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Saffi's GW Valuetown

Commander / EDH*


Just a massive value deck revolving around saccing your creatures and winning with an infinite combo. I may pursue a non-combo version that involves winning with Craterhoof Behemoth or something spicy like Aetherflux Reservoir.

Combo involves:

Saffi + a reanimation creature (Renegade Rallier, Sun Titan, Karmic Guide, Reveillark) + a sac outlet (Blasting Station, Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar, Altar of Dementia) to produce an infinite amount of something. Then infinite stuff usually equates to a win.

Other combos:

  • Restoration Angel + Felidar Guardian + Panharmonicon = infinite mana, infinite ETBs
  • Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan/Karmic Guide/Reveilark + sac outlet = infinite sac outlet stuff

Other neat things you can do:

  • Felidar Guardian + Birthing Pod: Pod a 3 drop into Felidar Guardian, blink the Pod. Pod the Felidar Guardian into a Karmic Guide, reanimate Felidar Guardian, blink the Pod. Basically Felidar Guardian is busted.
  • Survival of the Fittest + Karmic Guide: I mean it seems obvious but still.
  • Protean Hulk: This card is just busted. With a sac outlet you can sac it, get a Karmic Guide and a one-drop, get back the Hulk, sac it again, get a Felidar Guardian and a two drop, flicker the Karmic Guide, get it back, sac it a third time, get a Restoration Angel and a two drop, flicker the Felidar Guardian to flicker the Karmic Guide, get it back a fourth time... Do you see why this card should be banned again?


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