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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Constellation - Whenever Skybind or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, exile target nonenchantment permanent. Return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end step.

BirdieGirlie on Black Parmesan

4 months ago

This is a very, very intriguing start of a decklist!!!! I was just looking at another deck that had the enchantment Skybind - I think it would be fascinating to do a black/white deck combining some of these very powerful ETB effects with the flicker effect of that card, multiplied by Panharmonicon!!!!

Just some random black, white, or black/white cards I think might have good ETB effects for this concept:

Gnawing Vermin

Thieves' Guild Enforcer

Cauldron Familiar

Blood Seeker

Burglar Rat

Corpse Knight

Corrupt Court Official

Dirty Rat

Gatekeeper of Malakir

Tainted Adversary

Basilica Bell-Haunt

Company Commander (I mainly play big casual multi-person games so this suggestion is with that in mind!)

Slumbering Keepguard

Soul Warden

Charming Prince

I'd make a list of all the cheap enchantments I think might work for this too, but I see I am already going overboard.

Tbh I am a fairly new player and very new to deckbuilding but thought I'd drop you a line!!!

Niko9 on Light-Paws, Emperor's Tutor

1 year ago

Also (sorry to double post!) but I really like the idea of Skybind in the maybe board. I had an idea once to use flash enchants to aggressively trigger Skybind and blink my opponent's threats off board and trigger enchantress draws and hit my own Heliod's Pilgrim. I never quite got it to work, but the idea was always fun.

Anorak on Seance Tokens [Primer]

1 year ago

Would you consider running Sundial of the Infinite or even Discontinuity for the end of turn exile triggers on Seance/Feldon of the Third Path/Mimic Vat/Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker?

I get that it might be a bit gimmicky and it doesn't do a lot without those cards but I used to have a casual modern that used that combo to limited success and it is pretty neat and fun when you have both pieces going. :)

Could also combo it with an effect like Skybind for some fun removal with the sundial but that's probably also too gimmicky.

I'm pretty keen to try out your deck and squeeze in sundial somehow, if I had to take out one card for it which would you recommend?

Awesome deck, though glad I found this!

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Token Wipe

2 years ago

For repeatable use on a single token there's bouncers like Time Elemental, Temporal Adept, Waterfront Bouncer, and my favourite Tradewind Rider. If it has to be in white there's Witch Hunter and Eldrazi Displacer (if you can meet the colourless requirement). There's also cards that will do it if you meet a condition, like Skybind and Astral Slide.

Niko9 on Satsuki, the Living Lore - Into the Story (v1.0)

2 years ago

Awesome! Yeah, for sure wait on a reprint for orrery. It has to happen, right? Maybe right? Hopefully : )

Hope the deck does awesome for you. And yep, I love Skybind but I was also playing it in 60 card, so not sure if it would be one of those things that would need too much to get there in EDH. But, that's what the maybeboard is for : )

I totally hear you on orrery. There are kind of worse versions like Vernal Equinox or Vivien, Champion of the Wilds but yeah, nothing is really orrery. Hopefully that reprint happens! For sure.

KBK7101 on Satsuki, the Living Lore - Into the Story (v1.0)

2 years ago

Thanks for the kind words! Much appreciated!!

Setessan Champion is a card that I actually thought I had in the deck... and then realized it's in my Arena version of this deck and not my paper one. lol Probably the first addition whenever I make tweaks!

Vedalken Orrery is a great card and one I've been meaning to get for a long time... once it gets a reprint. That card is pretty expensive at the moment. :/ Cast Out was a card that I hadn't really considered due to it's higher mana cost than my other "removal" spells but having flash does make it pretty enticing... Maybeboard for now! Skybind does sound really interesting and could lead to some pretty interesting shenanigans. I think I even have a foil one somewhere. I'll have to add it to the maybeboard for consideration later. Swift Reconfiguration also sounds like a great idea. I'll have to add that one to the maybeboard, as well!

I would also have loved if Satsuki had a third color. Blue would've been great, red or black would also have been nice. Maybe we'll get another saga commander from Dominaria United/Brother's War later in the year? Hopefully more sagas, too!

Niko9 on Satsuki, the Living Lore - Into the Story (v1.0)

2 years ago

This looks like a really awesome deck, and I do love enchantress builds. When they work, they work so well : ) This looks super synergistic as is, and the only recommendations I might have are ones I used in an enchantress deck, but it also wasn't sagas, so may not work. Just figured I'd throw a few oddballs out there : )

Setessan Champion can sometimes just be another enchantress and sometimes she can be a big, bad enchantress.

Skybind is one of those, can steal games or do not much at all cards, but I love it : ) With flash enchantments like Swift Reconfiguration or a flash enabler like Vedalken Orrery you can use it to double down on your constellation effects, or offensively to blink your opponent's creatures at instant speed. A Blightsteel Colossus is only scary if it isn't getting blinked every turn. Plus, controlling games with a set up Skybind feels like a definite win.

Cast Out is one that I'm keen on, just because of the versatility. Hitting anything at instant speed is great, but also being able to cycle it makes it always do exactly what you need in a game. I like Prison Term, I play Skyclave Apparition but I always use Cast Out : ) And my favorite is to have something like Moon-Blessed Cleric or Heliod's Pilgrim that can tutor out enchantments like Prison Term to deal with threats when you really need them.

But it looks awesome to me! The proliferate and saga synergy seems really strong, and it would be great to have blue for Flux Channeler and things, but for this commander, this build seems really solid to me : ) Nice one!

IHATENAMES on Light-Paws, Divine Kitsune

2 years ago


Kor Spiritdancer a better shram in the deck id run both

Eidolon of Countless Battles + for each aura

Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist moves auras especially for faith fetter type effects

Heliod's Pilgrim aura tutor

Boonweaver Giant aura tutor onto a body

Umbra Mystic Totem armor effects in general are good. One of the recent precons was aura based id look at that one for ideas!

Nomad Mythmaker recursion

Skybind interesting flicker effect for enchantment perms with sigardas aid out you can blink your lands to cast more auras next opponents turn. or flicker tokens etb creature ect.

Mistveil Plains return auras to re tutor for with your commander.

Homeward Path vultron doesn't like opponents taking their toys

Lost Leonin Infect if you choose is an option here is one to look at.

Flickerform Decent especially if you run auras that etb draw

Hero of Iroas cost reducer that gets a benefit when targeted.

Faith Unbroken removal aura

Sage's Reverie HIGHLY suggested card draw and powerful aura

Sphere of Safety If you want a late game plan this might give you time to do something else like Approach of the Second Sun

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