Arcbound Mouser

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arcbound Mouser

Artifact Creature — Cat


Modular 1 (This creature enter the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it. When it is put into the graveyard from the battlefield, you ma yput its +1/+1 counters on target artifact creature.)

evilbane2000 on Oloro

8 months ago

Apathy or Dreadful Apathy or Aspect of Lamprey maybe Revenge of Ravens I want some low level creatures with lifelink but also have the ability to put counters on my creatures. Like this: Arcbound Mouser

Spirits on ArahBo - Mon chat s'appelle Mitaine

1 year ago


You have lots of cat lords, Feline Sovereign, Kaheera, the Orphanguard, King of the Pride, etc. as well it works with self-modifiers like Loam Lion and Qasali Pridemage the new cat Sovereign Okinec Ahau can permanently +1/+1 counter your cats. Notably missing (in your maybeboard) Regal Caracal would give everyone lifelink too.

Glittering Lynx seems off, the isn't that disruptive for an opponent if it matters. I think you're trying to maximize your MV 1-drop cats, but Arcbound Mouser would give you a second Trained Caracal with upside instead. Lion Sash is also nice, but it is MV 2-drop.

The other new cat would be good: Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar, he could replace something like a vanilla Leonin Skyhunter or a mana sync like Bronzehide Lion or a really high cmc creature with low value like Jareth, Leonine Titan who probably is a win-more at MV6 that won't turn a loss into a win, really he MV7 to activate. Card in that MV slot has to be extremely impactful. Cats like Scrounging Bandar also work well with this new cat. Limiting interaction on your turn especially flashing in +3 spells (Indomitable Might) is really nice.

Leonin Relic-Warder is nice for controlling artifacts/enchantments and providing another MV2 cat.

Everybody Lives! gives another Heroic Intervention type effect.

Farseek is MV2 but I'm betting Harvest Season probably does more work at MV3. 35 lands seems like a lot for a low curve, maybe some low MV ramp like Talisman of Unity. Boseiju, Who Endures is a good forest but it's stupid expensive.

Rancor is a really nice trample/evasion enabler. Or like a Shadowspear or something which also helps out with Indestructibles blocking your cats. Pridemalkin is on a cat body, but don't like the MV3.

Mirri's Guile is okay, but a bit of a trap, way more value at MV2 with Sylvan Library

Song of the Dryads I get for locking out a commander but some instant interaction like Stroke of Midnight are usually more utility in more situations, might be a meta card though.

Eladamri's Call will bring up consistency to draw the finisher cats.


multimedia on Urza’s legion

2 years ago

Hey, good start on a budget with what you have so far. Command Tower is a budget staple land for multicolored Commander decks and Arcane Signet is a budget staple mana rock.

Ramos, Dragon Engine can only be played in a five color deck using it as Commander or another five color Commander. It's activated ability has all five mana symbols and those symbols count toward it's color identity. Urza's color identity is only three colors Esper (black, white, blue). Because Urza doesn't have red and green that's why Ramos can't be played with Urza as Commander.

If you want aggro with Urza lets look at the beginning of the mana curve first, cards spots of 0-3 CMC only then we can look at the higher end of the mana curve. The first changes to consider is to remove all the nonartifact creatures and then later determine if they are worth a spot in your deck because they have abilities that help artifacts or Urza. I think you'll find that you don't need any of these creatures because artifact creatures can take their places. If you want to be aggro with Urza then you want to utilize Urza's artifact creature affinity to cast Urza quicker. To do this consistently Urza wants 0-2 CMC artifact creatures and some 3 CMC artifact creatures more than the rest.

Some of these creatures may be added back in later, most likely not, but for now lets build the creature base with only artifact creatures. For making upgrades lets look at best cards here with Urza and build around them? Arcbound Ravager and Portal to Phyrexia are the two best cards here with Urza because they're artifacts and they're abilities are more powerful compared to most other cards here. Ravager brings the aggro, but if aggro doesn't do it and you need more reach to win the game then Portal can do that. Lets start with Ravager and what makes it better with Urza? Modular and you have some here, more one drops can help toward Urza's artifact creature affinity and Ravager.

Steel Overseer adds to the +1/+1 counter strategy, it's powerful but only for artifact creatures and if trying to be aggro it's a good reason to play very few nonartifact creatures. Silas Renn, Seeker Adept goes well with Arcbound Ravager since with Ravager you want to sac artifacts and Silas lets you cast an artifact from your graveyard. It's deathtouch combined with Urza's menace makes it a creature who opponent is not going to block and lose two or more creatures blocking it. Baleful Strix, Triarch Praetorian, Malcator's Watcher are two drop artifact creatures who fly and who draw when enter the battlefield (ETB) or dies.

Some artifacts here are worse than others.

Think about limiting the amount of nonartifact spells to just the better ones you have here?

Equipment that increases the equipped creature's power equal to the amount of artifacts you control really ups the aggro since then any little artifact creature can become huge which combined with menace can make it a great attacker. I see Silver Myr and it's good here since counts twice for Urza, artifact creature affinity and ramp. Consider adding more artifact creature mana dorks who can make colored mana?

The budget Signets can help for ramp as well as color fixing which is really needed because the manabase here is pretty much all basic lands. Arcane Signet is a staple budget mana rock for ramp in Commander. Chromatic Lantern is fine for color fixing, but you're going to want more than that.

Some nonartifact creatures at the beginning of the mana curve can really help aggro and Urza.

Losheel, Clockwork Scholar is powerful with artifact creatures when attacking is what you want to be doing especially Constructs. Your artifact creatures don't take damage in combat meaning that opponents will have a difficult time choosing to block since their blockers might die, but your creatures will be fine. Losheel is also repeatable draw, once on each players turn when an artifact creature ETB you draw this includes when a Construct is created by Urza if you didn't have an artifact creature ETB before your end step.

Sai, Master Thopterist can be a repeatable source of artifact creatures, Thopters, to be attackers or sac fodder. Emry, Lurker of the Loch is like Silas Renn, Seeker Adept more ways to cast artifacts from your graveyard is good with Arcbound Ravager and other sac outlets.

That's it for this comment, but if you're still interested I'll give advice about the high end of the mana curve here to take more advantage of aggro into mid game and Portal to Phyrexia late game as well as some budget land options for the manabase. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

ET_lord_of_squirrels on Competitive GW scales

3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback zapyourtumor! Some reasonings:

-Steel Overseer is definitely slow. I have only just started playing with these recently, and they seem fantastic as a way to put counters on Esper Sentinel without The Ozolith. The protection from Blacksmith's Skill, they are a resilient, must answer threat usually, but their slot may go to more Ancient Stirrings or some Arcbound Worker in the future.

-Welding Jar, Snakeskin Veil, and Blacksmith's Skill all fall under the protection category for me. I started with jars (and I know some lists are runing 4-of recently, because they're great), then I moved to veil, and now I'm on skill. The reason being that I'm a paper player, and as such, I've adapted to the local meta. Unlike veil or jar, Blacksmith's Skill can protect Urza's Saga and Inkmoth Nexus which is huge in a meta full of exile effects and Spreading Seas

-I did try Ingenious Smith for a while, but felt that it was slow, and required more 1-drop artifacts to be effective. While it is certainly a great card, my deck just isn't great for it right now. Usually it felt bad that I couldn't target it with modular, or that it couldn't hit lands with the ability

-Arcbound Mouser is also a great card, but in a deck where 1 drops usually get sacrificed to Arcbound Ravager or Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp, I felt that the lifelink wasn't super relevant. I've also liked having Arcbound Worker over it when I want a 1 drop, as it doesn't require any painful white mana, so I can leave my coloured sources open to play things such as Hardened Scales.

A lot of the information I get for this deck comes from the hardened scales discord server. Feel free to join us there if you haven't already!

zapyourtumor on Competitive GW scales

3 years ago

I really think Steel Overseer is just too slow for the current modern meta.

Arcbound Mouser is a solid 1 drop, and 1 Welding Jar can come in handy sometimes. I'm very unsure about Blacksmith's Skill. Snakeskin Veil at least gives a +1/+1 counter so I think it's better.

And Ingenious Smith may be better than stirrings now since it also grows and helps synergize with Scales and Ozolith.

osiczym on Modular explosion

3 years ago

Thanks a lot! Those lands you mentioned look like the thing I was looking for. I will definietly have to check them out.

Until now I was thinking about Wooded Bastion and Rugged Prairie, cause in test games using proxies they worked really well. But the price is pretty high to buy them 2x4. Yours sound like a great substitute.

Will also have to reconsider mana balance using your algorithm. Although if I won’t get scales in opening hand, the key color is white, to cast Arcbound Mouser and Arcbound Prototype. Red becomes useful from turn 3 as you said, so it is just an addition

junga on Mono white +1 counters and lifelink

3 years ago

So, ur deck is kind all over d place, no offense. U decided wat u want ur deck 2 do, but not How (+1 counters vs enchantments, win con etc) and some cards haver no place in there (some odd ones R d Soul's Attendant (fits swarm strategy better), Rhox Veteran (needs swarms and .. i really dont like dat card lol) and d Arcbound Mouser (needs other artifact creature 4 it's ability), Rising Populace (outclassed as far as cmc goes, and ia more of a aristocrat card)and u lack evasion (only d princess may avoid some blockers. Ill assume u want a more direct aggro strategy. Lets focus on creatures first, Sacred Cat os quite Nice, even better agains removal heavy, Healer's Hawk is another 1cmc slot and adds evasion. At d 2cmc u can fill with some 2/2 lifelinkers (LL) (there r some Functional reprints of Ajani's Sunstriker If u want other models and Sungrace Pegasus 1/2 flying LL. On a heavier cmc u can consider Seraph of Dawn as a finisher, a 2/4 LL with flying is Nice. u could consider ETBs pumpers like Dawnfeather Eagle so u can hit and still keep ur defenses up. On d +1 counter profit u could consider maybe Ainok Bond-Kin giving ur creatures with +1/+1 d first Strike ability. I would drop d enchantments pumps since u wont b protecting ur creatures. As Far as removals Go, 8 cards should b enough i Guess. U could use Oblivion Ring or Journey to Nowhere and Sunlance , there r some other Fun options like Weight of Conscience . I would also drop Battlefield Promotion , Moment of Triumph and Wanderer's Strike . Shoulder to Shoulder could be paired with Unbounded Potential for some card draw. White doesnt have dar many card advantage maybe Revitalize could help u 2, and drop 2 Idyllic Grange 4 2 Secluded Steppe . Dis r Just some random thoughts, d most important is 2 have Fun. Oh, and when starting a New deck, think about d rules of 4 (9-10 different non-land cards, 4 copies each so u can reproduce more consistent outcomes )

lagotripha on

3 years ago

This list feels very good - a lot like the older Steel Overseer hardened scales lists. It might be a little too optimal for casual play, depending on the group.

In terms of being stronger, the main thing I'd look at is Lurrus of the Dream-Den - a single side slot makes the entire list substantially grindier, and splashing white is fairly simple with artifact supporting lands, also giving access to Esper Sentinel , Arcbound Mouser and Arcbound Javelineer if you want them.

If you aren't pushing for pure power, Scrapyard Recombiner likes constructs, which would let you run a weird Metallic Mimic tribal list. There are also various combo options.

Chalice of the Void usually is the counterpart to Power Conduit as they play very well together, but with the number of 1 drops you run, I'm not sure its an ideal choice, often needing to wait for 4 mana or more to be useful. Other answers are probably preferable

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