobe ?

nobu_the_bard on Fork + Suspend

5 years ago

A minor note - something I remembered later.

The original Fork text is "Any sorcery or instant spell just cast is doubled. Treat Fork as an exact copy of target spell except that Fork remains red. Copy and original may have different targets." which may have been interpreted as if copying Reality Strobe would get Fork exiled perhaps, but newer printings (possibly only visible on MTGO?) have the clearer text "Copy target instant or sorcery spell, except that the copy is red. You may choose new targets for the copy." Card databases such as Gatherer or Scryfall will show the official Oracle text, and rulings such as those I posted earlier, which are a particularly important thing to check when evaluating the functionality of older cards.

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