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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Wild Research
(1)(White): Search your library for an enchantment card and reveal that card. Put it into your hand, then discard a card at random. Then shuffle your library.
(1)(Blue): Search your library for an instant card and reveal that card. Put it into your hand, then discard a card at random. Then shuffle your library.

Azoth2099 on
Kykar kicks ass (Suggestions needed!) (Budget)
9 months ago
Hey man! As someone who's brewed this one alot, I'm telling you right now you need waaay more mana rocks. Literally like 10+ rocks, plus a few rituals. The fact that they also generate a token is incredible in practice. Here's a list of the ones I'd include on top of what you already have: Fellwar Stone, Talisman of Progress, Izzet Signet, Boros Signet, Azorius Signet, Springleaf Drum, Jeweled Amulet, Lotus Petal, Pyretic Ritual, Desperate Ritual, Seething Song & Battle Hymn.
Also just so you know, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Enlightened Tutor & Gamble are all super cheap right now due to recent reprints! Gotta get it while the getting is good, ya know?
A great combo here is Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal, it generates infinite Spirit tokens on top of just being great individual utility pieces for the build outside of the combo!
Lots of great, cheap synergy pieces like Wild Research, Kindred Discovery, Opposition, Vicious Shadows, etc...
I'll stop rambling now, great Commander choice dude! Let me know how you feel about my mediocre suggestions lol.
Azoth2099 on
Martial Prowess
1 year ago
I will admit, most of those suggestions are orbiting around the fact that Underworld Breach exists lol. Jeskai is hands-down the best color combination for Breach relative to the power levels of the other combos & strategies in these colors, but this version of Narset really takes it to the stratosphere. It even manages to make Wheels - something I usually try to avoid because I hate giving my opponents free value - really, really awesome since all of your opponent's graveyards are fundamentally a part of your own strategy here.
One piece of tech that I forgot to mention, though - Wild Research! I've actually been trying to find space for it in my list along with a few other pieces. It's awesome in the colors regardless, but the lack of downside via the discard is honestly just ridiculous with this particular Commander!
SufferFromEDHD on
Esika Ad Nauseam Gate Win
2 years ago
Wild Research put that in your pipe and smoke it ;)
Exoflo on
Zedruu budget
3 years ago
Hi HandsomeCowboy !
This is one of the most qualitative budget Zedruu deck I ever see. Many cards are good, even excellent. I think Shifting Loyalties are really too expensive, and maybe Switcheroo too.
Good budget cards I can recommend you are :
And for 2$ more:
Wild Research is my favorite card, it just allow you to access to 1/3 of your deck So, whatever your deck is just very effective for a budget deck, I am really impressed
Best of luck to you and spray joy with our MotherGoat
Tactikal_B3L0U on
The Hacker Known as Zedruu
3 years ago
Would Wild Research be interesting in here? I know it doesn't fit the theme but it could get you the good stuff.
Love the deck btw +1
RyProv on
Priestess Sisay
3 years ago
Sigh... your enchantment only theme is hard to add suggestions for.. You do have lands which could allow a Hall of Heliod's Generosity for a method to bring some things back. Wild Research is a tutor of sort for when you don't have Sisay.
If you were to have one spell... you should get Enduring Ideal . Think of the lols.
clancy292 on
Garth One-Eye Enchantress
3 years ago
Hell yeah, enchantress stuff with Esika, God of the Tree Flip is cool stuff. We kinda went similar directions with limiting the pool of pulls, so we can always get relevant stuff (although I went a little overboard with it). Check it out if you're interested in maybe finding a new include for your deck, like I did with Wild Research .
Not sure if you're looking for suggestions, but I think that Arcane Signet may be more valuable than Sol Ring in this deck since getting up to WUBRG to cast The Prismatic Bridge to get the value engine running looks more appealing than having two more colorless mana to work with (even if Sol Ring is the ubiquitous and faster options for artifact ramp that doesn't cost a pretty penny).
Exoflo on
Zedruu - The Path to Enlightenment [PRIMER]
3 years ago
Hi NetholonTheArchmage !
One year has passed and I'm always in love with your deck.
I was wondering why you were playing Minamo, School at Water's Edge . You've nice synergies, especially with Serra's Sanctum , but that's all the card does.
I spended many time to change some cards of your deck. I find that Pendant of Prosperity , Tolaria West and Dack Fayden fit very well in the deck, as Humility or Land Tax , but you probably already know for those ones.
Arcane Lighthouse and/or Shadowspear are great cards to deal with shroud/hexproof/indestructible, depending your playgroup. It's same for graveyard hate, but I'm still looking for a good card cause I also play with my graveyard.
I considered many time Nine Lives to Phyrexian Unlife , but still prefer the unlife to avoid loss of life cards, like Exsanguinate (where Nine Lives protect only for damage).
Trying to replace Robe of Mirrors (I don't like aura, they vanish with board wipes), I find Spiritual Asylum , wich seems perfect on the spot. But I don't feel confortable with the shroud effect it give. Sure, it protect your creatures and (most important) your lands, but it cancel the Zedruu's ability on lands, wich I'm used to give . Still keeping in mind Lightning Greaves , but it can't be tutored with Wild Research
I'm not a big fan about Illusions of Grandeur when you play Solitary Confinement . Why gaining 20 LP when you can never lose them ? I honestly find the combo unreliable and too much slow.
Finally, thank you for your work. It really make me love Zedruu, and gived me the strength to start building a deck (I mean, ctrl c - ctrl v your deck). Best of luck to you, can't wait for next update
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