Curse of Stalked Prey

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Curse of Stalked Prey

Enchantment — Aura Curse

Enchant player

Whenever a creature deals combat damage to enchanted player, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature.

king-saproling on Arms Race (Boros Aikido)

11 months ago

This is a really cool deck. I love the intent and the list looks great. Personally I would make these swaps:

Windborn Muse -> Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip
Ghostly Prison -> Bloodthirsty Blade
Boon-Bringer Valkyrie -> Truefire Captain
Baneslayer Angel -> Ancient Gold Dragon (cool synergy with Ganax!)
Sunblade Angel -> Death Kiss
Lyra Dawnbringer -> Life of the Party
Gisela, the Broken Blade -> Crown of Doom
Brave the Sands -> Curse of Stalked Prey
Crawlspace -> Skyboon Evangelist

DreadKhan on Claim The Dark

1 year ago

You probably want to add a ton of 1 drops to this, a few you might try out are Falkenrath Gorger, Falkenrath Pit Fighter, and Indulgent Aristocrat. There are also options like Vampire of the Dire Moon and Knight of the Ebon Legion that are probably better but cost more. I think running less than 8 spells that are good turn 1 plays is going to put you behind every game, Modern is a pretty aggressive format in most areas.

People do sometimes run 4 drops in Modern, and rarely higher MV stuff, but 6 drops are a lot of mana, and half the opponent's life might not matter enough if you play it late (half of 10 is a lot smaller of an effect than half of 20), so I feel like you shouldn't run more than x1 Blood Tribute, if any.

If you're very 'all in' on aggro, I feel like Curse of Stalked Prey will feel more playable than Curse of Shaken Faith, those +1/+1 counters add up quickly, while later game people are less likely to double spell. I could see Shaken Faith showing up in a sideboard, but it seems like a strange card in the main deck.

I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but Balustrade Spy seems like a terrible card in here, do you have some synergies with self-mill, or are you hopping to force your opponent to draw lands maybe? I think there are better cards than this. If you have enough life gain effects you could try either/or Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose or Marauding Blight-Priest, either is pretty unpleasant if you've got a bunch of lifelink vampires (Gifted Aetherborn and Vampire Cutthroat are 2 more that are solid, though Vito can give your board Lifelink by himself fwiw).

Strangelove on The Black Rose Grand Theft

2 years ago

Heyo happy to chime in! +1 m8

-allThreaten effects in favor of payoffs like Mob Rule, etc... or sticks like Big Game Hunter, Evil Twin, etc. Once you hit any of these you'll be doing the same thing (from your opponents' POV): soft-locking the board.

-1 Primordial Mist

+1 Sultai Emissary

+6-10 Dusk Legion Zealot, draw, ETC ...I feel like these are MVP and lend to an aristocrats style.

-1 Curse of Stalked Prey... too conditional in the late game

-1 Captivating Crew... too much mana

+1 Vigean Graftmage, or anything that can put counters on Marchesa

+1 Plaguecrafter, etc... these are oppressive engines

With a lot more draw + lower cmc removal/ removal-sticks this will slap!

DankMagicianD on Die, Snowflake!

3 years ago

Last, the cuts. Fellwar Stone was replaced by a more reliable signet. Outpost Siege was just too clunky compared to similar effects. Titan Hunter and Crimson Honor Guard proved too unreliable at triggering for their mana cost. Charging Tuskodon died because my five drops needed trimming and he's too much of a glass cannon. Cleansing Nova has been replaced by more efficient options. It's modal use rarely came up compared to its clunky mana cost. Ruin Raider has proven to be much more effective at killing me than providing card advantage. Curse of Stalked Prey was fun, but often too low value compared to a signet or equipment. A shame, as I really like the card. Finally, Rite of the Raging Storm and Xantcha, Sleeper Agent weren't used well. Giving my opponents creatures does not guarantee they will use them the way I want. Better to give their existing creatures options, to make it seem like it's more their idea.

lagotripha on Speedy pirates

3 years ago

Echoing wallisface, budget aggro lives or dies by casting 1 mana spells as fast as possible.

If you move to straight rakdos colours, you lose only Daring Saboteur and Frantic Inventory , while your mana becomes a lot more reliable.

With the land set here, I'd go so far as to run almost entirely 1 colour with splashes for higher cmc spells.

A few options; Deadeye Tracker + Grasping Scoundrel + Outcast with a focus on 1 and 2 mana black spells - Kitesail Freebooter in particular is good in a black shell with other sources of discard.

Rigging Runner + Daring Buccaneer + Fanatical Firebrand will work well with a focus on fast damage partucularly spells that deal direct damage and like creatures. I'd look at Captain Ripley Vance and the budget staple Curse of Stalked Prey alongside sources of evasion.

Blue as a primary colour has some neat options if you want to go for a more instant-speed tempo game - Siren Stormtamer , Spectral Sailor , & Brineborn Cutthroat , while opening up sideboard tricks like Crafty Cutpurse and cheap past staples like Mana Leak .

There are a few notable pirates to build combos around - Skyship Plunderer , Timestream Navigator , but they don't have a coherent theme which will make builds awkward.

SpookyToe on What Are You Gunna Do, Hit Me?

4 years ago

This is a very creative and cool neck. I'm probably gonna build this now :DD

Here's some ideas to toy around with: Spire Tracer, Treetop Scout, Triumph of the Hordes, Hunted Wumpus, Return of the Wildspeaker, Curse of Stalked Prey, Dragon Mage, Five-Alarm Fire, Hope of Ghirapur, Lust for War, Storm the Citadel

ZendikariWol on Lorge Cat Daddy (Ajani)

5 years ago

I love a player who goes for the flavor win, but I also feel like you could do more to really focus the mechanical identity of your deck.

Cats are associated strongly with equipment, which Ajani plays into with +1/+1 counters, which are also good for beefing up one's creatures. The issue with that is you essentially have 54 deck slots to split between creatures, equipment, ramp, removal, and card draw.

You could also just do tribal. Though cats do not have many lords (the only one you don't have is Regal Caracal), general tribal cards such as Herald's Horn, Adaptive Automaton, Shared Animosity, the Kindred cycle (Kindred Boon, Kindred Summons, and Kindred Charge), Metallic Mimic, Icon of Ancestry, Door of Destinies, Steely Resolve, Obelisk of Urd, or Vanquisher's Banner could serve you well.

You could go more towards Ajani's +1 counter theme, but most of the payoffs for that are non-cat. That said, there are some good noncreature options: Curse of Stalked Prey, Hardened Scales, Doubling Season, Curse of Predation, Hindervines, Inspiring Call, and Mayael's Aria and other power-related payoffs.

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