Mind Twist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mind Twist


Target player discards X cards at random.

Profet93 on Maha EDH

1 month ago

Beseech the Mirror and Beseech the Queenfoil are additional tutors that might interest you to help you with consistency. More card draw in the form of Syphon Mind and Read the Bones are useful as well to maintain gas and help you get what you need. Dead of Winter might fit well for this deck as another wipe given your snow lands.

Regarding non-creature based decks, what is your meta looking like in terms of that? Is it a lot of blue players? If so, some hand hate in the form of Mind Twist (note, it says random!) as counterbait or Thought Distortion for something as a silver bullet.

Given your commander deck is heavily based on your commander, you should find additional ways to protect it. Whether it's something simple like lightning greaves or swiftfoot boots, or something more generally helpful such as Necropotence to give you additional draw to help with your ward.

I can give you ideas for cuts if you want.

000CBomb000 on Draw a Few Format?

3 months ago

I play Old School and in casual games we have a house rule that we draw two each turn, with no discarding required in the first turn only. It has several advantages:

  • dramatically reduces the likelihood of mana flood/screw.
  • it speeds up games, since you generally play a land and cast at least one spell per turn. Otherwise, with typical draw one, players tend to empty their hands quickly and the game slows down dramatically.
  • it decreases the effectiveness of control decks like The Deck, which aren't fun to play against anyway. It increases the effectiveness of Aggro styles, which are more fun. Creatures are really janky in Old School and they need as much help as they can get.
  • it reduces the advantage of Library of Alexandria, Braingeyser, and Jayemdae Tome, and reduces the disadvantage of Mind Twist, any of which can be nearly fatal in Old School matches.

There is even an Old School variant called "Gentleman's Rules" that bans Library and Mind Twist because they are so powerful in single-draw. In double draw, they are not a problem.

The only downsides:

  • cards that punish card draw get much stronger. Chains of Mephistopheles and Underworld Dreams become very strong, almost problematic. If enacted in a tournament, it would definitely change the meta (maybe that's good!). We would likely have to restrict these.
  • Sylvan Library becomes very strong, and may need to be restricted.

Some of those factors may be relevant to Commander. Definitely try it out!

Profet93 on Toshiro, The Black Swordsman

5 months ago

8netherwind8 +1

Kind of hard to provide meaningful suggestions when the commander switches like that. I will say, that's a pretty cool idea!

At the risk of sounding too unimpactful, perhaps a Sensei's Divining Top to go with Rings? Rings + temple + coffers = are you stated. Adding top allows to draw and cast your entire deck. It's obviously useful on it's own, even better with shuffling effects like fetchlands (which rings turns into ramp) and urborg allows you to keep the fetches "as swamps" while saving them for rings. I made a deck off of that philosophy so that's my bias.

Should you ever want to remove some of the less impactful cards, Mind Twist can put in some work. It's counterspell bait at worst, it can be ramped into in early game crippling one player, and late game just put someone in top decking mode assuming they have no meaningful board presence.

Profet93 on Mind-Gnawer

6 months ago

Cabal Coffers/Cabal Stronghold - Ramp

Deserted Temple - Untap the above / politics

Thespian's Stage/Vesuva - Copy cabal

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Color fixing, not needed but nice to have if you include coffers.

Mind Twist - Random discard, super effective ramped into and as counterspell bait

Imp's Mischief - "Counter" counterspells and redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Given your deck is extremely reliant on your commander, having some protection/bluff ability/utility is very valuable.

Bubbling Muck - Ramp

Feed the Swarm - Enchantment removal

Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discard 1

Vampiric Tutor - Tutor

Profet93 on Tergrid removal pants

6 months ago


I wasn't sure what your budget per card is but this should hopefully not break the bank. I can recommend cuts should you wish

Feed the Swarm - Enchantment removal

Mind Twist - Note it states random, especially effective if ramped into in the early game. Also useful as counterspell bait.

Night's Whisper - Draw

Nightmare Unmaking - Versatile wipe

Sheoldred's Edict/Hero's Downfall - PW Removal

Bubbling Muck - Ramp! Highly recommended. Especially because you're not running urborg

Ill-Gotten Gains - Up to you, could be useful, could backfire.

Barter in Blood - Mass sacrifice

legendofa on The Baron's Coterie

6 months ago

Buried Alive is 3 mana, Demonic Tutor is 2 mana, and Bloodghast is 2 mana. If you cast Buried to dump a Bloodghast, it's still going to take another land play to get the same value as playing Bloodghast directly. I would cut Buried and just add another Bloodghast.

There aren't many repeatable sac outlets that draw cards, but Village Rites and Corrupted Conviction are solid, along with Deadly Dispute. I think these will help you more than long-term draw, but for the sake of completion Phyrexian Arena and Black Market Connections are the standard and top end, respectively.

Next thought is, you have a lot of potential finishers. The Exquisite Bond combo is the most generally useful, in my opinion, and you can get some redundancy with Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose. I would cut Mind Twist and two Exsanguinates for a couple Vitos and a couple more Thoughtseizes for more early advantage. Discard that you choose > random discard > discard that they choose.

Falkenrath Forebear can also work as Vampire-centric sacrifice fodder, especially alongside Voldaren Bloodcaster  Flip if you go hard in this direction, but it's a little less reliable. Maybe just break away from vampires and use another recursive creature.

How much does Surgical Extraction help you? If you're against graveyard decks or combo decks regularly, keep it in main deck. Otherwise, it's sideboard material. As I write that, I realize there's no sideboard listed--do you use sideboards?

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is very good with Cabal Coffers, so keep those together. But how do you use the fetchlands? If it's only to find another basic Swamp, there's no reason not to just use more basic Swamps.

Profet93 on Tinybones, The Pickpocket

6 months ago

LivingThing +1

Nice low avg cmc. I don't think you have enough basics to consistently ramp with Cabal Stronghold. Have you considered swapping it for a Volrath's Stronghold or another utility land such as Buried Ruin to recur one of your artifacts?

What is the wincon, commander damage and/or value from thieving opponent's graves? If it is the former, perhaps a Hatred might serve you well? Or if it's the latter, a Strionic Resonator to double up on casting?

Do you feel you have enough draw, especially given your low avg cmc? A Read the Bones could help. I'm unsure if you're into combos but a Helm of Obedience goes with your voidwalker. It also fits on theme, although it's cmc is relatively high for this build.

Should you wish, Arterial Flow and Mind Twist are additional discard effects. Note that mind twist does say random. I love ramping into it early game and just neutering one opponent to make him easy to hit consistently.

SufferFromEDHD on Sidisi 1CMC Glass Cannon

8 months ago

41.5% of this deck has CMC 0 for a reason. I'm all in on Ad Nauseam. Fantastic suggestions but I have to be very mindful of CMC total. Right now it's at 55 but maybe I'm overthinking it?

Grim Monolith had to double check my list. Was very surprised it is not in. Guessing CMC 2 scared me away but it would allow me to go off a turn earlier.

Necropotence Ad Nauseum #2. Back ups are important. Will slot in.

Snuff Out and Force of Despair I know this deck needs more removal but 7 CMC is a lot of life. Slaughter Pact is truly free. These are guaranteed sideboard cards for certain match ups.

Of your anti blue tech Mind Twist is a great suggestion. Old school power. Conqueror's Flail is a great "can't" but involves too much setup in a creature lite list.

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