Murkwater Pathway FlipCombos Browse all Suggest
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Alchemy | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Pre-release | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Clearwater Pathway
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Los333 on
General Tazri’s Allies
3 months ago
Akoum Battlesinger
Beastcaller Savant
Harabaz Druid
Kor Bladewhirl
Makindi Aeronaut
Serene Steward
Chasm Guide
Ally Encampment
Black Market Connections
Cavern of Souls
Changeling Outcast
Conjurer's Mantle
Cryptic Gateway
Descendants' Path
Haunting Voyage
Kindred Charge
Kindred Summons
Molten Echoes
Patchwork Banner
Path of Ancestry
Radiant Destiny
Raise the Palisade
Reflections of Littjara
Secluded Courtyard
Shared Animosity
Stoneforge Masterwork
Unclaimed Territory
Unified Front
Unsettled Mariner
Urza's Incubator
Arcane Signet
Chromatic Lantern
Command Tower
Cryptolith Rite
Elven Chorus
Smothering Tithe
Song of Freyalise
Tarnation Vista
Unknown Shores
Elfhame Sanctuary
Blightstep Pathway
Crumbling Necropolis
Crystal Grotto
Darkbore Pathway
Hengegate Pathway
Riverglide Pathway
Reflecting Pool
Mistgate Pathway
Clearwater Pathway
Mystic Monastery
Needleverge Pathway
Nomad Outpost
Savage Lands
Seaside Citadel
Barkchannel Pathway
Cragcrown Pathway
Spirit of Resistance
Balaam__ on
1 year ago
Depending on how competitive/expensive you want to be, there are a few different ways to approach a Faerie build. Typically, you either want to swarm the board with as many gnats as possible and win through attrition, which can be done through Bitterblossom and other token generators in combination with cheap to cast faeries.
With the alternative approach, you’re going to lean fully into control. Faeries are well suited to this playstyle, allowing you to micro manage everything your opponent tries to do through countermagic and bounce spells, locking down the table. / are the perfect control&removal colors, so I’d stick with Dimir.
You really can’t go wrong starting with the mana base, particularly if you like playing as it will transition well between formats and deck archetypes. You’re most likely aware of the ‘best’ lands, fetches and duals like Watery Grave or Polluted Delta (or Secluded Glen when specifically talking faeries). You may not be familiar with newer land cycles, stuff like Clearwater Pathway Flip or Drowned Catacomb. These can be almost as effective as the ‘best’ lands but at a fraction of the price.
nuperokaso on
Ninjas and Rogues
1 year ago
- Disciple of Deceit This seems to have anti-synergy with Ninjutsu. Since you return an attacker, you are not going to untap it. Overall people seem to overestimate this card. It looks like a tutor, but it's rather quite bad.
- Inkrise Infiltrator, Vedalken Infiltrator Power one for two mana mana is not worth it.
- Kotose, the Silent Spider This costs too much for a 4/4 with no evasion and no immediate board effect.
- Okiba Reckoner Raid Flip At the start of the game, you can't use it as an attacker. In late game, Menace is not that effective. Overall Changeling Outcast is a more reliable creature for one black mana, and even that isn't exactly a premium card.
- Twisted Embrace 4 mana is too much for this.
Other cards to add:
- Shriekmaw - At worst it's a mediocre 2 mana sorcery removal spell, which is not bad. In longer game, you'll get a 3/2 unblockable create to close the game, which further works with nunjutsu. If you can manage to evoke it with Feign Death or Undying Evil...
- Baleful Strix This is a two mana removal which draws a card. And with Ninjutsu, it you can draw additional card.
- Siren Stormtamer This is an early ninjutsu enabler, which also protects your better creatures. Unlike say Negate, it can also proactively attack.
- Sleeper's Robe Ensures unblockability of your ninjas with a card advatage just for 2 mana.
- Clearwater Pathway Flip Yet another untapped dual land.
IXALAN_Crazy on
Dimir Zombies
2 years ago
This reminds me of a list I have on arena! Just FYI that Clearwater Pathway Flip rotated out of standard.
Balaam__ on Balaam__
3 years ago
sleepygordie I took a closer look at your zombie token deck. In my experience, the more things a deck is trying to do the less effective it becomes, even if those things are similar or related. I went ahead and stripped out a number of cards and rebuilt it with budget in mind, first and foremost. This shouldn’t be any more expensive than what you already posted, and while it’s quite a bit different I urge you to consider using it as a template.
4 Wight 6 Swamp 4 Shamble Back 2 Rise from the Tides 4 Mana Leak 6 Island 3 Inquisition of Kozilek 4 Gravecrawler 4 Duress 4 Drowned Catacomb 3 Diregraf Colossus 4 Compelling Deterrence 4 Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway 4 Cemetery Reaper 4 Bone Shards
A brief description of what it intends to do:
Since you’re budget conscious, the best lands (fetches and duals) are out. But there are still better options than what you had, and inexpensive too. Clearwater Pathway Flip is fantastic because it’s whatever you need at the time you play it, and you already had Drowned Catacomb so that’s still here. Regular basics are the only other lands you want.
Gravecrawler, Wight and Diregraf Colossus were already there so you know why you chose them. I added Cemetery Reaper as a great 3 drop lord that’s non-legendary (you can have multiples in play and they stack), and his ability can make more tokens and can target either player’s graveyard.
Compelling Deterrence is great, use 4 copies. Mana Leak is efficient counter magic, especially early game when you’ll need it the most. is easier to cast than Counterspell’s .
Duress and Inquisition of Kozilek strip your opponent’s hand. Bone Shards is super useful to eliminate a creature threat, and your tokens are easy sacrifices to pay that part of its cost. Shamble Back is cheap and effective token generation and helps recover lost life. Rise from the Tides is too mana intensive to use as anything other than a strong finisher. With all the instants and sorceries here that will end up in your graveyard, when you cast Rise from the Tides you should get a ton of tokens.
With the above list you’ll have early board presence (lots of 1 and 2 drops), plenty of discard and removal to slow down your opponent, and some strong finishers. Bear in mind this is just a quick list I threw together and is by no means optimized. Use it as a template, a building block to customize and make your own.
tylorlilley on
Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
3 years ago
IN: Hengegate Pathway Flip, Clearwater Pathway Flip, Brightclimb Pathway Flip, Vault of Champions
OUT: 3x Temples, Path of Ancestry
zapyourtumor on
Grixis Cat Pact
3 years ago
You can reduce costs on your lands by cutting shocks and bad lands like Crumbling Necropolis for other decent dual lands. Here are some of my suggestions:
Painlands: Shivan Reef
Slowlands: Shipwreck Marsh, Haunted Ridge, Stormcarved Coast
Pathway lands: Clearwater Pathway Flip, Blightstep Pathway, Riverglide Pathway
Temple lands: Temple of Malice, Temple of Epiphany
Of course, if you can afford them I'd keep in as many shocks as possible, but crumbling necropolis isn't great. I removed brackets around some of the lands because I ran out of suggestion space.
Core Cards
Harmless Offering is only good if you have something to donate, which is why I suggest going down to 3 at most. In my version I actually only play two, which I doesn't really make sense until I introduce my next card suggestion...
Teferi's Time Twist: This card definitely requires a bit more of a build around, but my deck ran 3. Why is it so good? We can use it to reuse our Demonic Pact at instant speed, which means we now have 5 cards that prevent us from losing to pact. This means it gives us a 4 CA swing + 4 life + removes something for only 2 mana. It also synergizes well with other cards like Phyrexian Scriptures and Snapcaster Mage (although the latter is pretty expensive).
Abyssal Persecutor isn't good enough, in my opinion. The ceiling is only a 2BB 6/6 flyer, and the plan of reducing your opponent to 0 life and then destroying/donating it seems pretty dubious. And if you donate it to your opponent ahead of time, they have tons of ways to answer it, such as removing it themselves or sacrificing it. Removing Persecutors would help to focus your deck a bit.
Control Package
In general, I'd say you have too much dig and tutors and not enough control pieces.
3-4x Counterspell seems like a no-brainer. Yes, it is slightly harder on the mana than Mana Leak, but it is just so much better. It's also not that expensive (unlike Cryptic or Charm).
Drown in the Loch is a very good removal spell and counterspell in modern for any UBx deck, I'd run at least three of these as well. Drown and CS let you also cut Mana Leak.
Removal and Sweepers
Terminate is a decent card, but not super efficient and efficiency is important. Lightning Bolt is a staple removal spell, and also gives you an alternate win condition of burning them out with Demonic Pact, flickering pact multiple times, and bolts to the face. It's rare but it has come in handy for me before.
Fatal Push is another one that's worth a few spots. Remember, if you run Drown you don't need as much other removal.
I do honestly like Radiant Flames in this deck, I've run some in my pioneer version for a while. Straight Damnation may be better, but Flames lets you curve out into Pact.
Duress is not good. Thoughtseize is really expensive, but Inquisition of Kozilek is quite affordable, a great card, and also just a really good modern staple in general. I'd pick up 4 for sure. You frequently want to take cards with 0-3 cmc anyways, and the life loss on Thoughtseize hurts.
Tutors and Dig
Expressive Iteration is modern's premier card advantage spell right now. While it isn't always great with counterspells, you can frequently exile a removal spell or a pact or something else to cast on your turn. I would cut the other dig/draw spells for more of these.
Painful Truths is honestly not bad. It may be better to relegate 1-2 †o the sideboard for slower, grindier matchups, but it seems too slow for the maindeck. Dark Petition seems ok but I don't think it's good enough either.
Memory Deluge is a great instant speed dig spell for any control deck. I'd replace the Petitions and stuff with these. You shouldn't need any dig past EI and Deluge.
Other stuff
I do like the idea of Persecutor as an additional win condition that wins through combat damage, but something less combo oriented seems better to me. My pioneer deck ran 2 Sprite Dragons along with some Bloodthirsty Adversary in the side to be able to win through combat. Murktide would be a good choice for an alternate wincon but it's pretty expensive. I think Sprite Dragon or maybe Dragon's Rage Channeler may be decent sideboard choices for this role.
DreadKhan on
Mei's Alela, Artful Provocateur
3 years ago
You should probably consider upgrading to untapped lands a priority, it generally seems like quite a good deck otherwise. If you don't want to buy more expensive lands, Ash Barrens is a nice cheap mana fixing land, and always comes in untapped in a pinch. Similarly, Darkwater Catacombs and Skycloud Expanse offer a cheap dual, as is Caves of Koilos. Unfortunately Adarkar Wastes is fairly pricey, as is Underground River, and there isn't a WB version of the filters. I also like Pathway lands, which can be either colour (but only 1 or the other after being played), Brightclimb Pathway Flip Clearwater Pathway Flip and Hengegate Pathway Flip aren't too bad of a price. There are many other options, and you might find some cheaper than these, but I find these ones are fairly strong for their price, especially the Signet-like filter lands. I'm not sure if your deck would have enough mana fixing, IE you might not always have the right mana for your spells, so if you don't want to add untapped duals, I'd keep the tapped ones over basics, 3 colours without Green ramp is very tough on basics.
Spear of Heliod is a nice dual-purpose card, but it's hardly needed. If you want a strong attack discouragement card, you could try No Mercy, which is very tough to play around if you can't remove it.
Have (3) | PrismMTG , BillyBalverine , metalmagic |
Want (3) | jw560211_magic , beesaurs , StayFrosty110 |