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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Supreme Exemplar
Creature — Elemental
Champion an Elemental (When this enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you remove another Elemental you control from the game. When this leaves the battlefield, that card returns to play.)

nuperokaso on
elemental lorwyn block constructed
9 months ago
- Play 4 Reflecting Pool. Works great with Vivids and Primal Beyond. No need to play Prismatic Omen.
- Supreme Exemplar is not very good. It works only with Incandescent Soulstoke.
- Horde of Notions is the best card you have. You should be playing more of them, most likely 4. If one is answered, you drop a second one. If not answered, he'll overtake over the game.
- Play more lands. Your deck is mana hungry, and even with Smokebraider you always have expensive things to cast or activate Horde of Notions.
- I would replace one Island with Mystic Gate. You have white and blue spells with double mana and this filter will help you casting them.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Satoru Umezawa Brainstorming
3 years ago
Each single blue or black evoke creature is pretty cool with Satoru: enter link description here
Pretty cool with Supreme Exemplar, btw.
More ideas:
Archon of Cruelty, Abhorrent Overlord, Archfiend of Despair, Archfiend of Sorrows, Baleful Beholder, Baleful Force, Chancellor of the Spires, Chromescale Drake, Goremand, Gyruda, Doom of Depths, Inspired Sphinx, Lord of the Void, Massacre Wurm, Polar Kraken, Quicksilver Gargantuan, Sanguine Praetor, Vampire Charmseeker,
Chained Throatseeker seems great.
Alhammarret, High Arbiter and Amugaba seem weirdly playable with Satoru.
Deepchannel Mentor maybe?
Denizen of the Deep could be some kind of boardwipe protection.
You could also do some pretty sick things with Armory Automaton, Grafted Exoskeleton and just a few more equipments.
Superman53 on
Balm Lightning
4 years ago
I ran a deck similar to this for FNM back when Lorwyn block was standard legal... full of Mulldrifters and Shriekmaws. I ran RU/b and used the Harbinger to tutor for Supreme Exemplar and Soulstoke him into play. EOT... as the championed Harbinger comes back into play, rinse and repeat... go find another Exemplar. Supreme Exemplar was banned from play at that store... lol!
Jimmy_Chinchila on
6 years ago
I don’t think the Tabnernacle you have in the deck is as good as the original one, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale. It’s just so much more powerful.
Might I suggest Cephalid Snitch and Supreme Exemplar? And of course Thrumming Stone, but it seems a bit “win more”.
Good stuff here, finally a unique and competitive AND fun deck. #+1 #stormymccrizzle
Cadois on
Undying Elementals
6 years ago
+Supreme Exemplar, preferably to champion Flamekin Harbinger to search another biggie. You could also use cards like Fling and Rite of Consumption to sac the big ones after they hit (10 damage in the hit, 10 damage in the sac, gg). I like the Lorwyn elementals a lot, I have a ETB triggers + Champion to repeat ETB + Biggies thematic deck if you'd like to check it out. xD
Link: Elementary
Dennis14 on
Incandescent Sneak Attack
7 years ago
Cool deck.
I'd suggest Oath of Nissa to improve consistency over Serum Powder, it could provide even more value with Flickerwisp which can replace Ingot Chewer (is a SB card) and Torrent Elemental.
Have you considered Tyrant of Discord as a fatty to cheat out (maybe from the SB) ?
It can randomnly take out multiple permanents or just a land.
Since the deck lacks removal I'd max out on Shriekmaw and take out Hound of Griselbrand which is decent but not great.
Also, how do you usually use Nova Chaser ?
And why not Supreme Exemplar instead ?
hoardofnotions on
7 years ago
First off I want to say I love the deck! I had one for the longest time and enjoyed it quite a bit!!!
So lets talk card choices,
I think i like the rest of the tri-land cycle (Savage Lands) over the vivid cycle. They always produce different color mana and can't run out of charges.
If you want budget fetch lands look at the mirage cycle (Mountain Valley) They might be better than Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse. especially once you add the check lands Canopy Vista
Once you start upgrading those options Cascading Cataracts might be a cut. It doesn't allow you to cast Horde of Notions on curve and the mana fixing shouldn't be such a concern once you upgrade a bit.
I'm not convinced Amulet of Vigor is necessary either. If you're just running it to untap ETB tapped lands it's effect is kinda wasted i think. Haven't played it like this so if you have good experiences with it keep it in!
Animist's Awakening, Explore, Shard Convergence, Manalith, Sylvan Caryatid, Embodiment of Spring, Brighthearth Banneret, seem like bad ramp spells.
Destructive Revelry could be Hull Breach
Hoofprints of the Stag is soooo slow
Metallic Mimic is a small effect in a big game
is Stigma Lasher necessary?
Coat of Arms could bite you, like against Avenger of Zendikar (which by the way is an elemental you should run!)
Malignus is just a big beater, no extra effects
Grave Sifter could be cut for a cheaper card
Gaea's Revenge and Supreme Exemplar are just more big dudes that aren't good enough in my opinon
Now onto the possible additions!!
Frost Lynx, Wispmare, Forgotten Ancient, Nevermaker, Spitemare, Ingot Chewer, Lord of Extinction, Whisperwood Elemental, AEthersnipe, Bane of Progress, Greenwarden of Murasa, Rubblehulk, Chameleon Colossus, Crib Swap, Nameless Inversion, Taurean Mauler,
Haakon, Stromgald Scourge-really clever with changeling spells like Nameless Inversion and Crib Swap.
Buried Alive is like a triple tutor.
Karmic Guide is a loop with Reveillark.
mana doublers are good too, Mirari's Wake, Mana Reflection,
other recursion could be good too, Meren of Clan Nel Toth is a beast, Phyrexian Reclamation is cheap and good.
sac outlets are cool with repeatable reanimation, create some loops. some good sac outlets are Goblin Bombardment, Disciple of Griselbrand
You could do with some more mass creature kill i think. 4 mana Wrath of God, Day of Judgment and Damnation allow you to cast them then your commander on back to back turns. plus they're cheap enough to cast then cast something else. Aura Shards is really good too
if you want to add a bunch of nonelementals you could add Ashes of the Fallen to make them elementals. If you go this route maybe add Eternal Witness as a cheaper greenwarden
Rings of Brighthearth is better than Illusionist's Bracers i think because it copies any activated ability, like fetch lands and plansewalkers.
You could upgrade some of your ramp to Cultivate and Kodama's Reach
Hidran on
Hordes of Elementals
7 years ago
Some of your creatures are really lackluster or aren't even elementals. For budget improvements, I'd suggest: Doomgape, Supreme Exemplar, Rubblehulk, Soul of the Harvest, Scourge of Geier Reach, Skullmulcher, and Smokebraider.
As far as manafixing goes, consider Cascading Cataracts, Command Tower, Primal Beyond, Terramorphic Expanse, and Ash Barrens mandatory inclusions.