Darksteel Relic

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Darksteel Relic


Darksteel Relic is indestructible.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

1 month ago

legendofa I’m back with some more. As always, weed out whatever you deem unsuitable. Sometime’s it’s difficult to tell what I’m looking at in some of these cards, sort of inverted pareidolia.


Umara Raptor normally I’d say the perspective is a little strange, but after watching a few falconer videos on YouTube this is indeed the usual positioning of the arm.

Cast Through Time

Semblance Anvil reflection is reversed, but I think this one probably fits the criteria.

•Trigons of Corruption, Infestation, Mending, Rage, Thought.


Disfigure (zendikar set, idk the abbreviation offhand to pull up the correct version here) perspective is questionable

Expedition Mapfoil we might be looking through someone’s eyes, but it’s certainly not whoever those hands belong to.

Recurring Insight this one doesn’t make any sense. How can we be looking into the reflection of someone’s eye and see ourselves looking in the opposite direction? Maybe this was from a scrapped M.C. Escher crossover set

Sphinx-Bone Wand hands, and probably FPP, but almost certainly not from the point of view of whoever that hand belongs to.

Suffer the Past if the tendrils count as hands, yes. If not, nah

World at War angle is too low I think.

Dissipation Field Honestly not sure. Are we looking through that woman’s eyes and seeing her own reflection? Or are we seeing a distorted image of her inside said dissipation field?

Furnace Celebration I don’t think there’s anything here, but I’m not 100%.

Sword of Body and Mind and Sword of Feast and Famine and Sword of War and Peace could potentially be FPP, but that would be strange.

Darksteel Relic the angle is off

Rally the Forces is like Furnace Celebration. Not positive, but probably nothing here.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Ensoul 8-whack (SOO MUCH SYNERGY!!!)

1 year ago

Very nice! I love smashing in with a 5/5 Darksteel Relic on turn 2 :)

SilencedDax on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …

1 year ago

Hi DreadKhan!

Than you for the ideas! I really like the ones you mentioned, seems great Vorthos targets for the Lich, a so much valuable object like the Crown it's perfect target haha Following the "empire" cycle you mentioned: Hand of Vecna, Eye of Vecna and The Book of Vile Darkness seem great and flavour objectives.

I like all the indestructible artifacts: Stuffy Doll, Creepy Doll, Darksteel Axe, Darksteel Citadel, Darksteel Forge, Darksteel Ingot, Darksteel Juggernaut, Darksteel Pendant, Darksteel Plate, Colossus of Akros, Darksteel Colossus, Darksteel Myr, Darksteel Relic, Kaldra Compleat, Shield of Kaldra, Necron Monolith, That Which Was Taken. I do not note the worse indestructible cards

The arficat lands as you say it would be great, at least I can be use the mono-black artifact lands (maybe there's only one).

If it was dimir or golgari I could use more liches but I can't, it's a pitty

Thank you for the ideas!

plakjekaas on Thoughts on Kenku

2 years ago

If you look up the Baldur's Gate release notes and find the entry for Kenku Artificer, it is mentioned that "The artifact retains any types, subtypes, or supertypes it has."

The "it's still a land"-part is only needed when the ability has to target a land, and adds a type to it (usually makes it a creature). Kenku Artificer's ability can target a Darksteel Relic, so any "it's still a land"-clause would confuse more than it helps in that case. Which is why they don't mention it on the card, I presume.

vishnarg on Jankest/Worst Artifacts

2 years ago

Nothing beats the do-nothing ability of Darksteel Relic. Here are some others:

Tower of Coireall


Cyclopean Snare

legendofa on Ensoul-a-thopter

2 years ago

Darksteel Relic could be fun in here alongside the Mistvault Bridges. A copy or two of The Blackstaff of Waterdeep would be a slightly weaker but more reusable animator.

The Illusory Angels seem a little out of place. You have options for cheap, evasive creatures with the core of the deck, so maybe those spots can be used for Counterspells or removal.

wereotter on My Zedruu deck

3 years ago

For my own Zedruu deck, I found more so than giving away nasty bombs, I did better to draw into more answer and bigger threats by giving away garbage. Things that are neither a benefit to the person I give them to nor are they explicitly going to hurt them. They're just kind of there drawing me extra cards.

If you're interested, some cards that went this route include: Darksteel Relic, Sphere of the Suns, Transmogrifying Wand, Pentad Prism, Weapon Rack, Marit Lage's Slumber (at least if you're in a group with people not running snow lands), Absolute Grace. Also you could run a few other effects that give themselves away like Humble Defector, Perplexing Chimera, Shuriken, and Chromeshell Crab. Also another newer meaner card to give away to maybe consider is Fires of Invention since it will limit when and how many spells an opponent can play.

glhfJKiHax on Zurgo Helmsmasher cEDH

3 years ago

I'm curious as to why Darksteel Relic is in the deck? Is there some interaction here that I am missing?

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