Wall of Tanglecord

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wall of Tanglecord

Artifact Creature — Wall


{{G}}: Wall of Tanglecord gains reach until end of turn. (It can block creatures with flying.)

DatShepTho on Arcades, Defender Commander

7 months ago

Some suggestions:

Excavated Wall

Fortified Rampart

Orator of Ojutai

Wall of Tanglecord

Slaughter the Strong

Flumph also makes the game a bit more fun

There's also the possibility to use Hold the Gates if you wished to swamp out some basics for some gates

keizerbuns on Prepare to get WALLoped

1 year ago

Thanks for checking out my deck zapyourtumor!

I'm sure I could drop down to 3 copies of Arcades, the Strategist and still be fine, but he's probably the most important creature in the deck since getting him out almost guarantees I'll never have an empty hand, so I like playing a full set for the added consistency even if it means a bit of redundancy.

Wall of Tanglecord was only added to the mainboard to help against decks with lots of flyers but that's more of a sideboard thing anyways and you make a good point about not having very many 1 drops so I think I'll take your advice and replace them with 3 Perimeter Captain. I would replace Secret Door with the 4th Captain but I just really like having something to dump all of my mana into when I get the infinite mana combo out.

Thassa's Intervention may not be a great early game card but it's amazing mid-late game. When you get the infinite mana combo out then it just becomes a 2-card tutor with the added bonus of having a counter spell stapled onto it in case someone tries to board wipe me.

CoCo and Aether Vial are definitely straight upgrades but like you said they're out of my price range for this deck.

Thanks for the suggestions!

zapyourtumor on Prepare to get WALLoped

1 year ago

I feel like you should only need 3 Arcades. Even though he is the main engine of the deck and a removal magnet, he's still a legendary 4 drop.

I think some number of copies of Perimeter Captain could be moved to the mainboard, as it's generally the best one drop in these types of decks. Since you have so many 2 drops and not many one drops, I'd cut Secret Door and Wall of Tanglecord for 4 Captains maindeck.

Thassa's Intervention seems like a very strange pick.

I feel like this deck really wants Collected Company or Aether Vial, although they are probably out of your price range. Both of those cards have dropped a decent amount in price though, so if you ever want to upgrade the deck I think one of those two cards would be a decent choice.

Thebestnoob on Tricksy Wolves

2 years ago

If you want creatures will high toughness you can put Wall of Frost for 3 mana. Steel Wall is only 1 mana or for 2 mana you can put Wall of Tanglecord in your deck. All of which is modern legal

cheffireball on Balls to the Walls

3 years ago

Portcullis Vine is ok if your flooding, Saruli Caretaker and Tinder Wall can ramp, Tuktuk Rubblefort gives your walls haste to tap for mana faster, Winding Way and Lead the Stampede are great draw effects in green if your mostly creatures and last but not least Freed from the Real gives you infinite mana if you control a creature that taps for more than 1 blue (Axebane Guardian comes to mind).

I would cut Wall of Tanglecord and some of the burn spells. Walls that just block are really bad vs decks with board clears or non-combat wincons. And more than 1-2 burn spells are unnecessary for your deck to win. If you do add Winding Way or a similar card, consider Valakut Invoker or just big beaters like Boarding Party .

There is a popular pauper deck called "walls combo" that this deck is very similar to. Walls combo can go off turn 3-4 very consistently while also having a lot of defenders. Check it out: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/archetype/pauper-walls-combo#paper

TheVectornaut on Death Touch Green Boi

3 years ago

I'll just go through the mainboard cards I would personally cut first. Ancient Ooze : very big but requires trample or the like to actually do anything at 7 mana. Copper Myr : almost objectively worse here than most green mana dorks. Ezuri's Archers : not impactful enough in the main without a devotion or elf theme. Ghoultree : your creatures are too big to be dying that often and you want them alive anyway. Lumberknot : similar story to Ghoultree. Spawnwrithe : needs to be built around. Wall of Tanglecord : wastes the benefits of any Overrun effects. Predator's Rapport : more of a sideboard card unless burn is really popular. Reclaim : very slow and lacking enough good targets. Serpent's Gift : redundant and inefficient if you just run enough deathtouch creatures. Tower Defense : are there really enough flyers going around to have this in the main? Windstorm : see above. Spider Spawning : if this is what you're running Transguild Promenade for, it's not worth it without more GY synergy. Accorder's Shield : vigilance isn't impactful enough with no exert, tap abilities, or much else to abuse it. Brawler's Plate : very costly for the buff. Golden Urn : much worse than even the Rapport. Staff of the Wild Magus : staffs aren't even strong enough to do well in dedicated lifegain decks, unfortunately.

I'd say all of your maybeboard picks are better than the aforementioned cards. I'll list some other alternatives that come to my mind though. Primordial Hydra and Kalonian Hydra are some budget-unfriendly but highly dangerous beaters that you can get out relatively early. Joraga Treespeaker (or maybe Elvish Archdruid ) would make your archers much better by letting them double as mana dorks. Otherwise, I like Arbor Elf with Utopia Sprawl type auras on your forests to help ramp. If you prefer the vigilance idea, Champion of Rhonas is a budget Elvish Piper that likes not tapping in combat. If you like walls, Overgrown Battlement and Axebane Guardian can get ridiculous mana going. They also benefit from Assault Formation which synergizes with Tower Defense. In terms of small creatures with reach, Traproot Kami is my clear pick for mono-green, especially in multiplayer. If you need to add trample, Rancor is excellent value. If you need recursion, Eternal Witness should be near the top of the list. If you're struggling with flyers, maybe try Gravity Well . If you need more life, Engulfing Slagwurm likes forced blocks while Verdant Sun's Avatar likes playing beefy guys.

Given what you have already, I think shifting to include more deathtouch creatures and Lure s would be the most optimal plan. Viridian Longbow and Thornbite Staff are some other equipment that benefit from that strategy. For the creatures, Ohran Frostfang is a casual-only option that's completely busted in commander, and I'm always a sucker for Wasteland Viper 's versatility at only 1 mana.

lagotripha on Hydratic Rampage

4 years ago

I highly reccomend avoiding expensive cards for first decks- if you are going to spend >$5 on a card, you want to be picking up a card that fits into lots of decks as a format staple (for green, stuff like Birds of Paradise). A lot of cards are expensive because there isn't enough supply for a format (in whiptongue's case, commander), rather than them being the best options. There are diminishing returns on copies of legendary creatures too, and no shortage of inexpensive cards that never quite made the cut into modern that are super fun. Old standard staples are frequently <$0.30

If there are hydras you want to spend money one anyway, pick up one and run tutors like Uncage the Menagerie.

If you get bored, start messing around with synergies; a lot of 5/6/7 drops are playable in a green ramp shell like this- some will perform outstandingly, and others can sit it out with minor cost.

In terms of fighting fliers, Grappling Sundew, Wall of Tanglecord or Traproot Kami offer a delay, there is a lot of cheap spot removal like Aerial Volley, multiplayer options like Clip Wings, sweepers like Corrosive Gale/Hurricane/Skyreaping, options to turn flying into a downside like Bower Passage/Dense Canopy, utility answers like Crushing Canopy and Crushing Vines, 'total shutdown' effects like Elvish Skysweeper, Scattershot Archer or Gravity Well.

Then there are options like a 'fight' subtheme using your own fliers- allowing for answers to more than just flying Foe-Razer Regent is a lot of fun, Frontier Siege is cute, Kraul Harpooner has seen competitive modern play in sideboards.

I really reccomend packing in one answer and a couple of planned search effects- knowing that Uncage the Menagerie can get you a Vastwood Hydra/Overgrown Battlement/Kraul Harpooner makes it decent when you only have a few options, while it encourages a relaxed and varied decklist.

Feed the clan sees great sideboard play for a reason- its a good card when facing lightning bolt effects, but if they have repeatable damage it starts looking lackluster. I'd look at creatures with lifegain stapled on- Gilded Goose will be rotating soon, and so should get cheap and remain somewhat relevant in that neiche, while cards like Healer of the Glade, Pelakka Wurm or Oracle of Nectars do the thing in the meantime.

Finally, the 'I'm optimising a deck' thing- with 24 basic lands you can swap for 2-3 utility lands. There are budget cards that fix major problems without competing for slots; Emergence Zone against counterspells, Labyrinth of Skophos/Mystifying Maze to Fog attackers, small-scale lifegain like Sapseep Forest/Glimmerpost/Radiant Fountain, card advantage like Memorial to Unity, manlands like Treetop Village or threats like Rogue's Passage.

The reason deckbuilding in casual magic is so fun is that there is rarely a 'right' answer- there are about twenty ways to solve any problem, and its more about which one you enjoy more than what exactly you pick. I had a deck which aimed to use Gutter Grime with Brindle Boar and Gristleback for a while and it did great. Look around, don't worry too much about optimising and have fun.

Spell_Slam on Mono Black Pauper because why not

4 years ago

Pestilence decks are a known archetype in Pauper. They are most notably in Orzhov colours, which help with many aspects of the deck.

As fun as it is to win with Pestilence (one of my favourite cards!), Crypt Rats is a great addition for consistency and because it can be recurred with cards like Unearth and deals its damage in chunks, making it possible to draw the game in some scenarios.

Most pauper decks have pretty small creatures, so deploying a few x/3 is often enough to have your Pestilence survive and establish a pretty good soft-lock. Something like Cuombajj Witches goes a really long way in keeping your enchantment alive and is also excellent removal in this format. Thorn of the Black Rose is incredible on an empty board and also has the prerequisite 3 toughness.

If you want to keep it mono-black, there's also Cemetery Gate and Wall of Tanglecord that have big butts to survive damage and also block for you in the early game.

If you move into White, you have a lot more options. Kor Skyfisher, Aven Riftwatcher, Thraben Inspector, Guardian of the Guildpact, Palace Sentinels... not to mention all the pro-Black cards you gain access to and the versatile removal.

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