Tenacious Underdog

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tenacious Underdog

Creature — Human Warrior

Blitz—, Pay 2 life. (If you cast this for this spell's blitz cost, this gains haste and "When this creature dies, draw a card." Sacrifice this at the beginning of the next end step.)

You may cast this from your graveyard using this card's blitz ability.

Crow_Umbra on Puro Pinche Party [Primer]

7 months ago

After your comment Profet93, I looked the deck over and decided to make a few updates:

Azoth2099 on

11 months ago


Tenacious Underdog & Endless Cockroaches are both great value here! As far as dorks go, there's of course things like Birds of Paradise, Ignoble Hierarch & Bloom Tender, but also Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic, Elves of Deep Shadow for less dollars lol.

Theft effects could work if you incorporate more sac outlets, I honestly don't know if I'd go that route with this one, though. The Commander itself doesn't naturally synergize with that strategy imo, it's essentially trying to generate and kill it's own tokens/creatures to draw cards.

I'm not sure what I'd replace from this particular list, but consider starting a new list with a new approach! That's what I do, anyway.

Oh man, also consider Sneak Attack! It essentially reduces the casting cost of your creatures to , gives them Flash, makes them uncounterable and is also a pseudo-sac outlet. Pretty nice!

toxicsunshine22 on

11 months ago


Aggravated Assault Breath of Fury and Seize the Day were all on my radar, I was going to play it a bit and see what cards just didnt feel right and trying some extra combat effects were at the top of my list.

I feel like had enough theft effects and just I kind of threw Act of Treason in or similarly Eternal Witness kinda got thrown even though I feel pretty comfortable with the amount of recursion I added like Tenacious Underdog(I didnt realize I like in the Deck so much because it can sac itself so maybe I should look into that) or Endless Cockroaches.

I just really wanted to something aristocrats but I feel like I could used any commander and use the aristocrat staples so I started leaning into the theft effects now I’m just worried I’m spread a little too much between the 2.

What mana dorks are there? Like Sakura-Tribe Elder & Birds of Paradise

What are you thinking you would remove?

PhyrexianPraetor on

1 year ago


Thanks for the upvote, comment and suggestions. Believe it or not, this deck originally started it’s life in modern as a mono-black aggro deck that used self-reanimating creatures and Foul-Tongue Shriek with Phyrexian Obliterator at the top of the mana curve. I did kind of ok with that deck, but as time went on I had a much harder time due to everyone else switching to more midrange and control style decks. That’s when I built this deck and haven’t looked back. I’m not going to lie, this deck used to be an attention getter in my area for being a good and solid deck. But with War of the Spark, Modern Horizons and Modern Horizons 2 a lot of other decks got upgrades and new decks came to be a thing. This deck sadly fell behind due to this, I did get some new upgrades… but almost every other deck that was played in my area became even better due to getting more additions.

I might switch out one Phyrexian Obliterator for a single copy of Sheoldred, the Apocalypse. Obliterator is ok, but being able to shock the opponent every-time they draw a card is a big attraction to me.

I have been considering Misery's Shadow for the reasons you pointed out. My only struggle is that it only deals with creatures that die. Don’t get me wrong though, it is still a very potent card.

I guess it would come down to a meta call between Dauthi Voidwalker and Misery's Shadow, both have their respective upsides and downsides.

I have been considering Invoke Despair for a few weeks now. In essence, it can functionally act like Gray Merchant of Asphodel with draining life. On one hand it deals six damage and draws me three cards, on the other hand it makes my opponent sacrifice three permanents for five mana. It’s for these two aspects as to why I might even cut one Phyrexian Arena for it.

Tenacious Underdog is a card I have been evaluating and am unsure of. At base it is a 3/2 for two, with the ability to gain haste and draws a card for four mana. It’s for this reason as to why I have looked at it a bit, but unlike Invoke Despair it doesn’t have the potential to change much of the game-state and requires four mana to consistently bring back.

With the way modern is, four and five mana has to either impact the board in a big way or sway the game in your favour. Paying four mana to potentially deal three damage and draw a card might not be worth it. All in all though, I have yet to actually get back into the modern scene where I live. So it is entirely possible that I am being overly critical and am wrong about this card.

I honestly didn’t know about Knight of Dusk's Shadow. I like how it can stop a food token deck from gaining lots of life and all for two mana. I might test it out.

Agadeem's Awakening  Flip is something that I tried before. In my build it sadly doesn’t work. But in a deck that has four Leyline of the Void, more creatures and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx it can be really devastating. Perhaps that style of devotion deck can run Tenacious Underdog for continuous value.

Bojuka Bog, Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, and Field of Ruin are all lands that I have played in the past or have been considering for a while. I originally ran Bojuka Bog as my choice of graveyard hate. I liked how it couldn’t be countered or discarded. Takenuma, Abandoned Mire is yet another card I have had my eye on. There are a lot of legendary creatures that I could fit into this deck to make it cheaper. Field of Ruin and all of the lands like it, are a bit awkward sadly. I have tested these types of lands before with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and I am always left with a negative opinion of them. I originally ran a set alongside two copies of urborg to fight against Tron and Valakut.

One card you should consider for your black deck is Korlash, Heir to Blackblade. It is cheaper in monetary cost than Obliterator, fixes your mana since it can fetch non-basics, gets bigger with fetching and it is very hard to remove without exile effects. I ran both it and Obliterator at one point.

BotaNickill on

1 year ago

Dude, This looks mean! I would not want to play against that deck. I can't really see to much that needs improved, it looks like you have all your bases covered. I like using Sheoldred, the Apocalypse as a finisher but only because I don't have the Phyrexian Obliterators. I also have a black aggro style deck that I keep a Gary in the board for that devotion damage, and it has some similar aspects to your build. Some cards I use that you might consider are as follows:

Misery's Shadow , good early threat, gets rid of potential creatures returning from the grave, and pumpable in the late game.

Invoke Despair, absolutely devastating board removal when resolved, can be a finisher, and/or provide card draw.

Tenacious Underdog, great early threat and can be Blitzed over and over resulting in card draw if nothing else.

Knight of Dusk's Shadow can be an option for pesky lifegain decks. Also pumpable in the late game.

Agadeem's Awakening  Flip can be a good late game finisher or at the very least, another black source.

Bojuka Bog, Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, and Field of Ruin for a lil more depth to the land package.

Like I said tho, your build looks solid to me bud, just wanted to throw out some more options. Good luck to you!

Barrymon on Help Tweaking a Golgari Standard …

1 year ago

Everyone I know is currently playing Standard, so I'm playing Standard. I love Golgari and have this deck but wondering if there's anything I'm missing or could improve.

Golgari Good?

Anything that anyone can suggest for me would be very much appreciated, it's the only deck I'm really playing right now.

The deck isn't consistent, I think I've had different wins in as many different ways as I have cards in the deck. From Ghoulcaller's Harvest Zombie's Decay triggering Dreadhound to ping them to death to a Skyfisher Spider sacrificing a blitzed Tenacious Underdog it's always a wild ride and it's always fun but maybe it should be more consistent?

At the very least I'd love to win more! So please if you can help I'm all ears and would love some input.

enraged on BG Midrange Historic

1 year ago

Pretty tight build yoo. Love the classics.

One easy include could be Bojuka Bog swap out a swamp for it to reallly hit the graveyard decks hard. I might pop in another Takenuma, Abandoned Mire too, you're creatures are such threats keeping one around keeps the pressure on for not much of a cost.

Tenacious Underdog could be a nice one or two of that is good in a long game.

A final one-of could be something like Transmogrant's Crown again for some long play but also general efficiency.

Omrah on Thran Vigil deck

1 year ago

Thran Vigil I was hoping to make a deck loosely based around this card.

Considered cards include Soul of Windgrace Tenacious Underdog Simian Simulacrum Soul Transfer Bushwhack Gaea's Gift Cult Conscript Sheoldred, the Apocalypse Gixian Puppeteer

Also considered turning it into a historic deck and adding it to the combo Cauldron Familiar and Witch's Oven

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