

This deck is tuned to lean towards an optimized build that can often win on turn 5 or 6. The main objective of the deck is to ramp into your commander, resolve small-to-medium burn spell(s) that damage multiple opponents, and then cast giant, game-ending burn spells with the mana that Neheb generates post-combat. While a mono-red deck with a highly commander-dependent strategy is obviously not going to be truly competitive, This deck can be pretty brutal against creature-based strategies, and unwitting opponents are often very surprised to find their life total drain from 37 to zero in a single turn, as early as turn 4 or 5. If you like spell-slinging, generating absurd amounts of red mana, or you want to challenge the notion that burn isn't viable in a 40 life, multiplayer format, then this deck is for you.


Unless you are aware that someone is holding up targeted removal or a boardwipe, you usually want to land your commander as soon as possible. Untapping with your commander on board when at least one opponent does not have blockers gives you the best chance to hit an opponent for 4 damage, generating a minimum of 4 mana in your second main off of Neheb's ability. If you are are not trying to execute a big, explosive, potentially winning turn, generating extra mana still helps develop board state, getting down card draw engines, utility pieces, or more ramp in case you need to recast Neheb.

With Neheb on board, you are ultimately looking to resolve enough damage from efficient, multi-player "burn" spells such that Neheb gives you enough mana in your second main to win with a Comet Storm type of effect, often one that is Fork -ed to truly do lethal damage. In order to get to this point, you frequently have to bide time, clearing opponents' boards as best you can and looting/drawing/filtering to get to wincons or situationally relevant utility cards. The great thing about Neheb and his mana ability is that an Earthquake effect can be used with flexibility as a clutch board wipe, a mana ritual to fuel second main plays, or a game-winning spell in the second main if you have done enough damage earlier in the turn with Neheb on board. Super cheap and efficient spells like Flame Rift and Price of Progress are usually the best way to set up for an enormously fiery second main, but pre-combat Earthquake into a second main Rolling Earthquake will also often get the job done. A final point to further illustrate the versatility of X spells in this deck; if you are in position to cast a massive Earthquake effect, and it cannot quite kill your opponents but will certainly wipe their boards as well as your precious Neheb, consider casting the spell for less and saving the leftover mana to recast your recently scorched Neheb, putting your commander back on board after wiping it.

In addition to highly efficient burn spells, this deck also has a small suite of utility creatures like Etali, Primal Storm , Knollspine Dragon , and the newly released Backdraft Hellkite that serve double duty as card advantage engines and beatsticks to fuel further big-mana shenanigans. If your Jaya's Immolating Inferno leaves two opponents at 5 or 6 life, a Knollspine Dragon may be enough to finish the job through good old-fashion creature combat.

While on the subject of creature combat, Aggravated Assault is also a ridiculously powerful one-card combo with Neheb, providing endless combat steps and mana production, assuming you can clear the way for Neheb to attack. Red does not tutor well, but if you open with Gamble and are not searching up a Sol Ring or card advantage engine, you should probably be getting Aggravated Assault , provided that your goal is to win the game fast.

I will try to answer any questions about gameplan and card selection as they come. Thanks for looking at the deck!!


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.86
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Treasure
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