Barrage of Expendables

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Barrage of Expendables


, Sacrifice a creature: Barrage of Expendables deals 1 damage to target creature, player or planeswalker.

Simerix on Mr Sandman, Man Me a Sand

1 year ago

Dud cards: Conclave Guildmage Conclave's Blessing Rallying Roar + a lot of the convoke cards

Why is Katilda, Dawnhart Prime in the deck?

I've seen Outlaws' Merriment flop a lot in Alex's deck

Consider conspire cards like Gleeful Sabotage and Wort, the Raidmother

Have you considered Plargg, Dean of Chaos  Flip Augusta would ball in this deck?

I always suggest a little bit of creature sacrifice in a deck like this. Here's some suggestions: Perilous Forays Martyr's Cause Goblin Bombardment Fanatical Devotion Evolutionary Leap Tooth and Claw Makeshift Munitions Barrage of Expendables. When you swing out, shit's gonna get killed so it's nice to make the most of your creatures. Plus these cards do great against board wipes.

Consider these land sacrifice cards: Sylvan Safekeeper Squirrel Wrangler Goblin Trenches Constant Mists Aura Fracture

Also consider adding anthems to drive the win home if you think you will struggle with winning.

Prosperous Partnership slaps and I suggest you reconsider it.

Additional card suggestions: Neyali, Suns' Vanguard Roar of Resistance Arasta of the Endless Web Intangible Virtue Divine Visitation Inspiring Leader Legion Loyalty

meecht on May I Borrow Your Creatures? [~$15 EDH]

2 years ago

I suggest putting in repeatable ways of sacrificing creatures. Would Goblin Bombardment be within the budget? If not, maybe Barrage of Expendables, Dark-Dweller Oracle, Evolutionary Leap, or Falkenrath Aristocrat?

Also, instead of Crackling Emergence and Harmonious Emergence, you may way to run the Genju variants from the original Kamigawa block because they return to hand if the creature dies which lets you animate a land, sacrifice it, then cast Genju on another land. The land doesn't get haste, but in many cases it would be better to preserve the enchantment than the land.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on The Red Terror

2 years ago

That's a neat idea! As your plan basically is creating lots of red tokens and having them deal damage. To make this more effective, you should consider including damage-increasers. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell and cards such as Dictate of the Twin Gods would allow you to maximize your damage, resulting in making your commander more impactful earlier in its growth.

For situations where the board is crowded, ways to transform your token creation into damage. Cards such as Impact Tremors, Electropotence, Raid Bombardment, Cavalcade of Calamity, Goblin Bombardment, Makeshift Munitions, Barrage of Expendables, Weaponize the Monsters and other similar cards seem very useful for that.

Street Urchin seems especially funny, btw.

Also, Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flip and Kumano, Master Yamabushi could be worth a shot here.

x12721 on First EDH deck: Naya Cheat in Updated

2 years ago

I've found a few cards that may interest you, based on your description. There are a number of enchantments in your colors that function as good sac outlets: Weaponize the Monsters, Barrage of Expendables, and Goblin Bombardment all sacrifice creatures for direct damage, while Fanatical Devotion and Martyr's Cause both provide some sort of protection. If you'd like to stay in green, Evolutionary Leap is about as close as you'll get to Greater Good. As far as other good sac outlets, High Market is an excellent way to crack your eggs, and Spawning Pit is a decent budget Altar effect (as Ashnod's Altar may be a bit expensive. As far as other suggestions, I can't recommend Skullclamp enough (if your budget allows). Changelings are also something to look out for, as they also count as Eggs for your commander. Notably, Maskwood Nexus and Birthing Boughs are both sources of eggs (and the Nexus combos VERY well with your commander) and Mirror Entity is another combo piece for you.

Necrosis24 on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Umira, Mire Contagion

Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard

At the beginning of your upkeep you may search your library for a basic Island or Swamp card and put it onto the battlefield tapped with a poison counter.

Whenever you cast ~ or another creature spell if a land with a poison counter was spent to cast it then that creature enters the battlefield with an additional deathtouch counter.


Create a goblin that survived being catapulted as ammunition via Goblin Bombardment/Barrage of Expendables. Of course it is legendary for surviving.

Necrosis24 on What to do against Rakdos, …

3 years ago

I love Zada, Hedron Grinder one of my first few decks I built because it was budget friendly but still packed a punch. The removal that is available to you because of zada is actually pretty fun you can gang up on a single target with all your creatures: Go for Blood, Soul's Fire, Arcbond,Commando Raid, Deadshot, Swift Kick.

Also like Ramble said you can use steal effects and sac your opponents creatures to cards like Goblin Bombardment or Barrage of Expendables or your classic Phyrexian Altar. The good thing about the steal cards are you can use them on your own creatures to untap your board or give haste while they also serve to steal.

A few I'd recommend although I personally don't use them:

  1. Kari Zev's Expertise: Free Cantrips for the price of one!
  2. Hijack: Artifacts why not
  3. Harness by Force: Average but with Battle Hymn it has potential to be a budget Insurrection
  4. Bond of Passion: Pricey but with six goblins on the battlefield its like you're casting six Shocks
  5. Besmirch: Goad is good
  6. Traitorous Greed: Can be used for ramp
  7. Malevolent Whispers: Pump your team or steal

Looking at your decklist we more or less have the same cards which isn't surprising Zada is a pretty linear build if you do goblin tribal, but if you break away there are a couple fun things you can do such as Chaos Warp your entire board. I would cut Dualcaster Mage and Reiterate as they don't do much for Zada because Zada already does what they do but for free. Also Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip is great.

Peoni on Kykar's Tokens & Cantrips

4 years ago

So I'm not a Kykar pilot, but from what I've seen of them they're a big fan of infinite combos. A few that I know of involve achieving infinite cast triggers to feed Kykar's token generation, coupled with damaging etb effects like Impact Tremors and Purphoros, God of the Forge. Sac damage outlets such as Goblin Bombardment and Barrage of Expendables also do the trick. Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter is a big go to not only for infinite cast triggers, but infinite mana as well when combined with nonland mana producers. Another option would be to combine your Jeskai Ascendancy with a Retraction Helix and any 0-1 mana artifact. Use Helix to return your own artifact to your hand and then cast it. You'll then untap your creatures, make a spirit, sac the spirit for mana, and use Helix again to repeat the cycle. If you can do this with a 0 mana artifact it's also limitless creatures and mana. Good artifacts to use with this would be Everflowing Chalice, Spellbook, Sensei's Divining Top (not budget, I know, but it's a good pick for Kykar if you ever want to add more to it), and Sol Ring. There's also Arcane Adaptation and Bishop of Wings.

For general EDH deck building I think can be of some more use lol. Starting with your lands, I would recommend subbing out a lot of your lands that come in tapped. There are a lot of nice (fairly) budget options for multicolored lands like pain, filter, and check lands. If you can't find multicolored lands within your price range I would suggest just going with basics. Personally, I think that the speed benefit of a basic coming in untapped trumps the versatility that tapped lands will eventually provide.

As for rocks I'd recommend running the aforementioned Sol Ring and Everflowing Chalice. Sol Ring is just one of those cards that slots into just about every commander deck. As a general rule I try to avoid mana rocks at 3 cmc or above, just because that's around the point where they stop generating enough value to be worth running or even casting. You want your ramp to be hard and fast so that you can transition into making plays sooner. You don't want to be ramping on turn 5 when you could be pulling off big combos. In this regard you've already done really well in your selection, but I would suggest cutting Commander's Sphere and Chromatic Lantern. Lantern has its place in certain more color intensive decks, but I don't necessarily think you'll be needing it in a 3 color deck. Other good 2 cost options are Fellwar Stone, Mind Stone, and Prismatic Lens. Wayfarer's Bauble in your maybeboard is a good choice for this deck too.

You could probably use more efficient counters for controlling the board, like Counterspell. Some good commander counters include Swan Song, Flusterstorm, Delay, Negate, Dovin's Veto. Muddle the Mixture is a fantastic pick for flexible control and fetching your combo pieces. It hits both pieces of the Isochron combo, Bishop of Wings, and it can hit other valuable targets like Cyclonic Rift (another big commander card. Almost an auto include in blue decks). You'll also probably want to run more removal like Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, and Chaos Warp.

Finally, just as misc recommendations, I'd suggest swapping out Fumigate for Wrath of God. I'd also suggest adding in some mana sinks to win the game off of once you go infinite, like Comet Storm and Kumano, Master Yamabushi.

Overall this is really solid for a first time draft! I like your deck a lot and if you do decide to expand into commander I really hope you enjoy it. Hope this helped. :^)

5dollarMTG on $5 Steal 'n Sac

4 years ago

Hey ConstantVigilance - definitely in standard. Not sure about pioneer - looks like Barrage of Expendables is legal there, and it's really nice to have a one mana sac ouutlet.

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