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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
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Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Kor Firewalker
Creature — Kor Soldier
Protection from red
Whenever a player casts a red spell, you may gain 1 life.
wallisface on Black and White Soul Sisters - MODERN
7 months ago
With the upcoming Mh3, there’s two cards you may want to consider fitting into this brew: Sorin of House Markov Flip, and Guide of Souls.
I really strongly feel like your mainboard needs 22 (maybe even 23?) lands instead of 21.
As far as your sideboard goes, it feels like you are particularly weak to the opponents interaction and/or combo strategies. In that vein i’d run something like:
3x Damping Sphere to deal with Tron, Amulet, Storm
2x Necromentia to give you some degree of answer for combo, as well as further messing with Tron.
2x Pithing Needle to stop Yawgmoth getting free wins, and hindering various other effects
3x Rest in Peace for graveyards
when Mh3 comes out, 3x Flare of Fortitude to keep your board healthy and protect your key creatures
2x Kataki, War's Wage for artifacts.
In relation to some of the cards already in your sideboard selection, i’d suggest against them for the following reasons:
Stony Silence doesn’t do enough to artifacts decks, as many don’t use activated abilities too often - namely this hurts Scales, but not-really Affinity.
Inquisition of Kozilek is good against control and some kinds of combo. But only being able to hit 3-or-less mana makes this awkward against both. Combo decks you should already have answers for with my above suggestions. I don’t see this deck beating control whatever it does, so i don’t think there’s point trying to fight it with this card.
Kor Firewalker is only useful versus burn. Your deck should have absolutely no problem beating burn naturally, so this isn’t needed.
Sanctifier en-Vec feels like overkill if you’re already running Rest in Peace. Furthermore, it’s more red-hate in a deck already generally positioned well against a lot if red gameplans
Ghost Quarter i’m not sure why you’re running this? I assume for tron, but this really won’t slow them down enough to matter, and is more likely to mess with your own tempo.
Surgical Extraction is generally only good versus combo, but requires being in a deck with a LOT if ways to force discard/mill so you can reliably exile what you need to.
Icbrgr on The One Ring
1 year ago
is Leyline of Punishment worth experimenting with against The One Ring?
I've been playtesting Caveman ungbunga pure burn lists recently and I was wondering if it seems to anyone else like a interesting tech piece to get around the Protection clase the ring provides.... kinda like using Skullcrack against somone with Kor Firewalker?
wallisface on W/B Eldrazi and Taxes
1 year ago
Nice build!
Having run something very similar (which now resembles this), i’d thing your burn matchup would be super rough (as mine was/is). I’d recommend some quantity of Kor Firewalker in the sideboard to help make that matchup winnable
wallisface on How to take losses better …
2 years ago
One thing worth noting with these sorts of decks, is that the games you win will often happen very quickly (4ish fast turns of blasting-face), whereas the games you lose often take a much longer period of time (the opponent resolves a Kor Firewalker then slowly whittles you down at their leisure).
This means that while the win ratio of the deck might sit around 50%, the actual time in-game playing a losing position is going to be much higher than this (because winning games end so quickly). I guess its important to understand that and not get discouraged by this.
Keeping a record of your games might help to let your brain know the deck’s doing better than it feels.
wallisface on Yorions gone - what cards …
2 years ago
So, this is my current thinking for this list - basically moving Thalia to the sideboard, and trimming some cards i’d rather not see multiples of. Also ditching Ephemerate:
Land (23)
3x Marsh Flats
Creature (31)
3x Solitude
Artifact (6)
4x Aether Vial
1x Batterskull
Sideboard (15)
wallisface on Filthy Casual Burn
2 years ago
Looks like a decent brew. Some thoughts:
you can probably go down to 19 lands, seeing as your curve is so low.
Kor Firewalker is probably a sideboard card instead of mainboard.
i’d suggest ditching the green splash, its really messing up your manabase, and white can deal with artifacts/enchants on its own anyway.
assuming you ditch green, then you should be able to just run basic Plains/Mountains. Lands that come in tapped are usually pretty unideal.
RDWDTR on Prophecy of the Knights \,,/
2 years ago
Welcome to Modern. Your MB looks ok, so I'll give you some SB ideas.
Chalice of the Void: Putting a Chalice on 1 is great vs DS and decent vs burn; it hurts you but you can just get around it with Cavern of Souls.
Auriok Champion: Good against DS and burn
Kor Firewalker: Excellent vs burn, decent vs DS
Prismatic Ending: I know you already have Path in your SB, but you might want to experiment with this. It hits all nonland permanents so there might be matchups where it's relevant for you (e.g., opp plays Ensnaring Bridge or something) since you are a 3 color deck technically
Torpor Orb: Great against MH2 elementals and soul sisters.
Tocatli Honor Guard/Hushbringer: Great against MH2 elementals and soul sisters.
zapyourtumor on Indestructible Voice of the Blessed any% Speedrun
3 years ago
Fountain of Renewal better than Ajani's Mantra.
I don't think Starfield Mystic is where you want to go with this deck, since you need to play more enchantments. Staff of the Sun Magus is also pretty slow. I'd go up to the 8 soul sisters and then maybe play Voice of the Blessed Jr. in the form of Ajani's Pridemate.
Kor Firewalker for the sideboard i guess?
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