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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Spider

Reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)

Whenever Snarespinner blocks a creature with flying, Snarespinner gets +2/+0 until end of turn.

Scytec on Lathril

2 years ago

Ok, to be honest there are only four cards I would remove without being too concerned here: Grizzled Outrider, Sarulf's Packmate, Snarespinner, and Pride of the Perfect. They aren't all bad, they just aren't as good as your other options essentially. When I broke it down, you have a pretty fair amount of each archetype I look for. Not including the four I mentioned above, you have 16 "Ramp" spells, 12 "Interaction" spells, 10 "Draw" spells, and 19 "Raw Value" spells. Not all of these are as efficient as you may want, but each are what I would consider acceptable for sure. One thing I would recommend is looking for additional means of recurring draw, or large draw spells. More cards like Beast Whisperer and Pact of the Serpent. I would also be wary of cards that draw for a death trigger like Twinblade Assassins and Miara, Thorn of the Glade. They are good recurring draw spells, but you really only run one sacrifice outlet with Pyre of Heroes, so you will be relying on your opponents to kill your things for you which isn't ideal. They are still solid options unless you find another card similar to Beast Whisperer which triggers on casting a creature spell. Any time you have a consistent means to keep your hand full is a great time given how many spells you want to be casting each turn and how much mana you will have access to at any given time. I would honestly look at increasing your draw capabilities so you dont empty your hand and just have to sit there playing whatever you draw each turn. Effects like Mind's Eye are good, but slightly worse for you because it isnt also on an elf, so you wont get full value like you will with something like Beast Whisperer. I wrote all the cards down on a sheet of paper to do this, I will throw it in my carrying case so I can give it to you either friday or if i see you before, then. From my earlier recommendations, based on where your deck is currently, I would drop Elves of Deep Shadow and Harvest Season. Both are good cards, but you have plenty of ramp, and most of it is also on an elf which makes it better for you in this list. Tutors (anything that allows you to search your library for a specific card) inherently make a deck more powerful, because you can fetch whatever you need at any given time, so the more of those you include, especially the ones already on elven bodies the more consistently you will hit the cards you really want to see every game. Prime examples would be Elvish Archdruid, Ezuri, Renegade Leader when you get him, and Ruthless Winnower would be the ones that pop up in my mind as amazing cards pretty much every game. Realmwalker would be a really good spell that would fall under the "draw" category because it essentially lets you use the top card of your library as if it were in your hand whenever that card is an elf. I still like Copperhorn Scout and Seedborn Muse here, especially if you do decide to pick up Yeva, Nature's Herald. You dont run many instants, but scout would let you tap down your elves for Lathril's ability your first main phase, you can go to combat swing scout, then untap all your elves and just do it again. Assuming you just do that twice, you drain each opponent for 20 life and gain 20 life yourself. With Seedborn Muse, you can do it at the end of each of your opponents turns, in one rotation of the board, you can drain 30 life and gain 30 life. With Yeva, Nature's Herald you would be able to utilize your land on each opponents turn to cast any green creature spells currently in your hand in addition to tapping them all with Lathril and dealing damage. The synergies that are possible in this deck are somewhat terrifying if I am being honest. Haha. There may come a time when you have to decide if you want to dedicate to combat or tapping with Lathril to really focus the deck down and get it to that next level, but honestly you could make this deck very scary without having to do that. Elves are so good that you can make this at least a 7 on my power scale with a little work (and unfortunately money, elves are a really powerful tribe, and they are popular enough that the good cards for them reflect that in their price). For reference, that is as strong as my Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck and I have spent literal years tuning that one, it is my strongest deck with the exception of my competitive list i built. Haha. Elves are good man.

Rorolith on itsy bitsy spider

3 years ago

As a lower curve, I would take out Blightwidow as you are not intending to win with poison counters and creatures with infect can only do damage in the form of poison counters. You could add in Sporeweb Weaver. I might also consider cutting Juvenile Gloomwidow and add Snarespinner as it is much more likely to outright kill flyer than to just die and give it a -1/-1 counter. I would also cut Kessig Recluse as you are trying to win mostly by using Assault Formation (I assume) and you already have Deadly Recluse and Basilisk Collar for the deathtouch protection. In its place Chainweb Aracnir and you will have a much more aggressive curve to swarm your opponent with and cast Arachnogenesis. You will probably need to add some card draw as well so that you don't run out of fuel. Harmonize or Lead the Stampede in place of Accorder's Shield will make it better. The reason I chose Accorder's Shield is because to bring it out and equip it the same turn will cost and so will bringing out and equipping Slagwurm Armor, but Slagwurm Armor gives more of a buff. The minor upside to Accorder's Shield is that you can drop all of your mana on a spider and then cast Accorder's Shield same turn.

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