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Sacred Sanctuaries

Commander / EDH*



This deck is only public so that I can have it pinned to my profile for quick access.

36 Lands

12 Ramp Pieces ~(48-50 Mana Pieces)

10 Card Advantage (Draw+)

8 - 10 Single Target Removal

2 - 4 Board Wipes

1 Graveyard Removal

1 Graveyard Recursion

Frank Karstens formula for number of lands. 31.42 + 3.13 * average mana value of your spells – 0.28 * number of cheap card draw or mana ramp spells.

Additional consideration from a compet player: "I consider targeted removal, counterspells, board wipes, and even reactive protection spells like Heroic Intervention all under in the same category of "interaction." I try to have 10-20 pieces of interaction total, usually hovering around 15."

Furthermore, "Every part of your deck should synergize as much as possible. Not only in an obvious way like using Ravenous Chupacabra in your Horror Tribal deck, but even when the synergy is as thin as "I can use high cost interaction because I always end my turn with all my lands untapped." -Justification for me to use removal cards that are enchantments.

my understanding Deck ratio's are of course influenced by what the deck wants to do. My deck wants to stay alive and slow down the board so I can get my upkeep triggers. Therefore, I believe it should be fine to run more "interaction" as it will synergize with the deck and its overall goal.

Current interaction summary: 2 bw, 4 counterspells 7 single target removal 1 recursion 1 gy hate (15 total) I would consider pillowfort and stax effects as interaction from my own personal interpretation of the compet players thoughts. 4 pillowfort cards (pay x to attack me) 2 enchantment shrouds 1 "can't be countered" 1 heroic intervention

23 interaction total.


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96% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Copy Clone, Shrine, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
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