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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Weaponize the Monsters
, Sacrifice a creature: Weaponize the Monsters deals 2 damage to any target.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on
The Red Terror
2 years ago
That's a neat idea! As your plan basically is creating lots of red tokens and having them deal damage. To make this more effective, you should consider including damage-increasers. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell and cards such as Dictate of the Twin Gods would allow you to maximize your damage, resulting in making your commander more impactful earlier in its growth.
For situations where the board is crowded, ways to transform your token creation into damage. Cards such as Impact Tremors, Electropotence, Raid Bombardment, Cavalcade of Calamity, Goblin Bombardment, Makeshift Munitions, Barrage of Expendables, Weaponize the Monsters and other similar cards seem very useful for that.
Street Urchin seems especially funny, btw.
Also, Kumano Faces Kakkazan Flip and Kumano, Master Yamabushi could be worth a shot here.
StopShot on Mono Red infinite combos???
2 years ago
Birgi, God of Storytelling Flip + Hazoret's Monument + Grinning Ignus
Someone already mentioned a variation of this, but with these three cards you can generate infinite colorless mana and draw as many cards as you need. (You'll also have a free red mana floating at any given point in time.) You then draw into your wincon which will be either Cogwork Assembler, Comet Storm, Conflagrate, Fireball, Meteor Shower or Walking Ballista.
You could also make Blasting Station, Fiery Bombardment, Goblin Bombardment, Makeshift Munitions, Mask of Immolation, Mortarpod or Weaponize the Monsters a wincon here. With your infinite colorless mana you could just cast your commander, sacrifice her to deal a damage and then recast and repeat. Birgi, God of Storytelling Flip will refund whatever red mana you spend throughout any of these processes.
x12721 on
First EDH deck: Naya Cheat in Updated
2 years ago
I've found a few cards that may interest you, based on your description. There are a number of enchantments in your colors that function as good sac outlets: Weaponize the Monsters, Barrage of Expendables, and Goblin Bombardment all sacrifice creatures for direct damage, while Fanatical Devotion and Martyr's Cause both provide some sort of protection. If you'd like to stay in green, Evolutionary Leap is about as close as you'll get to Greater Good. As far as other good sac outlets, High Market is an excellent way to crack your eggs, and Spawning Pit is a decent budget Altar effect (as Ashnod's Altar may be a bit expensive. As far as other suggestions, I can't recommend Skullclamp enough (if your budget allows). Changelings are also something to look out for, as they also count as Eggs for your commander. Notably, Maskwood Nexus and Birthing Boughs are both sources of eggs (and the Nexus combos VERY well with your commander) and Mirror Entity is another combo piece for you.
Raknulfr on Rin and seri, Inseparable
3 years ago
Damn, since I never had the cat lord in there (Have a pure selesnya cat tribal for the cat lord) I never thought of that XD . I took mostly dogs in mine since Pack Leader s indestructible trigger is just too good and for me the damage on Rin and Seri, Inseparable s tap effect is way more important than the lifegain. If you want to go more cat tribal-y then maybe a combo of Lurrus of the Dream-Den with Garrison Cat and Weaponize the Monsters could be an option. Bring out the cat, RinSeri creates a dog token, sac it to the enchantment, get a soldier token and bring the cat back with Lurrus for another dog token.
BigRed907 on
Better Off (un)Dead!
4 years ago
Looks like it would be fun to play. Not really any suggestions, could throw in something like Weaponize the Monsters but I doubt it’s needed. Cool build. Love vampires +1
Narkro555 on
Dragon go Om Nom Nom
4 years ago
Removed Weaponize the Monsters and Eternal Thirst, added Fell Shepherd and Blasphemous Act in their place.
ExpozeD on
Ratdos - Sacrifices for the Vermin Gods
4 years ago
Perhaps the full playset of Weaponize the Monsters would be too much, but I think a few copies would be great! If you want to lean into drawing, the only card I'm thinking of that I don't see here is Thrill of Possibility. Let me know how this deck performs, it looks fun!
thecodyack on
Ratdos - Sacrifices for the Vermin Gods
4 years ago
ExpozeD I think Weaponize the Monsters can work well as a sacrifice outlet and helps to provide removal/board wipe protection (if they board wipe, you burn them as much as you can) and overall plays into the aggro/burn theme of the deck. My problem is that it does not help us draw cards to create rats with Mad Ratter which is how I use the deck. It does however let our tiny 1/1 rats trade up well and we will still have a lot of rats to sacrifice. Overall I think it could have a place and could substitute a few copies of cards like Witch's Cauldron, Bastion of Remembrance or Heartless Act. Thanks for the feed back!!