Ob Nixilis Reignited

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ob Nixilis Reignited

Planeswalker — Nixilis

+1: Draw a card and you lose 1 life.

-3: Drestroy target creature.

-8: Target opponent gets an emblem with "Whenever a player draws a card, you lose 2 life."

EDH 0 / 0
Ob Nixilis Reignited feature for Black EDH

TheForsakenOne on Nicol Bolas Supervillians

3 months ago

6 Mana Teferi is a trap, as tempting as that ultimate is you're just never going to get it unless you're already in a winning position and the abilities are just not worth it. It's too much of a win-more card, if you want that ultimate so badly just replace it with Teferi's Talent. I'd recommend replacing it with Chandra, Legacy of Fire for its Planeswalker synergies. Similarly Ob Nixilis Reignited just draws you a card every turn with a basic kill ability and a meh ultimate, you can do better than that.

I'd say you want more Planeswalkers that protect themselves and your other walkers, It seems too easy right now for you to just crumble when you become the archenemy. Vronos, Masked Inquisitor, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer, Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast can all make chump blockers or protect your walkers in other ways. Lolth, Spider Queen likes the ammount of stuff that will be dying as you chump block and can make 2 blockers.

I'd cut Don't Make a Sound and Get Out for better counterspells. Counterspell is like a dollar, and Drown in the Loch can double as a kill spell if needed. Alternatively Ripples of Potential can block much more than a single spell threatening your walkers.

Leyline of the Void is unneeded unless you are really facing a lot of reanimator, It'll sit dead in your hand too often and it's unlikely to make you archenemy (More often you'll just piss off one player while the other two are neutral) like you want.

I'm surprised that you don't have any of the Oath cards in here. Oath of Liliana and Oath of Jace seem like they'd be great.

For creatures Jaya's Phoenix seems like a slam dunk. Saruman, the White Hand makes a pretty big creature when you cast planeswalkers, letting you trade with bigger things and immediately replace it.

afox4567 on Who wins with Wyleth, Soul …

2 years ago

I was playing a game where Ob Nixilis Reignited had activated his ultimate. Wyleth, Soul of Steel attacked and had a total of four auras and equipment attached. Wyleth could do enough commander damage to kill me but he had 8 life left. His ability forces him to draw cards so do I win because of the emblem, do they win because of commander damage, or do they both happen simultaneously so it's a draw?

heinrichgraum on Planeswalkers Perfected

3 years ago

Thank you! That is a very, very tough question given this deck's blatant disregard for budget considerations, but only a handful are over $10 in their cheapest printings. I would probably reconsider some of the cards that have been cut over this decks long history. Venser, the Sojourner, Ob Nixilis Reignited, Kiora, Master of the Depths, and Vraska the Unseen all spring to mind. I would also consider bringing back some of the old creatures like Clever Impersonator and Gilder Bairn which got cut to trim down towards the legendary theme.

TypicalTimmy on Acorn, Nature's Blessing

3 years ago

Probably two years ago or so now I created a Planeswalker concept named Acorn.

Acorn is a Red Squirrel, native to Kaladesh. The story is that when The Weatherlight was at port in Kaladesh, resupplying and trading magical instruments and technology, a squirrel boarded their ship, made its way into the hull and began to feed upon some of the various grains. Nobody realized the silly rascal had boarded, and upon departure to Zendikar, something catastrophic happened to the little girl.

The stress of intra-planar travel was immense, but she was protected by the ship's magics and technologies. Normally only living, sapient creatures can have sparks, but we have seen a few times now where this is an exception. For one, Karn was gifted a spark but this proves that non-living beings are capable of retaining one. Then, Calix, Destiny's Hand was created by the God Klothys, God of Destiny which proves non-living creatures can further have sparks. Finally, Ob Nixilis Reignited not only lost his spark, but reforged it which proves sparks can be recreated. Further still we see with The Royal Scions that a spark can be shared, as well as divided as seen with Ugin and Nicol Bolas. So, clearly sparks are not as concrete as we once believed. Just look at Grist, the Hunger Tide as another recent example.

And so, the stress of her little body being pulled in opposite directions caused the formation of a spark.

Acorn developed an almost Human-like intelligence, akin to a smart child. Her powers are basically all revolve around the idea of "foraging" - finding lands, food, Squirrel tokens, generating mana and even drawing from Kaladesh, when appropriate.

Acorn, Nature's Blessing

I updated her abilities. Image link for her photo broke so I'll fix it later when I'm not on the road.

Jack32226 on Rot and Ruin (Muldrotha EDH)

3 years ago

Thanks for commenting, Lord_of_Cardboard!

This deck would do exceptionally well against a Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger deck. This is for the same reason that cards like Jace's Archivist do so well in the deck: if you have have Muldrotha on the battlefield, any cards you discard might as well still be in your hand cause you can simply replay them from your graveyard. If anything, an opposing Kroxa player is almost helping you by disrupting your other opponents' hands.

As for a budget version of the deck, here's some advice on budget options and replacements. Just note that this is advice specific to my Muldrotha deck, i.e., advice for the big mana and big X-spell strategy. If you'd rather play a more typical creature-based, swing-to-kill type deck, there may be better Muldrotha lists to look at.

The mana base makes up a large portion of the deck's budget, and I would leave that mostly up to your own discretion. Just keep in mind that fetch lands like Evolving Wilds and slow fetches like Bad River are good for being replayed every turn with Muldrotha. Also, for a budget version of the deck, it's important to run more basics than I do since you'll probably need to fetch more with your ramp. Cycle lands like Lonely Sandbar, Tranquil Thicket, and Barren Moor are fantastic, especially with Life from the Loam. Some other good options:

Which brings me to another point: if I had to pick one somewhat expensive card that's worth putting in a budget Muldrotha deck, it's this one. It's a one-card value engine, giving you card draw, mill, and lands. And depending on what utility lands you choose to run, it can do a whole lot more. And if you're worried about Kroxa in your meta, Life from the Loam is a great counter to it, allowing you to fill your hand with lands to discard.

Now to address key cards for the deck's "big mana" strategy. Important cards for generating a lot of mana include Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Cabal Coffers, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Crypt Ghast, and Nyxbloom Ancient. You could just replace these cards with normal ramp; casting X-spells for X=10 is still good and easy to accomplish without these cards. If that's unsatisfying for you, you could consider options like Zendikar Resurgent and Mana Reflection. Unfortunately there aren't many great cheap options for producing a lot of mana. This is an important part of the deck though, so it's up to you if it's worth spending some extra money on it.

To avoid this comment being any more lengthy than it already is, here's an extensive list of some budget alternatives for the deck. The great thing about Muldrotha is that being able to replay removal makes a lot of sub-par removal actually pretty good, so it's pretty budget friendly.

Win-Conditions: What's in the deck isn't too expensive, but here's some cheaper options.


Draw / Mill:



Control and other good stuff:

If you have any other questions about budget options, let me know. I'm always happy to help!

plakjekaas on Melina, Ysmir of Nature (NEEDS …

3 years ago

The Exquisite Blood wincon already is on a Commander though, Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose says hi. Creature removal is more prevalent in Commander than planeswalker removal though, if you ever want your Commander to not be attacked down immediately, and actually profit from the use of the abilities more than once, it might be wise to lose the kill-on-sight ability.

If the first ability stays at +2, the emblem is fine as is. Reminiscent, but less deterministic than the emblems from Ob Nixilis Reignited. Because this card is your commander, and you can keep recasting it and trying, I think it's great to show a little restraint in the ultimate. If you have Doubling Season or Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider you could hand out your emblems immediately, and Timmy's suggestion would make that a little hard to recover from for your opponents. If you're going for Timmy's suggestion anyway, I suggest to lower starting loyalty or raise loyalty requirements to an amount that will not play so well with a counter-doubling effect like Doubling Season.

TypicalTimmy on Innistrad: Crimson Vow

3 years ago

enpc, I agree. As much as I love Planeswalkers, I have also been asking / requesting an emblem removal system for a few years now. Always get negativity when I say it, but that's part of the game.

Look at how Chandra, Awakened Inferno is worded: "Each opponent gets an emblem (...)", or Ob Nixilis Reignited with "Target opponent gets an emblem with (...)".

It would not be too difficult to have a card that says "Target player loses an emblem of your choice."

This way, you don't target the emblem - you target the player. And if they have multiple emblems, you choose which one is removed.

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