Corrosive Gale

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Corrosive Gale


Corrosive Gale deals X damage to each creature with flying.

zapyourtumor on Big Fish (Merfolk Combo)

2 years ago

Sorry about the late response; this deck looks really interesting. I like how it doesn't go all-in on the combo and sort of attacks on two axes, going wide with merfolk and going tall with leviathans.

Do you find that you have enough targets for fold? I feel like Simic Sky Swallower isn't really worth it since, even though you can hardcast it, it only costs 1-2 more mana to hardcast than combo it in and lose 2 cards. I think going up to 2 Inkwell might be better. I guess Incubation can help dig for fatties. I also like the synergy with Stormtide Leviathan stopping your opponents' creatures from attacking and allowing yours to attack unblocked. Stuff like Mosswort Bridge is also pretty cool.

Another concern I have is the curve. Tide Shaper being 1 or 2 cmc definitely helps, but I feel like you have a lot more 2 cmc cards. You could maybe lower the curve a little with Kumena's Speaker.

Corrosive Gale is some nice sideboard tech, I might try that out myself. I look forward to seeing where the deck goes!

lagotripha on $15 G Tron

3 years ago

I really like this as a budget list.

A few options for taking it to fnm with a sideboard;

Cool X cost spells that are sideboardable - Corrosive Gale is colourless vs fliers, while Hurricane deals symetrical damage to players, which can jank out someone who fetched and put fear into people running shadow.

Mascot Exhibition doesn't need to be in the sideboard it puts a lot of bodies on the board. Vivien's Arkbow didn't find its neiche, and thus is cheap.

Chaos Wand and Mimic Vat can solo win grindy matchups.

Avarice Totem is a hilarious answer to a lot of cards that are otherwise unanswerable, if reliant on your opponent not having mana. Swapping stuff back and forth to remove it from combat becomes an entire instant speed back and forth game.

Orbs of Warding turns off a lot of decks.

zAzen7977 on Rackdos pyro vs. spirits help.

3 years ago

Besides Pyroclasm which will kill your own creatures, Corrosive Gale seems like a good solution. You can pay 2 life to cast it, then spend the exact amount of mana you need to kill all the flying spirits at once.

lagotripha on Hydratic Rampage

4 years ago

I highly reccomend avoiding expensive cards for first decks- if you are going to spend >$5 on a card, you want to be picking up a card that fits into lots of decks as a format staple (for green, stuff like Birds of Paradise). A lot of cards are expensive because there isn't enough supply for a format (in whiptongue's case, commander), rather than them being the best options. There are diminishing returns on copies of legendary creatures too, and no shortage of inexpensive cards that never quite made the cut into modern that are super fun. Old standard staples are frequently <$0.30

If there are hydras you want to spend money one anyway, pick up one and run tutors like Uncage the Menagerie.

If you get bored, start messing around with synergies; a lot of 5/6/7 drops are playable in a green ramp shell like this- some will perform outstandingly, and others can sit it out with minor cost.

In terms of fighting fliers, Grappling Sundew, Wall of Tanglecord or Traproot Kami offer a delay, there is a lot of cheap spot removal like Aerial Volley, multiplayer options like Clip Wings, sweepers like Corrosive Gale/Hurricane/Skyreaping, options to turn flying into a downside like Bower Passage/Dense Canopy, utility answers like Crushing Canopy and Crushing Vines, 'total shutdown' effects like Elvish Skysweeper, Scattershot Archer or Gravity Well.

Then there are options like a 'fight' subtheme using your own fliers- allowing for answers to more than just flying Foe-Razer Regent is a lot of fun, Frontier Siege is cute, Kraul Harpooner has seen competitive modern play in sideboards.

I really reccomend packing in one answer and a couple of planned search effects- knowing that Uncage the Menagerie can get you a Vastwood Hydra/Overgrown Battlement/Kraul Harpooner makes it decent when you only have a few options, while it encourages a relaxed and varied decklist.

Feed the clan sees great sideboard play for a reason- its a good card when facing lightning bolt effects, but if they have repeatable damage it starts looking lackluster. I'd look at creatures with lifegain stapled on- Gilded Goose will be rotating soon, and so should get cheap and remain somewhat relevant in that neiche, while cards like Healer of the Glade, Pelakka Wurm or Oracle of Nectars do the thing in the meantime.

Finally, the 'I'm optimising a deck' thing- with 24 basic lands you can swap for 2-3 utility lands. There are budget cards that fix major problems without competing for slots; Emergence Zone against counterspells, Labyrinth of Skophos/Mystifying Maze to Fog attackers, small-scale lifegain like Sapseep Forest/Glimmerpost/Radiant Fountain, card advantage like Memorial to Unity, manlands like Treetop Village or threats like Rogue's Passage.

The reason deckbuilding in casual magic is so fun is that there is rarely a 'right' answer- there are about twenty ways to solve any problem, and its more about which one you enjoy more than what exactly you pick. I had a deck which aimed to use Gutter Grime with Brindle Boar and Gristleback for a while and it did great. Look around, don't worry too much about optimising and have fun.

APPLE01DOJ on Lack of Flying control and …

5 years ago

Corrosive Gale ,

Sadly, Whirlwind is not modern legal.

Firespout is the go to for a lot of decks.

Plummet also exists.

CivilizedSin on Superstition, Fear, & Jealousy | Sidisi EDH

6 years ago

Hey, thanks a ton for the recommendations! The bow, to me, doesn't serve as much purpose as I'd like against flyers- by only dealing 2 damage, the biggest threat I feel like it could take out would be a Kaalia of the Vast (not to say that's not a highly important, but it's extremely narrow in a matchup I'd likely be on the back foot from the getgo anyway), and I believe it's main role would be, as you'd mentioned previously, anti-graveyard-hate (anti-anti-graveyard?).

Bitterblossom is one of my favorite cards of all time! Unfortunately, this deck has zero lifegain, and plans on running every single fetch and shock land it can. Despite being a 40 life format, the addition of Bitterblossom when I'm already paying so much just to maintain my land/colour consistency would put me on a very real clock compared to some other EDH decks.

You've already outlined my main aversions for Chronozoa and Hornet Nest, although the latter is somewhat more appealing because I'm inherently a fan of kitchen table politics, and it's a huge enabler of such.

However, when it comes to Nyx Weaver, I think you're right. It does everything I want it to do- stocks the graveyard, blocks a flier, and recurs an important piece as needed. I'm thinking of rotating Creeping Corrosion back out for it- thoughts?

The rest of the cards mentioned are a little too linear for my tastes- this deck thrives on it's flexibility, and unfortunately the rest mentioned shoehorn themselves into their specific roles. Spidersilk Armor is probably the most intriguing, but ends up as not only a dead slot in hand if my opponent's air force isn't threatening, but is also a dead slot in the grave due to the fact of it being a non-creature. Unfortunately, the same can be said for Corrosive Gale!

I'm thinking of rotating in Bone Shredder. Whether this ends up being in place of Shriekmaw or in addition to it remains to be seen. It seems like quite a mana investment (even at just ), but with the potential to kill one flyer and then block another, it seems like it may be worth... Although I'm not entirely convinced yet.

Lastly, I've gotten a few games in with Path of Discovery and I gotta say I'm seriously impressed- every game it's been in my hand I've windmill slammed it onto the table as soon as possible, and have gotten fantastic value out of it. Similar to Embalmer's Tools, it's usually overlooked by opponents until it's too late and I enjoy that a lot! So thank you!

Izu_Korasu on Golgari Scavenge

6 years ago

it might be worth swapping Corrosive Gale out for either Needle Storm, Hurricane or Windstorm or Squall Line ... but Arashi, the Sky Asunder allows for scavenge-able instant speed flying hate

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