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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
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Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Blistercoil Weird
Creature — Weird
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, this gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Untap this.

Madcookie on
2 years ago
Niv-Mizzet, Parun seems like a nice inclusion. For me Blistercoil Weird and Delver of Secrets Flip feels underwhelming in edh you can swap them for some more draw or since you like cipher even Triton Shorestalker and Mist-Cloaked Herald.
Since you asked for card draw suggestions the main staples are X spells like Blue Sun's Zenith,Pull from Tomorrow, 4 CMC type Fact or Fiction / Steam Augury or Behold the Multiverse stuff and cantrips like Brainstorm, Ponder etc. There are also wheels like Windfall. Have you checked Scryfall? Their search engine is rather easy to use.
I still haven't build my Niv deck but I plan to put in the transmute package to find me the three combo pieces
Dizzy Spell for Curiosity
Drift of Phantasms for Tandem Lookout or Ophidian Eye
Hope this helps. Cheers!
wallisface on
Izzet Weird
2 years ago
It looks like its in a fairly decent spot to be honest. I think, if you wanted to make it stronger, the next step would be getting using playsets of the cards that are important to draw (I assume you want a playset of Blistercoil Weird, for example), and upgrading the cards that are currently quite weak (for example, there's a million burn spells better than Shock)
Assuming you're basically trying to make a "prowess" deck, I think you'd want to find room for all those Sprite Dragon you currently have in the maybeboard.
nicochulo on
Weird Storm (Temur-ish)
3 years ago
Grubbernaut Well, maybe I'm worrying too much about the fizzle possibility, but due to the fact that this deck aims to be almost 100% optimized towards the combo, any chances to make it fizzle require much attention.
As it is right now, the deck doesn't have much use for the added mana. If you used this cantrip, you'd require one extra source of mana and you'd cantrip as usual and get 1 more mana as a bonus. This'd mean that, with the 2 mana in the pool and the 1 mana the Blistercoil Weird taps for, you'd be able to cast a 3-mana cantrip, or two 2-mana cantrips as the chain progresses. I could see a build where this is benefitial, maybe you go for a storm backup with Grapeshot , or want to get more power with Fists of Flame , or maybe you really wish to make sure you don't fizzle with Ideas Unbound , but otherwise idk what the idea would be
nicochulo on
Weird Storm (Temur-ish)
3 years ago
Grubbernaut the thing is, Paradise Mantle is the core of this deck XD
Without it, there'd be no incentive at all to run this deck, it is awfully suboptimal at best otherwise. The idea is abusing the untap effect of the Blistercoil Weird to ensure an infinite supply of mana for cantrips, that allows this deck to have wins as early as Turn 2. Manamorphose could be a good deal if I chose to get more greedy with the spells I want to be able to cast, but it really hinders the ability of this deck to win in one turn, so I'll add it on the maybeboard in case somebody wishes to go for a higher risk/higher reward build that can slot in some more expensive cantrips.
RambIe on About Urza's Saga in cEDH
3 years ago
im running Galazeth Prismari . i run a lot of cast untap creatures Blistercoil Weird , Blisterspit Gremlin , Thermo-Alchemist etc. and i put in Urza's Saga thinking it would be good to fetch Paradise Mantle . so far i have found a lot of weird unexpected uses for it. example one game turn 3 i tapped it floating a colorless, sacked it for a Seat of the Synod and casted Snap . with the same method of floating a mana it can also fetch and activate Sensei's Divining Top at your upkeep. its not broken but i've never been disappointed by its resolve i mean even in worse case it can always fetch a sol ring or indestructible artifact land
wallisface on Less clutter?
3 years ago
The revamp is better but not by any notable margin - both decks have too much inconsistency to pick up on the differences from game-to-game.
I think you need to work towards getting playsets of your cards. The following list below just uses more copies of what you’re already running, and will play significantly stronger than what you’ve got now:
- 4x Blazing Salvo
- 3x Counterflux
- 1x Cyclonic Rift
- 2x Dispel
- 2x Electrickery
- 4x Lightning Bolt
- 2x Beacon Bolt
- 4x Mizzium Mortars
- 4x Blistercoil Weird
- 2x Crackling Drake
- 2x Guttersnipe
- 4x Pteramander
- 4x Sprite Dragon
- 9x Island
- 4x Izzet Guildgate
- 9x Mountain
orzhovboss on
$5 Aggro Aggro
3 years ago
Wouldn't it be better to run Satyr Hoplite instead of Blistercoil Weird ? Cheaper on the market and a bit better, in my opinion.
sergiodelrio on Looking for (virtual-/) 1-drops w/ …
3 years ago
Hi folks!
So I want to see how I could capitalize more on Stubborn Denial and Ponder ing creative options.
Please suggest creatures, of any color, that could be cast for 1 mana, or less, and have or easily gain a power stat of 4 or more.
Here's what I got so far:
- Vexing Devil
- Death's Shadow
- delve creatures Gurmag Angler and the likes
- landfallers Steppe Lynx and the likes
- prowess creatures Monastery Swiftspear , Blistercoil Weird et al
- Archfiend's Vessel
- Serra Ascendant
- Slumbering Dragon
- Hollow One
+++ Edit:
- Convoke/improvise creatures
- Chandra's Incinerator
- (pseudo) evolvers Experiment One , Champion of the Parish
- Jace's Phantasm
- Pact of the Titan
- Vengevine
Levellers are off the table, they just need too much mana to pump.
Which ones am I missing? Not looking for creatures that get pumped by a specific other spell, but rather pump as I play, or get heavy cost reduction. I really need stuff that reaches power 4 quickly and/or easily and not jump through too many hoops.
Thanks in advance!