Spreading Algae

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spreading Algae

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant Swamp

When enchanted land becomes tapped, destroy it.

When Spreading Algae is put into a graveyard from play, return Spreading Algae to its owner's hand.

lukecwolf on Share your hidden gems

1 month ago

I love older cards that still have niche relevance.

  • Order of the Sacred Torch is something I've always wanted to add to my Winota or Heliod cEDH. It's just so weird that it just counters any black spell.

  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is my favorite weird combo. Yes, it gets consistency, but it can run in any deck and you can add Spreading Algae for land destruction like some do in Modern. And then there's weird cards that care about Swamps like Angry Mob and Kormus Bell.

  • Titania's Song was a weird stax piece I like in Mono Green. I've seen people shotgun to kill it because they want their artifacts and stuff.

  • For newer cards, Powerbalance is a new favorite of mine as it gets pseudo card advantage if most players are playing low numbers.

  • Banding is iffy. I'm a little on the fence about that banding thread in the comments, but I won't add to the fire.

lukecwolf on Colorshift Land Control

1 year ago

In my games, 3x Spreading Algae sideboard has been game breaking, but only because of the decks I am weak against. I play a Bant Elf Tempo Deck, and Black decks like Scam or Discard have been my weak point. Algae disrupts tempo so much that destroying just one swamp can end game. And given people play the tri color lands with the leylines, it's always come up.

Blood Moon like cards from my experience have been more good when you know you're going before your opponent, which is something that happens in games like YugiOh or formats like Vintage. As others have mentioned, changing one or two lands might not do much, and most decks still run a few basics.

I'm genuinely interested in seeing how this works as an entire strategy. Blue Moon is a solid legacy deck, but it leverages enough control and flying to win the game. Focusing on color denial and a Yawgmoth like lock seems viable but has its weakpoints against faster decks.

sergiodelrio on Colorshift Land Control

1 year ago

Just came here to throw in the cute Spreading Algae + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth interaction which I, myself never really got a consistent grip on, but it's kind of a thing of its own, and rarely talked about.

Ev1_ on Does Rancor go to hand …

2 years ago

With Mazzy, Truesword Paladin on the board, can i choose to exile Rancor and Spreading Algae?

Yesterday on Spreading algae orb of dreams

3 years ago

It won't. Spreading Algae has a triggered ability (recognisable by beginning with the words when/whenever/at). Its ability will only trigger if its condition is met. In this case, it will only trigger when the permanent that it's attached to becomes tapped. The enchantment doesn't otherwise care about whether the Swamp is tapped or untapped, or how long it's been in that state, or whether it entered the battlefield tapped due to Orb of Dreams.

poulak on Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions

3 years ago

Love the Spreading Algae synergies, how well does it work against the current meta top decks?

MagicMarc on Spreading Algae Deck

4 years ago

The real problem, like Flooremoji pointed out, is that you cannot force them to tap their land unless you add more cards. To stall your game plan, they just need to not tap the land enchanted with Spreading Algae. Once you start losing more card slots just to make it work then it starts looking like a bad combo.

Instead, try something like Kormus Bell + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cower in Fear. You can replace Cower in Fear with a lot of other cards like Doomwake Giant, Ethereal Absolution, Festering March, Profit / Loss, Make Obsolete, Plague Mare, Zealous Persecution and even Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.

Though, I am guessing, a deck built like this wouldn't be popular with the people you play with.

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