Icefall Regent

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Icefall Regent

Creature — Dragon


When Icefall Regent enters the battlefield, tap target creature an opponent controls. That creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step for as long as you control Icefall Regent.

Spells your opponents cast that target Icefall Regent cost more to cast.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on In League with Dragons (Sivitri, Dragon Master)

5 months ago

This is a fine assortment of dragons. I like it! Have you considered Hoarding Broodlord? It's pretty mana-intensive, but has some serious finisher vibes to me.

Icefall Regent is a card I really like in my Jeskai dragons. Maybe giv it a shot here as a pretty good removal spell?

DM_Aramis on Tiamat's Coven

2 years ago

Hi there multimedia, thanks for the tips and sorry for the late reply. I've updated a few things since my original post actually and I have found a few of the cards that you said I should get rid of less than helpful. The only one I disagree with I think is actually Icefall Regent. I use it to pin down some really strong threats sometimes it's actually become one of my most targeted cards with my playgroup now. Also I did at Kilnmouth Dragon as well which can be a games ender if not dealt with.

I'm going to buy most of the cards that you suggested to add tomorrow I think, I might not do the Hellkit Charger though only as I don't really care for infinite combos, call it loser talk, but those plays just aren't my jam.

In any case, I really appreciate your advice! It's been really helpful and maybe I'll hear from you again when I post my ice and zombie tribal (Whitewalker) deck.

multimedia on Tiamat's Coven

2 years ago

Hey, well done for being new and knowing that you can still learn and improve your deck building.

Some cards within your budget to consider adding:

You have Old Gnawbone, Hellkite Charger is a combo with Gnawbone for infinite attacks as long as Charger can keep attacking you can keep paying seven mana with treasures to have another combat step. This combo uses Dragons as the win condition by attacking with Tiamat being a source of lethal Commander damage. Savage Ventmaw can make six mana when it attacks that can be used to pay for Charger, needing only one mana to have another attack which can result in having a lot of extra attacks on your turn each turn equal to the amount of untapped mana you have. Crux of Fate can wreck since it can destroy all nonDragon creatures your opponents control leaving only your Dragons alive to attack.

Temur Ascendancy does two things that are really good for Dragons, it's a haste enabler and repeatable draw whenever a Dragon ETB. Faeburrow Elder can tap for two mana, green and white, but if you control other colored permanents then it can tap for even more mana, up to tapping for five mana, one of each color. Fellwar Stone is another two drop rainbow mana rock.

Boros Charm at instant speed can protect all permanents you control from most removal including all your lands. Swords to Plowshares and Counterspell are staple single effect instant removal options. Blasphemous Act is really good in multiplayer Commander as a fail-safe/reset the battlefield of creatures and it's mana cost consistently can be reduced to only one red mana.

Patriarch's Bidding is among the most powerful reanimation effects for tribal, for five mana it reanimates all Dragons that are in your graveyard.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Temple of the False God is not a good land. My advice is cut it from all your decks, since you can't tap it for mana until you control five or more lands. If you have it in your opening hand then that hand is a mulligan and any land that does this shouldn't be used. Orb of Dragonkind can't tap to make mana to cast any nonDragon card or pay for anything else, there's better ramp options.

You're not going to be casting enough instant or sorceries in a turn to reduce the mana cost of Demilich much. Quad blue or triple blue mana cost is too difficult to make with this manabase without controlling Chromatic Lantern or The World Tree with five other lands. Velomachus Lorehold cares about cheating the mana cost of powerful 5 CMC or less instants and sorceries which you don't really have here or do you need to include since Dragons are the high CMC cards you want to cast. Casting a Crux of Fate for free would be nice, but even so I don't there's enough worth while instants or sorceries to make Velomachus worth playing.

Good luck with your deck.

zapyourtumor on Jeskai Dragons [Budget/Casual]

3 years ago

Have you considered replacing the abrades with Lightning Bolt yourself?

Icefall Regent seems nice, neutralizing a creature and requiring the opponent to spend extra mana to get rid of it and get their creature back. Here are some other card suggestions I have:

Dragonlord's Servant: Pretty straightforward, helps ramp into all your dragons.

Demanding Dragon: I think this is a good contender for adult gold dragon's spot, since they both have immediate board impact but this one's a 5/5 instead of a 4/3. (adult gold dragon dies to Dragon's Rage Channeler ;-;)

Stormbreath Dragon: Maybe 1-2 in sb, hoses white decks

Thundermaw Hellkite: Classic dragon powerhouse. Might be better in the sideboard, but still great against any deck with flying creatures. Beats up fairies, good against spirits, and delver+drc+murktide decks.

Terror of the Peaks: A great card, but might not be as good here since it's pretty slow and has no immediate board impact. Overpriced as well.

Dragon Tempest: Also helps speed up your gameplan by making all your dragons hasty, and wipes the opponents board at the same time.

Hellkite Charger + Savage Ventmaw was my favorite janky dragon interaction a while back but that's probably too casual for this list.

Kazierts on Jeskai Dragons [Budget/Casual]

3 years ago

I just want to mention I have tested this deck mostly in solitaire up to now. I just had two games against my BW vampires.

While having only 3 thoughness ir rough, Dragons don't have a very good 5 drop otherwise (that's also budget). If it wasn't so expensive right now I'd probably replace it with Iymrith, Desert Doom since it protects itself and provides card advantage. However, since the budget doesn't allow, I do think the gold dragon is decent enough.

While it's a 5 drop, you can pretty easily cast it on turn 4 and it provides a huge swings regarding life point. One hit basically puts you in a 8 life point difference, which in the few games I had up until now it actually made a difference. Another thing is dragons kinda have a dreadful early game. So, having a creature that helps you survive longer and impacts the board immediately due to haste is pretty.

Still, I want to playtest this waaaaay more. I think there's a possibility Icefall Regent makes the list.

Also important to mention while I try to think about Modern meta during deckbuilding, I don't worry too much about these things as my friends don't play competitively. In my playground, no one plays Lightning Bolt. Thanks for reminding me though. It's definitely something I should take into account.

DevoMelvminster on Yarok Help

3 years ago

I’d drop some of the more expensive tap ETB effect such as Frost Titan or Icefall Regent , as well as Sakura-Tribe Elder and Cultivate . In their place, you could add more creatures with ETB ramp effects (especially if you want to run such few lands).

Wood Elves , Springbloom Druid , and Elvish Rejuvenator would all be great.

Vraska the Unseen and Tale's End also seem pretty lack luster in this deck. Maybe get a Muldrotha, the Gravetide and some more protection for the commander in here?

Last thing i’d suggest is raising lands to 32-33. I’m notorious for playing few lands compared to other people, but this deck needs more low cost ramp and card draw to make that viable.

Hope this was helpful. Have fun!

TheVectornaut on Blue/White Life and Defenders

3 years ago

I think a good place to start would be to evaluate what goals are the most important for your deck while making sure you don't have too many ideas that compete against each other. When I look at the deck now, I can see the general idea of a U/W control list that takes advantage of freeze and lifegain to prolong the fight until you can win. However, I see some major problems with the plan as it is now.

First, the deck lacks a clear win condition at the end of all the control. You'll either need to chip away over the course of a slow game with your smaller creatures or hope you have enough freeze effects to get your big guys in late-game. Control deck usually opt for some type of haymaker that can reliably close the game. Some like AEtherling and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar are designed to protect themselves, some like Celestial Colonnade and Shark Typhoon place emphasis on evasion, some like Torrential Gearhulk and Snapcaster Mage give you as much value as possible, and some like Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Teferi, Time Raveler deny your opponents of counterplay. There's a lot of overlap within those categories and not all of these cards will be played as a wincon, but having a clear plan to win is better than only playing to not lose. The closest cards you have are probably Serpent of Yawning Depths and Archipelagore. Sea monsters are certainly a fine casual deck but slotting them into something else can be awkward at best and ineffectual at worst.

The second problem I see is the missed potential of your chosen colors combined with your chosen tribe. Right now, you have very few ways to take advantage of the clerics in the deck. Clerics are intended to be W/B since you get access to powerful new tools like Orah, Skyclave Hierophant, Taborax, Hope's Demise, and Cleric of Life's Bond along with classics like Sin Collector, High Priest of Penance, and Skirsdag High Priest. The lifegain/drain synergy in clerics also benefits from orzhov colors to play threats like Angel of Destiny, Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, Marauding Blight-Priest, Speaker of the Heavens, Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, Twilight Prophet, Pious Evangel  Flip, Drana's Emissary, and Cruel Celebrant.

Incidentally, black also synergizes quite well with tapdown effects because of Assassinate cards like Royal Assassin, Deathbringer Liege, and Murderous Compulsion, although white does have its share of Vengeance with Sunblast Angel, Deadeye Harpooner, and Swift Response. Anyway, now that I'm on this tangent, it's worth mentioning that including strong freeze effects is important if you want to make such an underused mechanic work. I'm partial to Dungeon Geists and Icefall Regent as permanent taps, but there's also Guardian of Tazeem, Niblis of Frost, Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Time of Ice, Lorthos, the Tidemaker, Frost Titan, and Hands of Binding. Alternatively you can use cheaper cards that can retap a creature each turn like Gideon's Lawkeeper, Blinding Souleater, Fatestitcher, Hidden Strings, and Minister of Impediments. The final category I'll mention are other cards that take advantage of tapping enemy creatures like Palliation Accord and Verity Circle, except I'd only ever recommend the latter.

In summary, I think you should decide whether you're more interested in clerics or in freeze since they don't synergize with each other that well. For clerics, switching to black and taking advantage of lifedrain and sacrifice is advisable. For freeze control, find ways to abuse tapping, implement a strong win condition, and generally include more card draw and countermagic. If you are dead set on combining these styles, I'd at least invest in some tribal support cards to give the clerics more impact than just weakly contributing to the party mechanic. Adaptive Automaton, Door of Destinies, Obelisk of Urd, and Coat of Arms are some popular options. Finally, if your budget doesn't allow you to purchase many new cards, prioritizing the acquisition of additional copies of your strongest but cheapest cards is a good way to upgrade. For this deck, I think those cards are Attended Healer, Cleric of Chill Depths, Hypnotic Sprite, Kor Celebrant, Luminarch Aspirant, Queen of Ice, Shepherd of Heroes, Skyclave Cleric  Flip, Concerted Defense, Dovin's Veto, Negate, Inscription of Insight, Staggering Insight, Trapped in the Tower, and maybe Silundi Vision  Flip. Good luck with your build and let me know if you have any questions!

Kazierts on Bant Stoic Control [Budget/Casual]

3 years ago

There's a reason why there aren't more creatures with vigilance besides the angel, it's because there's no need for them. I'll use the creatures you suggested as an example. Let's say I play either Alert Heedbonder or Tajuru Pathwarden. What do any of the these do to help develop my strategy? Nothing, especially the Heedbonder. The Pathwarden at the very least is big, but that's about it. Nether of them help to keep my opponent's creatures tapped. Taranika, Akroan Veteran I actually stopped to think about a little bit. However, it basically works the same way as the others. Sure she can untap my creatures and maybe grow some of them a little bit, which is important to know as a lot of the creatures wouldn't receive that big of a buff, but there's someone else that can also "untap" while also being an Engine. Soulherder. It doesn't technically untap but effectively is the same thing. To wrap up this point about vigilance, the only creatures that would benefit from having it would be the Bounding Krasis and Icefall Regent. Another thing to mention is Evolutionary Leap, which can turn useless tapped creatures into something more useful.

Icy Manipulator is an interesting one, but is kinda mana intensive due to the mana cost. Thankfully, I found other cards with similar effects, like Pacification Array. While I think the deck has sufficient tapping effects, this is something that caught my attention enough to make me want to playtest it.

Thanks for the opinion and suggestions!

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