Dark Petition

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dark Petition


Search your library for a card, put that card into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Spell mastery — If there are two or more instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard, add .

Flarhoon13 on Unleashing the Maelstrom: Yidris' Controlled Chaos

3 weeks ago

Nov 23

Yidris: Controlled Chaos, budget power won a long, kind of crazy game. Darryl cast Jokulhaups via Discord, Lord of Disharmony, which looked like it was handing Nolan the game, since he was able to make his Rakdos, the Muscle commander indestructible. I drew well and cast the greatest thief in the multiverse, Dack Fayden, to steal Darryl's Sol Ring. I cast an Aetherflux Reservoir, and a Sunbird's Invocation. The next turn, I cast a Berserkers' Onslaught, Sunbird's Invocation revealed an Inevitable Betrayal, which I used to get Nolan's Molten Primordial. That stole the Rakdos, the Muscle, a Professional Face-Breaker and an OG Jodah, Archmage Eternal. I attacked Nolan with his own commander and Darryl's Tainted Strike made it lethal, even as I attacked him with Jodah, Archmage Eternal, also for lethal (he was at three life). Doug had enough on board to kill me but I untapped and played Karn's Temporal Sundering, bouncing my Dualcaster Mage. In my extra turn, I had the Dark Petition to grab Ghostly Flicker. Ghostly Flicker copied by Dualcaster Mage does go infinite. Infinite mana, then Seasons Past meant I was totally infinite. I could recur the Dark Petition for Seasons Past and cast them infinitely plus so many more, Aetherflux Reservoir was a win condition

ascanio on Anhelo's Thriller

10 months ago

Cambi che io farei:

Ghoulish Procession --> Demand Answers

Cut/Ribbons --> Sorin's Vengeance

Rakdos Charm --> New Blood

Jadar --> Dark Petition

Poppet Stitcher --> boh, Mana Geyser? Anche se in realtà ti servirebbe uno spot per la nuova Judith.

In boh se vuoi puntare un pochino di più sui tesori: Mahadi, Emporium Master; Marionette Master; Blood Money.

Si può anche dibattere se è meglio Metallurgic Summonings o Shark Typhoon

Jabber on Liliana, Baby of Chaos

1 year ago

Cards id Consider adding:

Diabolic Tutor should be in the deck

Killing Wave should add this great finisher and liliana text

Command the Dreadhorde Liliana with great artwork and a nice finisher

Mutilate great board wipe with Liliana text

Liliana's Specter goes with the current theme

Oath of Liliana good removal and on theme

Liliana's Scrounger great for all the planeswalkers and removal

Liliana's Scorn bad removal but also works as a tutor

Liliana's Reaver fits into the discard theme

Liliana's Influence tutor and kind of a board wipe

Liliana's Indignation direct damage and fill graveyard

Liliana's Elite weak but gets stronger with graveyard

Liliana's Contract kind of bad draw but on theme

Liliana, Death Wielder old planeswalker but could be fun

Liliana, Death's Majesty token maker and is pretty good

Liliana's Shade Bad but kind of ramp

Entomb great card

Reanimate great card

Gravecrawler great card for combo but idk if it fits here

Settle the Score bad removal but helps with planeswalkers

Triumph of Cruelty on theme with discard

Demonic Tutor Liliana art work and quote

Finale of Eternity finisher and removal

Professor Onyx on theme and decent

Baleful Force bad top end but cool quote


Dread Summons


Mind Rot Liliana quate and discard theme

Rise Again

Rise from the Grave

Rottenheart Ghoul

Tainted Remedy

Dark Petition

Necromantic Summons

Young Necromancer

Swap to these lands: https://scryfall.com/card/fjmp/22/liliana

SufferFromEDHD on Chains of Shadow, Chains of Love

1 year ago

I too have a Chainer list. One of my favorite classic commanders.

Deserted Temple is so useful with those big mana lands.

Crypt of Agadeem to finish out the playset of big mana lands.

I run Dark Petition and Demonic Collusion. The synergy with Chainer can't be ignored.

RoyaleWithCheese on

1 year ago

After some playtesting I made some changes to the deck trying to make it more dinamic and interactive. I also picked some cards that I wanted.

Tried to streamline the deck by removing some alternative combos. Removed Pawn of Ulamog, Pitiless Plunderer, Phyrexian Altar and Reassembling Skeleton. This one was too convoluted I think. Changed for Geralf's Messenger, to have another option that combos with Yawgmoth and Nest of Scarabs. Putrid Goblin can combo with Mikaeus and Altar of Dementia (wich by itself serves as a sac outlet and selfmill aswell). Also added one more tutor in Dark Petition to pick the pieces and more reanimate in Incarnation Technique. Still testing this reanimate card but seems that can be quite nice in the right moment, as I have a bunch of removal and some grave hate.

Ill take this deck to a tournament in my LGS next saturday and post the results here!

Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks!

Head CoIIector on Hedrons

2 years ago

skwyd777 There's a lot more than 1/15 chance of dropping it in the graveyard early. Satyr Wayfinder drops 4 cards, Thought Scour sees 3, and Rotting Rats gets it in the graveyard fast as well. The deck is entirely focused on getting Hedron Alignment in the graveyard fast and rolling from there. In playtesting the biggest weakness I've found this deck to have is it relies heavily on Secret Salvage. Basically I have to mulligan for it or Dark Petition but a deck this niche and budget is gonna have holes, no way around that.

Basically what I'm saying is, between Opulent Palace, Urborg Elf, and Satyr Wayfinder mana/colors is not an issue.

kamarupa on Nymphrodell's Modern Curses

2 years ago

I love the idea of playing curses and I think you've got a lot of good cards. I playtested it a few times and have some notes:

I'd def include 1-2 Hall of Heliod's Generosity.

I'd cut at least all 4xDuress, if not all 4xInquisition of Kozilek, too. Having 8 discard spells favors early game play but I think it puts you at a disadvantage later in the game.The enchantment curses are geared toward a slow game, eeking out a win around T10. By that time, there are fewer, if any viable targets for Duress, let alone Inquisition of Kozilek. On top of that, you have 8 removal spells, 4 of which double as a boardwipe, and also Torment of Hailfire, so you have effective means of shutting opponents down.

Damn seems like a fantastic fit here, providing a useful boardwipe as well as early spot removal.

Vindicate also seems like a great spell here, providing a broad range of removal making it always useful. That said, at 3MV, if half or even all the discard spells were cut, Revoke Existence or Disenchant would be good additions in the sideboard.

I think I'd either use the slots freed up by cutting discard spells to increase the number of creatures, or I'd cut the 3 defenders entirely. They're not likely to help much with so few numbers. I'm leaning toward cutting them. There are better ways to gain life and draw cards and they're not blocking for much.

If you cut all the creatures and discard spells, you'd have 11 slots to give you an edge. I think you'd want to maintain the MVs of the cut spells, keeping everything to 2MV or less. Darkness/Holy Day could be decent. Fatal Push and Path to Exile also. I think 4xNight's Whisper or some other draw spell would be good, though only if it's drawing at least 2 cards for MV 3 or less.

Since you're playing a long game, Dark Petition might be a possible option.

Overwhelming Splendor is an awesome spell, but even with one copy, the prospects of hardcasting it from a draw seem slim.

Work on a sideboard that can help you against your worst matchups. In addition to Revoke Existence or Disenchant, Infernal Reckoning, Tainted Remedy, Extirpate, Everlasting Torment, Ratchet Bomb, and Elixir of Immortality might be good options.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Deck building Help

2 years ago

Seasons Past would've been my suggestion, as well. Jodah seems a fine commander.

You could go for a BIG MANA SORCERY theme with some of the Ultimatums that don't exile themselves on resolution, Apex of Power and Double Vision. Maelstrom Nexus and Maelstrom Archangel would be pretty busted in there, as well. Eerie Ultimatum would be especiall especially nasty when combined with Fraying Omnipotence

Solve the Equation is indeed awesome for that, but Diabolic Tutor, Dark Petition, Mastermind's Acquisition and especially Final Parting are powerful tutors that don't cost much.

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