Avatar of Growth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Avatar of Growth

Creature — Elemental Avatar

This spell costs less to cast for each opponent you have.


When Avatar of Growth enters the battlefield, each player searches their library for up to two basic land cards, puts them onto the battlefield, then shuffles their library.

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

I would like to see some of the cards that have only ever been printed in the Game Night sets be reprinted, here, simply to increase their availability, such as Avatar of Growth, Fiendish Duo, and Sphinx of Enlightenment.

CrimsonWings3689 on

3 years ago

Cards that don't make sense for you:

Eldrazi Displacer, World Breaker

---- you currently have all of 3 cards that can produce colorless mana, and it's a 4 color deck, so the premium is on hitting colors, not odd utility lands. Not to mention that they're another means of ramping in the deck, which would be the priority.

Living Twister

---- I've played with and replaced it in Mina and Denn. 2 hard pips of red for what it provides isn't worth it. You'd be better off running Trade Routes for the effect. you're not likely to want to pay to throw lands, so the pay to bounce isn't ideal for a hard green each time.


---- It's just bad. For the cost it should be Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares.

Nissa's Renewal

---- For the cost it should just be something like Boundless Realms, cheaper to cast and gets you more lands.

Kamahl's Druidic Vow

---- This one is just real bad; you have all of 7 potential legendary permanents to hit, add that to the lands and that leaves 44% of the deck as a viable hit from starting. It's always going to be below 50%. For the effect, you would be better off with Genesis Wave since most of your permanents aren't legendary.

Elvish Rejuvenator

---- for the sake of effects, you would likely be better off with Ramunap Excavator for the redundant copy of Crucible of Worlds.

Cards to Consider:

Oboro, Palace in the Clouds, Ancient Greenwarden, Avatar of Growth, Farseek

plakjekaas on Opposition Agent needs a preemptive …

3 years ago

But only if you try to search for the wincons yourself and this is flashed in.

If you play your Demonic Tutor after your opponent has Opposition Agent in play, you deserve to lose, imo. Apart from Maralen of the Mornsong and Scheming Symmetry, what other cards are there that make your opponents search their library that aren't may-effects? Field of Ruin, Avatar of Growth, Collective Voyage, Fertilid, Pir's Whim or Winds of Abandon? Not many players have basic lands as winconditions, and even when you control your opponent if they are searching their libraries, you must still abide to what the effect that makes them search can find, right?

So unless you build your deck to abuse graveyard recursion to cast the Scheming Symmetry over and over again from your graveyard, you're not going to get everyone's wincons all the time. You get one shot at it, and stop your opponents from searching after that. And if you do build your deck that way, why aren't you using an extra turn spell, instead of Symmetry, which is a lot safer vs instant removal for the agent and probably more effective in winning games?

iNinjy on Omnath, Locus of Creation

4 years ago

Thanks MLS91, I could see pulling out the Cloudskater since it’s basically 2+bounce to loot, and possibly also the blue expedition since it’s mainly there just as cheap card draw.

My reasoning on the ramp spells like Harrow, Migration Path or Avatar of Growth is that they guarantee hitting the 3 landfall triggers on Omnath. One extra mana (when his 2nd gives you 4 floating) is worth it in my opinion.

Essentially I’m going for a lands-matters, uh, token swarm thing? I want to reliably hit 3 lands on my turn, and of course being able to get a land out on everyone else’s for the lifegain is great too. Land-based creatures like Titania, Protector of Argoth,Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar and Radha, Heart of Keld with landfall trigger creatures like Rampaging Baloths, Omnath, Locus of Rage and Avenger of Zendikar. Probably need to add a finisher though I’m already looking at Moraug. Maybe Overwhelming Stampede or Finale of Devastation?

Daedalus19876 on Drawharmonicon | Yarok & Keruga

4 years ago

Yarok: You can't use Kinnan as the commander with Keruga as the companion. The commander counts as part of the deck, and Kinnan doesn't have CMC 3 or greater.

Enral: This seems like a hard deck to analyze -- I'd have to see it function to really understand how well it works with no low-CMC spells. I might look into Coalition Relic as a form of ramp, perhaps? But I very much like the thought put into ways to ameliorate the restriction, with free spells, split spells, et cetera. Are there any good spells with cost reductions that could work? Such as Avatar of Growth, Avatar of Woe, Curtains' Call, Mystical Dispute, or Price of Fame.

Trinisphere also seems like a MUST here. It doesn't affect you very much, while crippling your opponents.

KROKHASH on Yarok the Desecration King

4 years ago

Hello! Awesome deck. I really like the idea of mill as a win con. Unfortunately I have to point out that Avatar of Growth says "up to two" lands for the search, so if they are aware they are going to take a beating from sire/yarok they can just choose to get no lands. While in that scenario is still gets you 2 lands, you may want to consider swapping in something else.

DemonDragonJ on Game Night 2019

4 years ago

The decklists for Game Night 2019 have been revealed!

I really like the five new face cards, because they are awesome, and a considerable improvement over the face cards from the previous Game Night set (although I personally believe that Avatar of Growth and Rot Hulk were actually quite decent in their own rights). However, I am very disappointed by the reprints, since they are all from recent sets. Does WotC not realize that there are many older cards that have never been reprinted? Since this set does not affect standard legality, it is a perfect place in which to reprint older cards.

What does everyone else think of the decklists for Game Night 2019?

VexenX on [[Primer v1.0]]-Omnath, the Angry Wet Jelly Bean!

5 years ago

dingusdingo, my voice of reason! Just about every piece of advice/ suggestions you made was completely logical. I was actually looking at my avg CMC today, trying to think how I wanted to tackle that problem. Dont get me wrong, avg 4cmc is playable in commander all the way, but it is often clunky and inconsistent. It is important to note that commander is not always about the most optimal plays, but the fun and powerful ones. That being said, I am going to heed much of your advice because I have not been super happy with the curve of the deck.

As I mentioned in the Primer, the point of the deck is to abuse ETBs of my Elementals. Yes, I know Eternal Witness is a better card, but I chose to run Greenwarden of Murasa because of the flavor. Avatar of Growth is another flavor card in my deck that I want to try out before i cut it. I know it helps my opponents, but I'm the landfall deck and can draw two cards off it as well. Also, it will cost 3cmc most of the time.

I've never hurd someone say Pyroclasm out classes Blasphemous Act . It doesn't in my meta at least. Big creatures are all over the place where I play.

The rest of you logic infind extremely sound. I think I am going to call my Signants for all 2cmc ramp spells, as well as Maelstrom Wanderer and Sunbird's Invocation for lower cmc spells.

Decimate, Zendikar's Roil and Tyrant of Discord were also weak spots for me.

What do you think about adding Heroic Intervention and Release to the Wind here?

Thank you again for the feedback and Upvote! I look forward to hearing from you some more!

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