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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Creature — Cat Nightmare
Mutate (If you cast this spell for its mutate cost, put it ontop or underneath target non-Human creature you own. They mutate into the creature that is on top and that creature has all the abilities of every card that is underneath it.)
Whenever this creature mutates, return target creature card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield.
jacobpmesser on Self Mill Goyf
1 year ago
4 Stitcher's Supplier 4 Hedron Crab 3 Satyr Wayfinder 4 Urborg Lhurgoyf 4 Cruel Somnophage 4 Souls of the Lost 2 Nighthowler 3 Grist, the Hunger Tide 2 Wonder 4 Unearth 3 Brazen Borrower 1 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant 1 Glasspool Mimic Flip 1 Kazandu Mammoth Flip
That's a good base. Take what works and replace what you don't like.
Exp. I've been playing iterations of this for years now and eight one drops are important. You need to start filling your gy ASAP. These are the two best. If you don't want to go into blue, there are cards like Gnawing Vermin but for me, m2 isn't enough. The -1/-1 is helpful so there is some leeway based on META. If I dabble in other colors, Shriekhorn is my go-to.
Satyr's spot can be removed but I play a low land count due to the two modal lands (Glasspool/Mammoth). Mire Triton is another favorite because Deathtouch and gainlfie. It's also a META call. I don't like others like Skull Prophet. If I were playing The Mycotyrant I'd consider it because it 'mills over time' (MOT) but once your opp sees what youre on theyd kill it before you get a chance to use it.
So, in this list I'm 12 goyfs. Eight can self-mill (SM) and the other is useful (Souls) in getting Wonder out of your hand. You can also sac Stitcher to it if you're a T1 Stitcher T2 Souls. Every card in this deck is a permanent besides Unearth so if you fetched at all, you could have a T2 6/6-8/8 Souls of the Lost and that aint to shabby.
I have always played at least 1-2 Nighthowler. It makes those Stitchers, Crabs, and Satyrs a threat and more often than not, takes two spells to kill it (when it's bestowed).
I view this deck as a sort of aggro deck and keeping with 99% creature theme, Grist and Brazen Borrower are my interaction. You can bring in whatever you want (obviously) but it's also provides fliers for Nighthowler, Grist has a built in win-con and protects itself. I always play a Boseiju, Who Endures and if I play more, -1 Unearth for Life from the Loam and if I'm really frisky, I'll add a few more legends, play more of the Channel Lands and another Life/Loam. I've got a oops all Channel lands were all the other lands are Modal and I play Amulet of Vigor with Shriekhorn and use Emry, Lurker of the Loch as a self-mill recur piece. It's fun.
Sidisi is a MOT that can help you go wide. Every time you mill, you get a zombie. I use this in near every build when I'm in color. I've tested Blossoming Tortoise but save that for a Mosswort Bridge version I play and if I can't get that going I want to be able to cast the top end. Shigeki, Jukai Visionary, Molderhulk, Aether Vial + Dryad Arbor help get me there. But just playing the new Squirming Emergence is so much easier than playing all those other cards.
You can find a way to bring in draw, life, other interaction, etc.. it's on you. There are times were I play Jace, the Perfected Mind or Visions of Beyond for draw. Spellstutter Sprite and a few spots for other faeries like Likeness Looter (flying faerie goyfs!).
But that's the base. Do what you want.. because you can literally do anything. I've got a junk list focused on recur with Unearth, Renegade Rallier, Necropanther, Athreos, God of Passage... a jund/grixis list that uses Ob Nixilis, the Adversary and Orcish Bowmasters (sac goyf to etb Ob Nix, Token Ob forces opp to draw 7 for -7 life. Bowmasters deals another 6 plus you get a 6/6 orc token (+2 more for paper Ob +1 if they can't discard). That's a 15 point swing, not including attacks. Another Grixis list that plays Kroxa, Flamewake Phoenix, Seasoned Pyromancer and Ox.
My favorite - game 1, I'm a mill deck that sideboard converts into self-mill game 2. It still deals with the gy but game 1 youre spell heavy and game 2 youre creature heavy.
Anyway, have fun.
nbarry223 on Glittering Company
3 years ago
So to me, that means that:
Cartel Aristocrat, Good-Fortune Unicorn, Kitchen Finks, Impromptu Raid and to a lesser extent Revival / Revenge, Fiend Artisan, Knight of the Reliquary are win-cons.
I'd say the first 4 in that list are definite staples that need to stay. Revival / Revenge seems to do it's job well too. Everything else does its job, but doesn't have haste or has some minor downside, so there's potentially room for improvement.
Personally, my top choices of everything I'm going to throw out there is as follows:
Liliana, Heretical Healer
Flip (maindeck recusion/utility)
Sigarda, Host of Herons (potential side anti-removal)
Dragonlord Dromoka (potential side anti-counterspell)
I also see a lot of cards in here to counter control/removal. Have you considered a bigger hexproof/shroud creature, or something that's just uncounterable and a threat? There's also recursion, which Revival / Revenge does a pretty good job at, but some other options I can think of for that are Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip, Lurrus of the Dream-Den, Necropanther, Vesperlark or Nethroi, Apex of Death.
Also, I know you don't have red, but General Ferrous Rokiric seems like it would be a good consideration for that type of a slot. Hexproof agaianst most removal and it synergizes with all of the multicolored you have going on.
Better fits as far as colors go are Reaper of the Wilds, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Thrun, the Last Troll, Witchstalker, Carnage Tyrant, Loxodon Smiter or Dragonlord Dromoka. Some are wish targets while others aren't, figured i'd throw out anything that had potential though.
To me, a wish target has to either be low enough that you can cast it same turn, or big and strong enough that you can cast it next turn and it turns the game around/seals the deal.
I just think you have a lot of slots in the sideboard that accomplish the same basic thing and you might be able to get away with condensing it a bit more to give more versatility for broader answers like psuedo-board wipes, silver-bullets, etc.
So if all that rambling somehow allows you to free up maybe a slot or 2 and still cover everything you need to cover, then maybe you will have the space to consider a broader selection of counterplay instead of just furthering your own strategy.
There's also things like Vindicate that hit lands too, which could help with the tron match as well as covering basically everything.
Minousmancer on Abzan Stoneblade
3 years ago
My first suggestion would be to take out your "Shock" 2020 lands. Thin some of your pain lands with Temples. Maybe add a couple Mazemind Tome or Spare Supplies . I'd try to add more Maul of the Skyclaves and some Valkyrie's Sword s.
I think Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients would be amazing since she's an all powerful Stoneforge Mystic .
Possibly add several boardwipes such as Shatter the Sky , Extinction Event , Doomskar , or Devastating Mastery whick reminds me you might think about some of the "Ultimatum's" as well.
Now, I think your Sideboard I have no idea. Maybe some Necropanther s or Venerable Warsinger s and a Nine Lives to start.
Raknulfr on Rin and seri, Inseparable
3 years ago
Yeah, I play them on a regular basis since the card came out. It´s a blast to play with. I play them in a mostly dog tribal with very few exceptions of cats like Lurrus of the Dream-Den and Necropanther (Necropanther only for the mutate since I didn´t want to include a fourth color). Put some Selfless Savior and Pack Leader in it and be a cuddly but deadly midrange aggro deck :D
If you have the cards/wildcards for it, definetly try it out! ;)
3 years ago
Nice to see a cat tribal Nethroi deck!
I've played
Arahbo, Roar of the World
a lot, a when Ikoria was released, I pondered to make an abzan cat tribal with Nethroi. But I ended building it normal graveyard synergy as I wantet to keep my classic Arahbo constructed.
Anyway, I know the flavor is that all your cats are legendary, an I love that, but I think if you want to play the deck more efficient without losing cat theme, you can do some changes:
Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar
in this particular deck is only a 2/2 vanilla, as your only commander Nethroi already has deathtouch. I love it, but in this particular case sadly doesn't do anything.
Cards you could add, knowing that aren't legendary, but they are cats that work very well with your deck:
Fleecemane Lion
can became indestructible, and then you can mutate your commander on it, making a great indestructible menace and keeping that +1/+1 counter.
Fleetfoot Panther
Whitemane Lion
can save one of your cats or can bounce your commander to keep doing his mutation and reanimating things.
Bronzehide Lion
also protects your creatures.
Qasali Pridemage
you play it, control your opponent best artifacts or enchantments, dies and Nethroi will recover it later.
to reanimate small cats or creatures, and can mutateo over your commander to repeat effects.
Feline Sovereign
Regal Caracal
, if you go tribal, those are the best cats lords, in addition to Kaheera of course.
Rakshasa Debaser
can be a wincon when you encore him.
Alms Collector
for card draw and to control greedy card draws of enemies.
Phantom Nishoba
Phantom Tiger
look scrapy, but they count 0 power when you reanimate them with Nethroi, and if you mutate Nethroi on them, you transform Nethroi into a crature that prevent all the damage that receibes, even if he loses all +1/+1 counters.
And playing something like Nethroi, believe me (I'm a Nethroi and a golgari player), you need graveyard synergy. If you don't, you'll find that you reached turn X, play Nethroi but you only can revive 1-2 sad creatures. You need to fill your graveyard before that.
Exmaples (of course there are much more):
Grisly Salvage
Satyr Wayfinder
Buried Alive
Jarad's Orders
Altar of Dementia
Life from the Loam
And last:
Eerie Ultimatum
Living Death
you'll have much fun with those in this type of deck.
Hope that give you some ideas to improve the deck without changing its spirit.
kenvan19 on Wurm Squirm
4 years ago
Couple suggestions from someone working on a similar deck:
Bone Splinters is great but swapping it for Spark Harvest lets you keep its ability while also allowing you to remove while you're flush with mana without sacrificing a creature.
Blood for Bones is good to kill a creature but Call of the Death-Dweller lets you bring back your creatures and turn Serrated Scorpion into a giant-killer with Deathtouch.
I would probably pull out Discordant Piper and sub in Bastion of Remembrance for the same sacrifice fodder plus it will leach life for every creature you lose. Another cool change to think about is Necropanther or Lurrus of the Dream-Den as a way to bring your creatures back over and over again. Nice work man, keep it up!
kenvan19 on Historic Fight Club
4 years ago
There are a high number of legends - ever thought of including something like Huntmaster Liger, Majestic Auricorn, Cubwarden, or Vulpikeet? Mutating one of them over a legendary allows it to remove its legend status while keeping its abilities. You could even throw in Necropanther since you can play it for the mutate cost without needing the black mana.
SilentPlague on Evolving Magic
4 years ago
BRG24, the mutated creature on top of the stack does indeed have all abilities of each creature below it. I think Pack Rat may be too slow for this deck since I don't have any other rats. If it were on top of the creature stack, then it would start as a 1/1. To get it higher I would be paying 3 mana very often, and that would be if I could keep all the rats out. Not saying it is a bad card, just not the right fit for this I think.
Vulpikeet was very close when I was considering all the creatures in the deck. I ultimately decided that I wanted Cubwarden for the extra creatures and life link. The extra creatures work great with Corpse Knight and Cruel Celebrant for entering and leaving the battlefield. Dirge Bat is also a solid flyer and easily mutated on for the destroy creature effect. Hopefully Necropanther will be enough to salvage the dead for those that don't make it. Only 2 creatures cannot be brought back by it in this deck.
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