Hey all, this is a deck I thought of while looking at the new Jeska, Thrice Reborn. Mardu seems to be the weakest three color combination in magic and its rightfully so; not a lot of ramp, not a lot of card draw, not a lot of counters, mainly on the low end of everything categorized as Cedh worthy. But what if we took the combos in those colors and really harped on them? Black using the reanimation and tutoring capability, white with its ability to protect, and red with its draw and interaction with other spells. If we take those few and put it into a pot we can make a good deck.

Why now with Jeska, Thrice Reborn? Jeska is the outlet to the engine that is needed. Both the Worldgorger combo and Bomberman combo are easy to make especially with black in the mix (tutors and reanimation). The harder part was getting the actual kill object on the board. But now Jeska has made it easier.

Worldgorger Combo - The Worldgorger combo is fairly simple; Get Worldgorger dragon into the graveyard and cast it with a reanimating enchantment. The interaction will then consist of the enchantment targeting Worldgorger dragon which will then etb. Worldgorger entering then exiles all permanents you control. That exiles the reanimating enchantment which will then kill Worldgorger. When the enchantment re-enters the battlefield you will target Worldgorger again. That then keeps a loop going where you can untap and re-tap your mana rocks and lands creating infinite mana. With that mana you can now cast Jeska infinite times and use her -X ability to kill your opponents.

Bomberman combo - The Bomberman combo consist of Lions Eye Diamond and Auriok Salvagers. Play either Lions Eye Diamond or Auriok Salvagers, then play whichever one you did not cast afterwards. Sac Lions Eye Diamond creating three white mana. Then use Auriok Salvagers ability to bring back LED netting one mana every time. Then make infinite white mana into infinite red mana to cast Jeska, Thrice Reborn and use her -X ability to kill your opponents.

The deck is centralized around getting one of those two combos out as quick as possible and falling back on Kiki-Jiki combos if needed. Depending on your starting hand you can take it either way, but with all the tutors, card draw, and protection it should be fairly easy to make Mardu more competitive with this deck.

I will happily take more ideas from other players.


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97% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.36
Tokens Copy Clone, Elephant 3/3 G, Treasure
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