Springbloom Druid

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Springbloom Druid

Creature — Elf Druid

When this enters, you may sacrifice a land. If you do, search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.

xraider on Land matter omnath better

2 weeks ago

The first thing I notice is that you have very few land searchers. In a landfall deck like this, I would remove Sol Ring and Arcane Signet in favor of land searchers. I’m missing cards like Crop Rotation, Sylvan Scrying, or Expedition Mapfoil to help you find key utility lands. Other searchers like Harrow and Springbloom Druid not only fetch lands but also fill your graveyard, which synergizes well with land-based abilities. And where is Rampant Growth?

Your land base looks solid, but I would also recommend incorporating more land-based strategies into your deck. Consider adding lands like Dark Depths, Vesuva, Thespian's Stage, Maze of Ith, Strip Mine, and Terrain Generator. You’re playing Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, but do you have a reliable way to get at least five Mountains in play to maximize its damage potential?

Your collection of land-matters creatures is very impressive! A few Planeswalkers that could fit well are Nissa of Shadowed Boughs and Lord Windgrace.

I also notice a lack of removal, card draw, and tutors. Be sure to include options that align with your strategy, such as lands that can remove artifacts or enchantments (Boseiju, Who Endures) or lands that provide card draw (Geier Reach Sanitarium).

Best of luck and happy playtesting!

Rasaru on Sek'Kuar's Hasty Mob Ball of Death | V-FND

3 months ago

I had an opportunity to look at each individual card in this list and have a few questions :)

As you mentioned above, you're taking advantage of ETB creatures and creatures that sac themselves. Totally makes sense. You also have the majority of your ramp in creatures, which I understand, because you can sac them to provide additional value (a 3/1 token, as well as a land). Those creatures are Dawntreader Elk, Diligent Farmhand (had to Google "Muscle Burst"), Insidious Fungus, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Solemn Simulacrum, Springbloom Druid, Viridian Emissary, as well as your more "huggy" cards like Veteran Explorer and Avatar of Growth. Then you have Wight of the Reliquary to fetch any land.

  1. With all of those lands potentially coming into play, how often are you just sitting with waaaay more mana than you actually have cards to play?
  2. Has 11 basics been sufficient? Most of those effects grab basics. (And I didn't even mention your land fetch cards - e.g. Myriad Landscape I love playing Field of the Dead, but struggle to play more than the original 6 basics (non-snow and snow) because I want to trigger FotD more often.
  3. I only see 1 landfall effect in the entire deck. Is this intentional to keep the power level of the deck lower?

multimedia on Should Muldrotha Eldrazi be Sac …

4 months ago

Self-mill and reanimation are directions to consider expanding. However, before you think about them consider first focusing on more ramp (0-3 CMC)?

Muldrotha is 6 mana and you have very few lower mana cost ramp spells. Scions aren't really reliable ramp since they only give you a burst of colorless mana after being saced. Consider more ramp that you can use more than one turn? More ramp like this can help gameplay, make it easier to cast your higher mana cost spells especially Muldrotha and give you more mana to cast different spells from your graveyard when you control Muldrotha. Consider at least 12 ramp sources?

Carpet of Flowers is powerful mana generation in multiplayer Commander.

Another direction to consider is to play more effects that let you play more than one land a turn. This makes Life from the Loam more powerful since you're filling your hand with lands.

Eternal Witness is really good with Muldrotha and self-mill since it gives you access to any card in your graveyard, a nonpermanent spell such as Diabolic Intent that you can't cast with Muldrotha.

m_tironi on

1 year ago

Woehrlebird, I delete decks often, so you should copy it if you are interested.

Ramp the is good with Lumra: Lotus Field Harrow Roiling Regrowth Springbloom Druid

Support for Lumra: Panharmonicon Amulet of Vigor

To help shuffle your graveyard back into your deck after you milled too much: Kozilek, Butcher of Truth Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre

The rest is optimized good stuff: landfall and cheating cards in with Apex Devastator, Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant and Last March of the Ents.

Also, Monogreen mass haste: Surrak and Goreclaw Concordant Crossroads

Profet93 on

1 year ago


Hey! Nice to see you again, +1

Is Vedalken Orrery really necessary redundancy?

Heroic Intervention - Protection

Seedborn Muse > (or in addition to) Wilderness reclamaion

Guardian Project - Draw (they can remove in response to the trigger to deny you the draw but still worth considering)

Yavimaya Hollow - Regen (and politics if you are inclined)

Eternal Witness > Reclaim. Or just most green recursion spells are much better.

Nature's Lore/Three Visits > Rampant growth

Springbloom Druid - Green "harrow" (almost) on a creature. Not really needed but it serves you better than thornwield archer

Tinnuki on Horrors from Beyond

1 year ago

Profet93: No worries!

My "combo" comment was just my shorthand way of saying that with a decent opening hand in an ideal game, it's possible to get the perfect two creatures into the grave early on, cast Mimeo, and 1-Hit KO a player each turn, barring any pesky interaction. I know it's not technically a combo by definition, it just feels like one to me!

To answer your questions:
Springbloom Druid is not one I considered, but I see the value with Ramunap. Chump block, or another sac target for Victimize is a benefit, too. Good suggestion, I like it!
Alchemist's Refuge doesn't really have a specific function, other than being a bit of extra utility for when I need it. Yavimaya Hollow is not a card I'm familiar with, but it's perfect. Another good suggestion.
Sensei's Divining Top is a good card, and I don't really have any reason for why I don't have one. Likewise, I don't have a specific reason for why I use Guile, other than the fact that I like the passive see-3 effect. Related point, extra draw is an area that can be improved, so I'll have to take all this into consideration.

As a general side note, none of my commander decks are completely optimized, 100% efficient machines. They're just piles of cards that I've toyed with and found a good arrangement that suits me. Anytime I'm asked "Why don't you run [card]?", saying "I never felt compelled to try it" feels like a lackluster answer =P

Profet93 on Horrors from Beyond

1 year ago


A good friend of mine also had that as a pet card. I suppose the "evil book" motif is quite alluring, especially for this monstrosity of a deck. You mention the deck plays like a combo deck at best. Can you elaborate as to what combo or "combo like" you have, perhaps I'm missing something obvious?

Springbloom Druid > Cultivate? Only because it's a creature and could work with ramunap. I do understand saccing a multi-color land is not ideal but just a thought to increase the creature count (and pitch for fauna shaman).

How often do you utilize Alchemist's Refuge? Would you not be better suited with a Yavimaya Hollow for additional protection as well as politics?

Lastly, thoughts on Mirri's Guile vs. Sensei's Divining Top? Guile requires no additional mana. Top however requires 1 additional, can be done at any time, can draw the card in a pinch (note mystical tutor/mill, although I doubt someone would want to mill you, usually lol), easier to cast in a 3 color deck and is much harder to remove. You already run Sylvan library so I'm unsure if the redundancy is needed, top or guile. Why not just add additional draw, interaction, tutors or whatever else you find you occasionally wish you had?

^ None of this is criticism (unsure how my tone comes across), just genuinely want to understand your card choices. I tried to make Mimeo as my first commander coming back after a decade and it failed spectacularly so I'd love your input on your thought process :)

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