Harvestguard Alseids

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Harvestguard Alseids

Enchantment Creature — Nymph

Constellation - Whenever Harvestguard Alseids or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, prevent all damage that would be dealt to target creature this turn.

Simerix on Faerie Constellations

5 years ago

I would cut out one or more of the following as an emphasis: artifacts, enchantments, faeries, or tokens. Personally, I think artifacts is the weakest theme as of right now. Cards like Cranial Plating, Trading Post, Efficient Construction, and Witching Well don't do a whole lot (possibly Thopter Spy Network too). As a result of taking artifacts largely out, Emry, Luker of the Loch becomes pretty useless.

Your planeswalkers are interesting. They all play into the token theme very well.

Some cards I find are underwhelming: Daxos's Torment, Faerie Trickery, Whitewater Naiads, Harvestguard Alseids, Grim Guardian, Doomwake Giant, Agent of Erebos (I can see why you might play him), and Windfall.

There are some cards that are really good but could be easily cut such as Anointed Procession if you wanted to bring the price down.

Runeroads on

6 years ago

All things I am going to suggest are under $2 cards. If your looking for something in a higher budget let me know.

Add the following Lands. They will trigger Regna, the Redeemer the turn she comes into play.
Blighted Steppe
Scoured Barrens
Seraph Sanctuary
Springjack Pasture
Kabira Crossroads

Cards to get rid of:
Ajani's Pridemate and Child of Night They seem like they would work but they do not do enough
Arena Rector No really good planeswalker to find.
Bloodcrazed Hoplite, Knight of Malice, Oketra's Avenger, Typhoid Rats, Skittering Heartstopper, and Fate Unraveler Don't see how they fit in at all
Danitha Capashen, Paragon No Equipement but a decent creature.
Harvestguard Alseids Not running enough enchantments
Kazarov, Sengir Pureblood Not in your commander colors (has red)

Replace all of these creatures with creatures that do 1 of 4 things:
Produce a creature token
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet from your side board

Gain you life
Pontiff of Blight, Syndic of Tithes, Tithe Drinker, Treasury Thrull, Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, Sunscorch Regent, Suture Priest are all good examples. In multiplayer EDH extort good.

Create Mana
Burnished Hart. Crypt Ghast He is like $3.50 but he is really good in this deck Draw a card
Bloodgift Demon and Mentor of the Meek are good examples.

You should have all your instants and sorceries do some kind of board wipe or removal. The ones that are a one shot gain life just aren't good.

Your enchantments are good.

Artifacts should be replaced with mana rocks or mana reduction effects like Sol Ring, Commander's Sphere, Oketra's Monument, and Bontu's Monument.

chaosqueued on PDH Enchantress

7 years ago

ah, you mean Harvestguard Alseids.

Aricardo on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

7 years ago

Hi just a few problems.Trueheart Duelist is showing it's token only and not the original card [http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=426737] As stated above Harvestguard Alseids doesn't show up when searching for it, but only if you search 'wander'Same for Sigiled Starfish which only shows in search if you type 'those'

CrazedPorcupine on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

7 years ago

Harvestguard Alseids is not showing up in the card search in the deckbuilder...

REDWHITEandBLUE on Trans girl power

7 years ago

Ok now i have some more time so ill try to make some suggestions for you. First i think that all the life gain is pointless. The deck is aggro so you should be lowering your opponents life total instead of raising yours. Elixir of immortality also does the opposite of what you want in this deck. You also have some pretty bad removal in this deck and there is much better budget options. Better card draw would also help. In an aggro deck you are going to run out of cards fast. Last i think there are some creatures in this deck that shouldn't be. but thats ok cause i think you are also running too many creatures so its an easy fix haha. Also i can tell that you wanted to go with an allies theme but alot of your allies have more than 2 power. You only have 12 allies and 4 of them have more than 2 power

Angel's Feather
Staff of the Flame Magus
Staff of the Sun Magus
Elixir of Immortality
Banishing Stroke
Celestial Flare
Aether Poisoner
Borderland Marauder
Death Cultist
Filigree Familiar
Harvestguard Alseids
Kambal, Consul of Allocation
Supply-Line Cranes
Tireless Missionaries
Underworld Coinsmith

Mentor of the Meek
Faithless Looting
Fiend Hunter
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Karmic Guide
Sol Ring
Swords to Plowshares
Burnished Hart
Boros Charm
Return to Dust
Tormenting Voice
Reforge the Soul
Ashnod's Altar
Commander's Sphere
Darksteel Ingot
Cathars' Crusade
Mardu Ascendancy
Vampiric Rites
Behind the Scenes
Assemble the Legion
Noosegraf Mob
Key to the City

lastly your land base seems alittle weird so ill suggest some stuff for that to.
1x Command Tower
1x Nomad Outpost
1x Evolving Wilds
1x Terramorphic Expanse
1x Rogue's Passage
1x Temple of Triumph
1x Temple of Silence
1x Temple of Malice
1x Temple of the False God
1x High Market
1x Hanweir Battlements
9x Mountain
9x Swamp
9x Plains

this would be a good budget land base for this deck. If you have any questions on cards then just ask. And obviously dont take all my suggestions it is your deck. Have fun!

BeaudaciousGiebs on Cage em up

7 years ago

With any enchantment deck, constellation cards are incredibly useful, such as the previously mentioned Harvestguard Alseids and Skybind.

Other very useful abilities are those that get you things for noncreature spells, like Student of Ojutai, Myth Realized, and things with the prowess ability.

Journey to Nowhere is a pretty good removal control card.

If you are cool with splashing another color, Yavimaya Enchantress was the driving force of my own enchantment deck from a while back. No matter how much control you may have, creatures are kinda needed to be out sooner. Other good enchantment related creatures include Argothian Enchantress (bit pricier), Blessed Spirits (so gosh darn cute yet sad), Celestial Ancient (doesn't really solve speed issue), Herald of the Pantheon, Mesa Enchantress, and Verduran Enchantress. You never realize just how useful plenty of card draw is until you end up solely topdecking.

Also, from personal experience, I would advise cutting down on some lands to about 21 and balancing out the important cards. Sphere of Safety is insanely cool in this deck, as would Ethereal Armor be, but with only a single copy in the deck your odds of getting it at all are slim, so you want to make sure you have a decent chance with at least 2-3 in the deck, because they do stack.

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